新秀の介の日記 [Debian]
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- 2005-05-07(土)#p02 file-roller 2.10.2-1
- 2005-05-23(月)#p02 近頃のUnstable
- 2005-05-27(金)#p03 kernel
- 2005-06-07(火)#p01 Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 Released
- 2005-06-08(水)#p03 GNOME 2.10
- 2005-06-15(水)#p02 ATOK for Linux アップデートモジュール
- 2005-06-15(水)#p03 GNOME 2.10
- 2005-06-17(金)#p04 Sylpheed 2.0beta2
- 2005-06-19(日)#p02 Kernel 2.6.12
- 2005-06-21(火)#p04 atokx2 17.0-2.0-2
- 2005-06-22(水)#p02 im-switch
- 2005-06-24(金)#p01 速報 2005/06/24 08:24 更新 Linuxカーネルに脆弱性、修正のアップデート公開
- 2005-06-25(土)#p03 kernel
- 2005-06-27(月)#p01 今日のunstable
- 2005-06-27(月)#p02 menu-xdg
- 2005-06-28(火)#p05 Debian辞典
- 2005-07-01(金)#p04 ATOK for Linux アップデートモジュール
- 2005-07-02(土)#p02 Kernel
- 2005-07-03(日)#p02 GNOME 2.10
- 2005-07-06(水)#p02 apt-getで署名エラーが出た場合
- 2005-07-06(水)#p03 GCC 4.0 as the default GCC / C++ ABI change
- 2005-07-09(土)#p02 USBメモリ
- 2005-07-09(土)#p03 gnome-volume-manager
- 2005-07-14(木)#p03 x.org 6.8.2.dfsg.1-2
- 2005-07-16(土)#p01 xorg 6.8.2.dfsg.1-1
- 2005-07-17(日)#p01 mozilla-firefox 1.0.99+deerpark-alpha2-1
- 2005-07-17(日)#p04 xorg 6.8.2.dfsg.1-2
- 2005-07-18(月)#p03 Debian Sid Moves to X.Org
- 2005-07-18(月)#p04 xorg 6.8.2.dfsg.1-2
- 2005-07-19(火)#p03 xorg 6.8.2.dfsg.1-3
- 2005-07-20(水)#p02 Kernel
- 2005-07-23(土)#p01 ftp-master.d.o, db.d.o down due to relocation
- 2005-07-24(日)#p02 Linux WORLD 9月号
- 2005-07-24(日)#p03 Sylpheed 2.0beta6
- 2005-07-25(月)#p04 nautilus 2.10.1-3
- 2005-07-27(水)#p02 FTP.d.o
- 2005-07-28(木)#p03 ftp-master.d.o, db.d.o back online
- 2005-07-29(金)#p01 2005/07/29 Sylpheed 2.0.0 リリース
- 2005-07-29(金)#p04 今日のunstable
- 2005-07-31(日)#p04 aspell 0.60.3-4
- 2005-08-03(水)#p03 sylpheed 2.0.0-1
- 2005-08-07(日)#p04 synaptic 0.57.3
- 2005-08-19(金)#p03 base-config 2.70
- 2005-08-20(土)#p05 kernel
- 2005-08-27(土)#p01 GNOME2.10
- 2005-09-03(土)#p02 GNOME 2.10
- 2005-09-03(土)#p03 Kernel 2.6.13
- 2005-09-05(月)#p03 gnome-session 2.10.0-7
- 2005-09-10(土)#p02 Kernel 2.6.13
- 2005-09-13(火)#p03 xorg-x11 6.8.2.dfsg.1-7
- 2005-09-17(土)#p01 Kernel
- 2005-09-18(日)#p03 Drag'n Drop
- 2005-09-19(月)#p03 Kernel
- 2005-09-23(金)#p02 Sylpheed
- 2005-09-24(土)#p02 Firefox 1.0.7 debパッケージ
- 2005-09-29(木)#p02 dhcp3-common 3.0.3-3
- 2005-10-01(土)#p01 manpages-ja
- 2005-10-09(日)#p02 Kernel
- 2005-10-09(日)#p03 GNOME 2.12
- 2005-10-09(日)#p05 udev 0.070-3
- 2005-10-11(火)#p03 rpm 4.4.1-1
- 2005-10-12(水)#p02 manpages-ja
- 2005-10-14(金)#p04 xchat2.4.5
- 2005-10-16(日)#p01 Can't start
- 2005-10-23(日)#p02 Openoffice.org 2.0.0-1
- 2005-10-25(火)#p03 USB mouse
- 2005-10-27(木)#p04 synaptic
- 2005-10-28(金)#p04 gtkorphan 0.2.1-1
- 2005-10-29(土)#p03 sysklogd
- 2005-10-30(日)#p02 Kernel 2.6.14
- 2005-11-02(水)#p06 Kernel 2.6.14-2
- 2005-11-02(水)#p08 gtkorphan 0.2.1-1
- 2005-11-03(木)#p01 gtkorphan 0.2.1-1
- 2005-11-04(金)#p02 openoffice.org 2.0.0-2
- 2005-11-05(土)#p04 openoffice.org-help-ja 2.0.0-1
- 2005-11-08(火)#p03 x.org
- 2005-11-11(金)#p03 grep 2.5.1.ds2-3
- 2005-11-12(土)#p01 grep 2.5.1.ds2-4
- 2005-11-12(土)#p05 Adobe Reader 7.0
- 2005-11-18(金)#p01 GNOME 2.12
- 2005-11-19(土)#p02 Kernel 2.6.14-3
- 2005-11-21(月)#p01 Can't build...
- 2005-11-22(火)#p02 GNOME 2.12
- 2005-11-23(水)#p01 GNOME 2.12
- 2005-11-24(木)#p04 GNOME 2.12
- 2005-11-28(月)#p03 EHCIが見つからない?
- 2005-11-29(火)#p02 udev 0.076-3
- 2005-12-05(月)#p03 マウスカーソル
- 2005-12-07(水)#p03 起動時の問題
- 2005-12-08(木)#p05 hal-device-manager
- 2005-12-10(土)#p01 Kernel 2.6.14-5
- 2005-12-12(月)#p02 linux-image
- 2005-12-16(金)#p02 GNOME 2.12
- 2005-12-17(土)#p02 dbus 0.60-1
- 2005-12-18(日)#p01 時刻
- 2005-12-18(日)#p02 firefox 1.5.dfsg-1
- 2005-12-22(木)#p08 hal-device-manager
- 2005-12-23(金)#p01 gnome-cd 2.12.0-2
- 2005-12-26(月)#p04 stellarium 0.7.1-1
- 2006-01-04(水)#p02 xorg 6.9.0.dfsg.1-1
- 2006-01-05(木)#p02 apt GPG鍵
- 2006-01-06(金)#p02 dbus 0.60-4
- 2006-01-07(土)#p01 xorg 6.9.1.dfsg.1-2
- 2006-01-07(土)#p02 kernel 2.6.15
- 2006-01-08(日)#p04 uim + anthy
- 2006-01-09(月)#p01 GNOME 2.12
- 2006-01-15(日)#p03 Kernel 2.6.15-2
- 2006-01-18(水)#p02 util-linux 2.12r-4
- 2006-01-19(木)#p04 OpenOffice.org 2.0.1-2
- 2006-01-21(土)#p04 Sargeのインストール
- 2006-01-22(日)#p03 flashplugin-nonfree 7.0.61-1
- 2006-01-23(月)#p04 menu-xdg 0.2.2
- 2006-01-24(火)#p05 xft
- 2006-01-30(月)#p01 ビルドエラー
- 2006-02-04(土)#p02 hal-device-manager 0.5.6-2
- 2006-02-05(日)#p02 接続不可
- 2006-02-06(月)#p03 libxft-dev
- 2006-02-12(日)#p01 接続不可
- 2006-02-12(日)#p04 gnome-screensaver 0.0.24-1
- 2006-02-12(日)#p05 日本語のbold表示
- 2006-02-15(水)#p03 sylpheed 2.2.0-1
- 2006-02-22(水)#p02 xchat 2.6.1-1
- 2006-02-28(火)#p03 xulrunner
- 2006-03-20(月)#p03 GNOME 2.14
- 2006-03-22(水)#p04 linux-2.6 2.6.16-1
- 2006-03-25(土)#p01 libxft-dev
- 2006-03-30(木)#p02 nvidia-kernel-source 1.0.8178-3
- 2006-03-31(金)#p04 sylpheed 2.2.4-1
- 2006-04-02(日)#p03 GNOME 2.14
- 2006-04-02(日)#p04 gnome-power-manager 2.14.0
- 2006-04-07(金)#p02 cairo 1.0.4-1
- 2006-04-09(日)#p01 nvidia-kernel-source 1.0.8756-1
- 2006-04-12(水)#p03 xorg 1:7.0.0-2
- 2006-04-13(木)#p04 nvidia-glx 1.0.8756-4
- 2006-04-15(土)#p02 x11-common 7.0.11
- 2006-04-15(土)#p06 apt-listchanges 2.59-0.2
- 2006-04-16(日)#p02 x11-common 7.0.12
- 2006-04-17(月)#p02 GNOME 2.14
- 2006-04-27(木)#p02 linux-image-2.6 2.6.16-10
- 2006-04-27(木)#p03 libcairo2 1.0.4-2.1
- 2006-04-28(金)#p04 apt-listchanges 2.59-0.2
- 2006-04-30(日)#p01 GNOME 2.14
- 2006-05-10(水)#p02 gnome-panel 2.14.1-1
- 2006-05-15(月)#p03 uim-applet-gnome
- 2006-05-17(水)#p03 Debian Mailing Lists
- 2006-05-18(木)#p04 gnome-utils 2.14.0-1
- 2006-05-19(金)#p02 Sun Java available from non-free
- 2006-05-23(火)#p02 cvs 1:1.12.13-2
- 2006-05-27(土)#p02 libasound2 1.0.11-5
- 2006-05-30(火)#p03 libasound2 1.0.11-7
- 2006-06-04(日)#p02 GNOME 2.14
- 2006-06-06(火)#p01 GNOME 2.14
- 2006-06-06(火)#p05 totem-mozilla 1.4.1-2
- 2006-06-07(水)#p04 gtk2-engines 1:2.6.8-2
- 2006-06-08(木)#p02 GCC
- 2006-06-10(土)#p01 GNOME 2.14
- 2006-06-12(月)#p02 uim-applet-gnome
- 2006-06-15(木)#p03 Google Earth 4 Beta for Linux
- 2006-06-16(金)#p01 python2.4-minimal 2.4.3-7
- 2006-06-21(水)#p03 dbus 0.62-1
- 2006-06-22(木)#p03 dbus 0.62-2
- 2006-06-25(日)#p02 xchat 2.6.4-2
- 2006-07-01(土)#p03 linux-headers-2.6.17-1
- 2006-07-02(日)#p03 メイリオ
- 2006-07-04(火)#p02 apt-listchanges 2.59-0.3
- 2006-07-04(火)#p03 libcairo 1.2.0-1
- 2006-07-09(日)#p01 linux-image-2.6.17-1-k7
- 2006-07-09(日)#p03 gnome-system-monitor 2.14.4-1
- 2006-07-11(火)#p03 initramfs-tools 0.68b
- 2006-07-15(土)#p02 Debian-Installer daily build
- 2006-07-16(日)#p03 hal-device-manager 0.5.7-2
- 2006-07-17(月)#p01 Mailing List Archives
- 2006-07-18(火)#p02 Mailing List Archives
- 2006-07-18(火)#p04 googleearth-package 0.0.1
- 2006-07-27(木)#p03 hal-device-manager 0.5.7-2
- 2006-07-28(金)#p03 hal-device-manager 0.5.7-2
- 2006-07-30(日)#p03 DVD-RW
- 2006-08-01(火)#p04 Disks Manager
- 2006-08-02(水)#p03 今日のunstable
- 2006-08-04(金)#p02 今日のunstable
- 2006-08-07(月)#p03 linux-image 2.6.17-5
- 2006-08-09(水)#p02 今日のUnstable
- 2006-08-11(金)#p02 GNOME
- 2006-08-18(金)#p03 udev 0.097-1
- 2006-08-20(日)#p03 klibc 1.4.19-2
- 2006-08-21(月)#p04 Gtk210Transition
- 2006-08-23(水)#p02 xserver-xorg-core 1:1.1.1-3
- 2006-08-25(金)#p02 xorg-server-core 2:1.0.2-10
- 2006-08-26(土)#p02 [Bug #384707]gedit can cause xorg to restart unexpectedly
- 2006-08-27(日)#p02 x.org 7.1
- 2006-08-28(月)#p03 apt-listchanges 2.63
- 2006-09-01(金)#p03 uim 1.2.1-2
- 2006-09-02(土)#p01 [Bug #385637]fails to upgrade
- 2006-09-03(日)#p02 Cannot upgrade
- 2006-09-08(金)#p02 udev 0.100-1
- 2006-09-09(土)#p02 sysvinit 2.86.ds1-18
- 2006-09-09(土)#p03 stellarium 0.8.1-1
- 2006-09-11(月)#p04 uim 1:1.2.1-3
- 2006-09-14(木)#p03 fontconfig 2.4.0-4
- 2006-09-16(土)#p02 fontconfig 2.4.0-x
- 2006-09-17(日)#p03 flashplugin-nonfree
- 2006-09-17(日)#p04 fontconfig 2.4.x
- 2006-09-18(月)#p02 続fontconfig 2.4.x
- 2006-09-21(木)#p03 x.org 7.1
- 2006-09-22(金)#p02 nvidia-graphics-drivers 1.0.8774-3
- 2006-09-27(水)#p02 sylpheed 2.2.7-1+b1
- 2006-10-02(月)#p05 gnomebaker 0.6.0-1
- 2006-10-03(火)#p04 sylpheed 2.3.0~beta1-1
- 2006-10-06(金)#p01 Google Earth for Linux 4.0.2091
- 2006-10-09(月)#p02 今日のunstable
- 2006-10-10(火)#p02 anacron 2.3-12
- 2006-10-12(木)#p03 sylpheed 2.3.0~beta2-1
- 2006-10-12(木)#p04 anthy 7900-1
- 2006-10-16(月)#p01 IceDove
- 2006-10-16(月)#p02 今日のUnstable
- 2006-10-19(木)#p02 Adobe Flash Player 9 Beta
- 2006-10-20(金)#p04 GNOME 2.16
- 2006-10-21(土)#p02 nvidia-graphics-drivers 1.0.8776-1
- 2006-10-21(土)#p03 GNOME 2.16
- 2006-10-22(日)#p03 compiz
- 2006-10-23(月)#p02 DebianDesktopArtwork/WallpapersEtch
- 2006-10-23(月)#p04 linux-2.6 2.6.18-3
- 2006-10-23(月)#p05 GNOME 2.16
- 2006-10-24(火)#p02 Debian etch will ship with GNOME 2.14
- 2006-10-26(木)#p03 hal-device-manager
- 2006-10-27(金)#p02 Compiz
- 2006-10-28(土)#p05 totem 2.16.2-2
- 2006-10-29(日)#p03 flashplugin-nonfree
- 2006-10-31(火)#p01 Facts about Debian and Mozilla Firefox
- 2006-11-01(水)#p04 Debian Weekly News - October 31st, 2006
- 2006-11-03(金)#p02 xchat 2.6.8-0.1
- 2006-11-07(火)#p04 Google Earth 4.0.2413 (beta)
- 2006-11-10(金)#p01 DebianDesktopArtwork/EtchRC1
- 2006-11-12(日)#p02 flashplugin-nonfree
- 2006-11-12(日)#p04 sylpheed 2.3.0~beta5-1
- 2006-11-18(土)#p03 JapaneseEnvironment
- 2006-11-18(土)#p05 Release update: Etch+1 = Lenny, Call for Testing, Time shift
- 2006-11-20(月)#p04 iceweasel 2.0+dfsg-1
- 2006-11-21(火)#p03 iceweasel 2.0+dfsg-1
- 2006-11-22(水)#p03 flashplugin-nonfree
- 2006-11-23(木)#p02 flashplugin-nonfree
- 2006-11-29(水)#p02 linux-image 2.6.18-6
- 2006-11-30(木)#p03 linux-image-2.6.18-3
- 2006-12-02(土)#p02 iceape 1.0.6-1
- 2006-12-05(火)#p02 cdrkit 9:1.1.0-1
- 2006-12-07(木)#p02 sun-java5 1.5.0-10-1
- 2006-12-10(日)#p04 xchat 2.6.8-0.3
- 2006-12-14(木)#p06 synaptic 0.57.11
- 2006-12-26(火)#p04 GNOME 2.16
- 2007-01-07(日)#p02 Debian JP Project
- 2007-01-12(金)#p02 acroread 7.0.9-0.0
- 2007-01-18(木)#p03 sun-java6 6-00-2
- 2007-01-21(日)#p01 flashplugin-nonfree
- 2007-01-21(日)#p02 gnome-vfs2 2.16.3-3
- 2007-01-22(月)#p02 gnome-vfs2 1:2.14.2-5
- 2007-01-27(土)#p01 linux-image-2.6.18-4-k7 2.6.18.dfsg.1-9
- 2007-01-30(火)#p03 jd 1:1.8.5~rc070121-cvs20070130-1
- 2007-01-31(水)#p02 jd 1:1.8.5~rc070121-cvs20070130-2
- 2007-02-04(日)#p03 linux-2.6 2.6.18.dfsg.1-10
- 2007-02-14(水)#p04 anthy 8607-1
- 2007-02-23(金)#p02 linux-2.6 2.6.18.dfsg.1-11
- 2007-02-26(月)#p02 iceweasel
- 2007-03-03(土)#p02 GNOME 2.16
- 2007-03-04(日)#p03 GNOME 2.16
- 2007-03-07(水)#p02 gnome-terminal 2.16.1-4
- 2007-03-09(金)#p04 GNOME 2.16
- 2007-03-12(月)#p03 uim 1:1.4.0-2
- 2007-03-13(火)#p03 gnome-panel 2.16.3-1
- 2007-03-18(日)#p02 GNOME 2.18?
- 2007-03-18(日)#p05 Bug #390659 : rss-glx: Move .desktop entries to /usr/share/applications
- 2007-03-24(土)#p01 sylpheed 2.4.0~beta5-1
- 2007-03-26(月)#p02 GNOME 2.18
- 2007-04-07(土)#p04 「電源がとても少なくなっています」
- 2007-04-08(日)#p05 Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 released
- 2007-04-10(火)#p04 linux-2.6 2.6.20-1
- 2007-04-12(木)#p02 大量アップグレード
- 2007-04-14(土)#p01 Accepted gtk+2.0 2.10.11-2 (source i386 all)
- 2007-04-15(日)#p04 メーリングリストアーカイブ
- 2007-04-17(火)#p04 GNOME 2.18
- 2007-04-20(金)#p02 linux-image-2.6.20-1-k7 2.6.20-2
- 2007-04-23(月)#p03 nvidia-kernel-source 1.0.9755-1
- 2007-04-24(火)#p02 uim 1:1.4.1-3
- 2007-04-25(水)#p03 vte 1:0.16.2-1
- 2007-04-27(金)#p04 Google Earth 4.0.2735.0
- 2007-04-28(土)#p01 avahi 0.6.18-4
- 2007-04-28(土)#p02 synaptic
- 2007-04-29(日)#p06 Kernel 2.6.20
- 2007-04-30(月)#p04 beryl
- 2007-05-01(火)#p05 beryl 0.2.0
- 2007-05-02(水)#p03 Bug #415216 : gnome-control-center: Some event sounds do not work
- 2007-05-06(日)#p03 Bug #415216 : gnome-control-center: Some event sounds do not work
- 2007-05-08(火)#p03 rss-glx 0.8.1-5
- 2007-05-09(水)#p02 rss-glx 0.8.1-6
- 2007-05-12(土)#p03 googleearth-package 0.1.0
- 2007-05-17(木)#p02 gcc-4.2 4.2-20070516-1
- 2007-05-17(木)#p05 gnome-system-monitor
- 2007-05-19(土)#p03 Bug #419943 : inux-2.6: CONFIG_PARAVIRT breaks some external modules
- 2007-05-21(月)#p02 evince 0.8.1-2
- 2007-05-24(木)#p04 Linux kernel 2.6.21
- 2007-05-26(土)#p02 linux-source-2.6.21 2.6.21-3
- 2007-05-29(火)#p03 poppler 0.5.4-5
- 2007-06-02(土)#p03 libxine1 1.1.6-2
- 2007-06-17(日)#p05 openoffice.org 2.2.1
- 2007-06-18(月)#p02 nvidia-graphics-drivers 100.14.06-1
- 2007-06-20(水)#p02 nvidia-graphics-drivers 100.14.09-1
- 2007-06-24(日)#p04 openoffice.org 2.2.1-2+b2
- 2007-06-26(火)#p03 linux-source-2.6.21 2.6.21-5
- 2007-07-03(火)#p03 nvidia-graphics-drivers 100.14.11-1
- 2007-07-09(月)#p05 TopicDebianDevel
- 2007-07-11(水)#p02 glibc 2.6-2
- 2007-07-12(木)#p03 anthy 9100-1
- 2007-07-15(日)#p01 libopal-2.2 2.2.8~dfsg1-1
- 2007-07-17(火)#p02 libopal-2.2 2.2.8~dfsg1-2
- 2007-07-20(金)#p03 linux-image-2.6.22
- 2007-07-22(日)#p04 Linux kernel 2.6.22
- 2007-07-24(火)#p04 linux-source-2.6.22 2.6.22-2
- 2007-07-25(水)#p04 vte 1:0.16.6-2
- 2007-07-26(木)#p03 vte 1:0.16.6-3
- 2007-07-30(月)#p03 gnome-menus 2.18.3-2
- 2007-07-31(火)#p03 udev 0.113-2
- 2007-08-02(木)#p04 iceweasel
- 2007-08-05(日)#p03 uim 1:1.4.1-5
- 2007-08-08(水)#p02 glibc 2.6.1-1
- 2007-08-31(金)#p03 linux-source-2.6.22-4
- 2007-09-02(日)#p01 gcc
- 2007-09-05(水)#p04 Google Earth 4.2.0180.1134
- 2007-09-15(土)#p01 libc6-dev 2.6.1-4
- 2007-09-22(土)#p02 GNOME 2.20
- 2007-09-23(日)#p01 GNOME 2.20
- 2007-09-23(日)#p03 nvidia-glx 100.14.19-1
- 2007-09-25(火)#p03 libgtkhtml3.14-19
- 2007-09-25(火)#p05 acroread 8.1.1-0.2
- 2007-09-26(水)#p02 libgtkhtml 3.16.0-2
- 2007-09-27(木)#p02 totem 2.20.0-2
- 2007-09-28(金)#p04 Compiz Fusion
- 2007-09-30(日)#p02 GNOME 2.20
- 2007-09-30(日)#p04 epiphany-browser 2.2.0-2
- 2007-10-03(水)#p04 nautilus 2.20.0-1
- 2007-10-07(日)#p02 GNOME 2.20
- 2007-10-08(月)#p02 Debian Wiki Portal
- 2007-10-10(水)#p02 gedit 2.20.1-1
- 2007-10-11(木)#p02 gedit 2.20.1-2
- 2007-10-12(金)#p02 w32codecs 1:20071007-0.0
- 2007-10-18(木)#p03 ekiga 2.0.11-2
- 2007-10-19(金)#p04 net-tools 1.60-17.1
- 2007-10-23(火)#p02 linux-kernel 2.6.22-5
- 2007-10-24(水)#p02 GNOME
- 2007-10-25(木)#p02 hal 0.5.10-2
- 2007-10-30(火)#p03 gnome-device-manager 0.2-1
- 2007-11-01(木)#p02 GNOMEが起動できない
- 2007-11-13(火)#p02 今日のunstable
- 2007-11-13(火)#p04 linux-kernel 2.6.22-6
- 2007-11-15(木)#p02 sylpheed 2.4.7-1
- 2007-11-24(土)#p01 Accepted glibc 2.7-1 (source all amd64)
- 2007-11-26(月)#p02 libc6 2.7-1
- 2007-12-02(日)#p02 GTK+ 2.12.2-1
- 2007-12-03(月)#p03 gnome-session 2.20.2-1
- 2007-12-07(金)#p02 flashplugin-nonfree
- 2007-12-08(土)#p02 linux-source-2.6.23 2.6.23-1
- 2007-12-22(土)#p01 linux-source-2.6.23 2.6.23-2
- 2007-12-24(月)#p01 今日のDebian unstable
- 2007-12-30(日)#p01 Iceowl
- 2008-01-06(日)#p04 Deb Creator
- 2008-01-07(月)#p05 mozilla-openoffice.org 1:2.3.1-3
- 2008-01-10(木)#p03 googleearh-package 0.4.3
- 2008-01-11(金)#p02 sylpheed 2.4.8-1
- 2008-01-11(金)#p03 totem-mozilla 2.20.3-1
- 2008-01-11(金)#p05 BIOSアップグレード
- 2008-01-12(土)#p02 googleearh-package 0.4.3
- 2008-01-13(日)#p02 マシンセットアップ
- 2008-01-13(日)#p05 nvidiaドライバではまったこと
- 2008-01-14(月)#p02 jfbterm
- 2008-01-14(月)#p03 googleearh-package 0.4.3
- 2008-01-14(月)#p05 libxine1 1.1.9-1
- 2008-01-15(火)#p02 aptitude upgrade後の再ログイン
- 2008-01-16(水)#p02 Bug #445616 : gdm: Problem on reboot ?
- 2008-01-20(日)#p01 nvidiaドライバ
- 2008-01-20(日)#p02 Bug #459151 : Code using <iostream> and -fno-rtti -finline-functions no longer compiles
- 2008-01-24(木)#p05 grub-splashimages 1.2.2
- 2008-01-27(日)#p02 CANON iP4500
- 2008-01-28(月)#p02 googleearth-package 0.5.0
- 2008-01-28(月)#p05 CANON iP4500*その2
- 2008-01-30(水)#p02 今日のunstable
- 2008-01-31(木)#p02 libgstreamer0.10-0 0.10.17-1
- 2008-01-31(木)#p04 linux-kernel-source-2.6.24
- 2008-02-01(金)#p04 gnome-system-monitor 2.20.2-1
- 2008-02-01(金)#p06 OpenOffice.orgでアンチエイリアスを有効に
- 2008-02-03(日)#p02 nvidia-graphics-drivers 169.09-1
- 2008-02-05(火)#p03 rss-glx 0.8.1-9
- 2008-02-06(水)#p03 CANON iP4500*その3
- 2008-02-07(木)#p02 linux-source-2.6 2.6.24-3
- 2008-02-09(土)#p02 acroread 8.1.2-0.0
- 2008-02-09(土)#p03 Bug #461769 : ITP: fusion-icon -- tray icon to launch and manage Compiz Fusion
- 2008-02-09(土)#p05 CANON iP4500*その4
- 2008-02-11(月)#p03 CANON iP4500*その5
- 2008-02-12(火)#p03 linux-source 2.6.24-4
- 2008-02-16(土)#p02 pcre3 7.6-2
- 2008-02-16(土)#p04 CANON iP4500*その6
- 2008-02-18(月)#p01 今日のUnstable
- 2008-02-18(月)#p05 system-config-printer 0.7.81-1
- 2008-02-19(火)#p06 フロッピーディスクドライブ
- 2008-02-22(金)#p03 wine 0.9.54-1
- 2008-02-23(土)#p03 fusion-icon 0.0.0+git20071028-1
- 2008-02-24(日)#p03 VirtualBox 1.5.6
- 2008-02-25(月)#p04 VirtualBox 1.5.6 - その2
- 2008-02-26(火)#p03 cupsys 1.3.5-2
- 2008-02-26(火)#p05 VirtualBox 1.5.6 - その3
- 2008-02-28(木)#p02 compiz 0.6.3~git20080115.0ea58487-1
- 2008-03-01(土)#p01 Logitech LX8
- 2008-03-02(日)#p03 IPAフォント
- 2008-03-07(金)#p04 apt-listchanges 2.82
- 2008-03-09(日)#p02 Bug #469730 : [PATCH] for the new pdftops filter - add support for custom pagesize (needed by firefox 3 beta 3)
- 2008-03-09(日)#p03 CANON iP4500*その7
- 2008-03-11(火)#p04 GNOME 2.22
- 2008-03-16(日)#p04 gnome-system-monitor 2.22.0-1
- 2008-03-20(木)#p06 Bug #471730 : libgnomekbd1: Fails to install due to problem with dependencies
- 2008-03-21(金)#p02 libdjvulibre21 3.5.20-5
- 2008-03-23(日)#p03 totem-mozilla 2.20.0-1
- 2008-03-24(月)#p02 iceweasel 3.0~b3-1
- 2008-03-24(月)#p03 libgnomekbd2 2.22.0-1
- 2008-03-24(月)#p05 VirtualBox 1.5.6 - その4
- 2008-03-25(火)#p02 今日のGNOME
- 2008-03-27(木)#p03 VirtualBox 1.5.6 - その5
- 2008-03-29(土)#p02 linux-2.6 2.6.24-5
- 2008-03-31(月)#p02 openoffice.org 1:2.4.0-3
- 2008-03-31(月)#p05 Cool'n'Quiet
- 2008-04-03(木)#p06 Cool'n'Quiet*その2
- 2008-04-07(月)#p02 libstlport4.6ldbl 4.6.2-3.1
- 2008-04-08(火)#p02 libstlport4.6ldbl 4.6.2-3.2
- 2008-04-08(火)#p04 Compiz Fusion
- 2008-04-10(木)#p03 nvidia-kernel-source 169.12-1
- 2008-04-13(日)#p07 NetGenesis SuperOPT-GFive
- 2008-04-14(月)#p02 console-data 2:1.07-1
- 2008-04-15(火)#p04 console-data 2:1.07-2
- 2008-04-18(金)#p04 Google Earth 4.3.7191.6508
- 2008-04-20(日)#p03 linux-source 2.6.24-6
- 2008-04-21(月)#p02 sun-java6 6-06-1
- 2008-04-22(火)#p04 Gnome/nautilus vs gnome-volume-manager
- 2008-04-23(水)#p03 cupsys 1.3.7-2
- 2008-04-25(金)#p02 cupsys 1.3.7-5
- 2008-04-25(金)#p04 ビデオカード
- 2008-04-26(土)#p03 KernelFAQ - Debian Wiki
- 2008-04-29(火)#p05 Compiz Fusionでウィンドウの影が出ない
- 2008-05-02(金)#p04 Problem with 3d windows tearing and flickering
- 2008-05-06(火)#p03 linux-source 2.6.25-1
- 2008-05-06(火)#p05 VirtualBox 1.6.0
- 2008-05-11(日)#p03 GNOME 2.22
- 2008-05-13(火)#p05 linux-source 2.6.25-2
- 2008-05-15(木)#p02 linux-source 2.6.25-3
- 2008-05-15(木)#p03 Adobe、「Flash Player 10」のβ版公開
- 2008-05-15(木)#p04 Moonlight 1.0が正式リリース
- 2008-05-16(金)#p02 totem-xine 2.2.22-2
- 2008-05-21(水)#p04 evince
- 2008-05-22(木)#p02 Bug #481644 : FTBFS: Cannot find totem-plugin.h and totem.h
- 2008-05-23(金)#p02 totem 2.22.2-3
- 2008-05-25(日)#p04 gnome-core 1:
- 2008-05-27(火)#p04 nvidia-kernel-source 169.12-3
- 2008-05-28(水)#p02 GNOME 2.22
- 2008-05-28(水)#p04 linux-source 2.6.25-4
- 2008-06-01(日)#p03 totem-mozilla 2.22.3-3
- 2008-06-03(火)#p03 libinklevel4 0.7.3-1
- 2008-06-04(水)#p02 gcc-defaults 1.73
- 2008-06-06(金)#p03 Bug #483840 : Conflicts with gnome-system-tools 2.20.0-6
- 2008-06-06(金)#p04 VirtualBox 1.6.2
- 2008-06-10(火)#p03 PulseAudio 0.9.10-2
- 2008-06-11(水)#p02 cups 1.3.7-6
- 2008-06-13(金)#p03 linux-source 2.6.25-5
- 2008-06-13(金)#p05 PulseAudio 0.9.10-2*その2
- 2008-06-15(日)#p05 PulseAudio 0.9.10-2*その3
- 2008-06-16(月)#p05 system-tools-backends 2.6.0-1
- 2008-06-17(火)#p02 nvidia-kernel-source 173.14.05-1
- 2008-06-20(金)#p02 nvidia-graphics-drivers 173.14.09-1
- 2008-06-23(月)#p02 sylpheed 2.5.0-1
- 2008-06-26(木)#p02 nautilus 2.22.3-1
- 2008-06-28(土)#p02 linux-source-2.6 2.6.25-6
- 2008-06-29(日)#p02 sylpheed 2.5.0-1
- 2008-07-03(木)#p03 ttf-liberation 1.04~beta2-2
- 2008-07-04(金)#p02 Flash Player 10 Beta 2
- 2008-07-11(金)#p03 sun-java6 6-07-1
- 2008-07-13(日)#p02 openjdk-6 6b10dfsg-1
- 2008-07-15(火)#p02 openjdk-6 6b10dfsg-2
- 2008-07-15(火)#p03 linux-2.6 2.6.25-7
- 2008-07-17(木)#p05 gnome-menus 2.22.2-2
- 2008-07-19(土)#p02 acroread 8.1.2.su1-0.0
- 2008-07-20(日)#p04 libgtk2.0-0 2.12.11-2
- 2008-07-20(日)#p05 etchでのFirefox3起動させかたメモ
- 2008-07-21(月)#p01 libgtk2.0-0 2.12.11-2*その2
- 2008-07-22(火)#p02 libgtk2.0-0 2.12.11-3
- 2008-07-27(日)#p04 ATOK X3 for Linux
- 2008-08-01(金)#p02 画面左上の影
- 2008-08-01(金)#p04 Bug #469267 : Leave lot of .nautilus/saved-session- like files
- 2008-08-01(金)#p05 VirtualBox 1.6.4
- 2008-08-04(月)#p03 linux-source-2.6.26 2.6.26-1
- 2008-08-08(金)#p02 DebianDesktopArtworkLenny
- 2008-08-09(土)#p02 linux-source 2.6.26-2
- 2008-08-11(月)#p03 gnome-audio 2.22.1-1
- 2008-08-12(火)#p02 Flash Player 10 release candidate
- 2008-08-13(水)#p01 ATOK X3 for Linux*その2
- 2008-08-22(金)#p04 linux-source 2.6.26-3
- 2008-08-24(日)#p01 poppler-data 0.2.0-1
- 2008-08-24(日)#p05 PulseAudio 0.9.10-2
- 2008-08-29(金)#p02 linux-source-2.6 2.6.26-4
- 2008-08-31(日)#p01 Compiz Fusion 0.7.7+git20080830.shame-0
- 2008-09-01(月)#p03 "Lenny"の次は"Squeeze"らしい
- 2008-09-02(火)#p04 VirtualBox 1.6.4*その2
- 2008-09-02(火)#p05 vboxgtk 0.4.0-1
- 2008-09-07(日)#p05 VirtualBox 2.0
- 2008-09-10(水)#p03 compiz-fusion-plugins-extra 0.7.7+git20080901.shame-0
- 2008-09-10(水)#p05 VirtualBox 2.0.0用言語ファイル
- 2008-09-11(木)#p02 linux-source-2.6.26 2.6.26-5
- 2008-09-13(土)#p05 VirtualBox 2.0.2
- 2008-09-20(土)#p04 VirtualBoxでSATA HDにWindows XPをインストール
- 2008-09-23(火)#p05 totem-gstreamer 2.22.2-4
- 2008-09-25(木)#p06 linux-source-2.6 2.6.26-6
- 2008-09-28(日)#p05 VirtualBoxでLinuxホストWindows XPゲストの時のCPU利用率
- 2008-10-01(水)#p02 xulrunner
- 2008-10-02(木)#p03 linux-source-2.6 2.6.26-7
- 2008-10-02(木)#p04 VirtualBox 2.0.2のフォント
- 2008-10-05(日)#p04 今日のunstable
- 2008-10-07(火)#p04 system-config-printer 1.0.0-3
- 2008-10-09(木)#p04 openoffice.org 1:2.4.1-10
- 2008-10-11(土)#p03 linux-source-2.6 2.6.26-8
- 2008-10-13(月)#p04 Bug #501901 : please package pulseaudio-0.9.13 for unstable/experimental
- 2008-10-15(水)#p03 米Adobe、「Flash Player 10」を正式にリリース
- 2008-10-17(金)#p02 sun-java6 6-10-2
- 2008-10-19(日)#p02 linux-source-2.6 2.6.26-9
- 2008-10-21(火)#p02 pulseaudio 0.9.13-1
- 2008-10-23(木)#p03 flashplayer-mozilla 1:
- 2008-10-24(金)#p02 flashplugin-nonfree 1:1.7.2+fp10.20080811
- 2008-10-24(金)#p04 VirtualBox 2.0.4
- 2008-11-01(土)#p01 USBメモリ
- 2008-11-01(土)#p04 pulseaudio 0.9.13-1
- 2008-11-02(日)#p03 pulseaudio 0.9.13-1*その2
- 2008-11-09(日)#p02 linux-source-2.6 2.6.26-10
- 2008-11-16(日)#p05 マウスカーソルテーマのインストール
- 2008-11-24(月)#p04 VirtualBox 2.0.6
- 2008-11-27(木)#p02 linux-source-2.6 2.6.26-11
- 2008-11-30(日)#p04 NScripts 3.5
- 2008-12-02(火)#p02 今日のunstable
- 2008-12-04(木)#p03 acroread-debian-files 0.0.27
- 2008-12-06(土)#p03 openoffice.org 1:3.0.0-5
- 2008-12-06(土)#p06 openoffice.org 1:3.0.0-5*その2
- 2008-12-08(月)#p01 flashplugin-nonfree 1:1.8.1
- 2008-12-15(月)#p04 GNOME 2.24
- 2008-12-16(火)#p02 linux-source-2.6 2.6.26-12
- 2008-12-18(木)#p04 VirtualBox 2.1.0
- 2008-12-23(火)#p03 nvidia-graphics-drivers 177.82-1
- 2008-12-23(火)#p06 Bug #509453 : /usr/lib/openoffice/program/soffice is x86_64 binary in an Arch: all package
- 2008-12-24(水)#p02 openoffice.org 1:3.0.1~rc1-2
- 2008-12-28(日)#p03 Adobe AIR 1.5
- 2009-01-07(水)#p04 epiphany-browser 2.22.3-9
- 2009-01-11(日)#p02 linux-source-2.6.26 2.6.26-13
- 2009-01-12(月)#p05 VirtualBox 2.1.0*その2
- 2009-01-13(火)#p02 nvidia-graphics-drivers 180.22-2
- 2009-01-15(木)#p02 openoffice.org 1:3.0.1~rc2-1
- 2009-01-19(月)#p05 Linux kernel 2.6.28
- 2009-01-22(木)#p04 VirtualBox 2.1.2
- 2009-01-24(土)#p05 gnome-mplayer 0.9.3-1
- 2009-01-25(日)#p02 linux-source-2.6.28 2.6.28-1~experimental.1~snapshot.12608
- 2009-01-25(日)#p05 Moonlight 1.0
- 2009-01-26(月)#p02 Moonlight 1.0*その2
- 2009-01-26(月)#p04 EarthBrowser
- 2009-01-28(水)#p02 openoffice.org 1:3.0.1-1
- 2009-01-29(木)#p03 VirtualBox 2.1.2のゲストOSでUSB接続のプリンタに印刷できない
- 2009-01-30(金)#p03 Deb-GView
- 2009-01-30(金)#p05 VirtualBox 2.1.2のゲストOSでUSB接続のプリンタに印刷できない*その2
- 2009-02-03(火)#p03 googleearth-package 0.5.4
- 2009-02-04(水)#p04 GNOME 2.24
- 2009-02-04(水)#p06 Google Earth 5.0
- 2009-02-06(金)#p05 linux-source-2.6.28 2.6.28-1~experimental.1~snapshot.12688
- 2009-02-08(日)#p04 sun-java6-jre 6-12-1
- 2009-02-11(水)#p02 pulseaudio 0.9.14-1
- 2009-02-12(木)#p04 pulseaudio 0.9.14-1*その2
- 2009-02-15(日)#p04 Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 がリリース
- 2009-02-16(月)#p02 今日のunstable
- 2009-02-17(火)#p02 今日のunstable
- 2009-02-17(火)#p06 VirtualBox 2.1.4 released
- 2009-02-18(水)#p03 moonlight 1.0-0.0
- 2009-02-19(木)#p02 今日のunstable
- 2009-02-23(月)#p02 glibc 2.9-3
- 2009-02-23(月)#p05 libesd-alsa0 0.2.41-2
- 2009-02-24(火)#p03 linux-source-2.6.28 2.6.28-1
- 2009-02-25(水)#p04 Flash Player 10.0 r22
- 2009-02-25(水)#p05 Adobe AIR 1.5.1
- 2009-02-26(木)#p03 Bug #517168 : libgnomevfs2-0: Uninstallable in sid
- 2009-02-26(木)#p04 OpenOffice.org 3のアンチエイリアスを有効にする
- 2009-02-28(土)#p02 shared-mime-info 0.60-1
- 2009-03-01(日)#p06 nvidia-graphics-drivers 180.29-1
- 2009-03-03(火)#p04 ATOK X3 for Linux アップデートモジュール 2009.03.03更新版
- 2009-03-04(水)#p02 shared-mime-info 0.60-2
- 2009-03-04(水)#p05 Compiz Fusion 0.7.8をtarballからインストールする
- 2009-03-06(金)#p03 GNOME 2.24
- 2009-03-08(日)#p02 pulseaudio 0.9.14-2
- 2009-03-09(月)#p02 GNOME 2.24
- 2009-03-10(火)#p03 Compiz 0.8.2
- 2009-03-11(水)#p05 moonlight 1.0.1-0.0
- 2009-03-12(木)#p04 moonlight 1.0.1-0.0*その2
- 2009-03-14(土)#p02 gnome-system-tools 2.22.1-2
- 2009-03-15(日)#p03 user-dirs.dir
- 2009-03-16(月)#p02 Compiz 0.8.2*その2
- 2009-03-17(火)#p04 ATOK X3 for Linuxの設定変更
- 2009-03-20(金)#p02 gnome-icon-theme 2.24.0-3
- 2009-03-21(土)#p02 Bug #520499 : lsb-base upgrade breaks init scripts at least of gdm
- 2009-03-22(日)#p02 フォント
- 2009-03-23(月)#p02 フォント*その2
- 2009-03-23(月)#p04 gnome-system-tools 2.22.1-2*その2
- 2009-03-25(水)#p03 linux-source-2.6.29 2.6.29-1
- 2009-03-25(水)#p04 Adobe Reader 9.1
- 2009-03-26(木)#p02 gnome-icon-theme 2.24.0-4
- 2009-03-27(金)#p03 udev 0.140-1
- 2009-03-28(土)#p03 linux-source-2.6.29 2.6.29-1*その2
- 2009-03-29(日)#p03 alsa-utils 1.0.19-1
- 2009-03-30(月)#p02 sun-java6 6-13-1
- 2009-03-30(月)#p03 gnome-control-center
- 2009-03-31(火)#p04 gnome-control-center*その2
- 2009-04-02(木)#p02 sylpheed 2.6.0-2
- 2009-04-03(金)#p02 libcanberra 0.11-1(gnome-control-center*その3)
- 2009-04-04(土)#p03 サウンドのボリューム
- 2009-04-05(日)#p02 linux-source-2.6 2.6.29-2
- 2009-04-06(月)#p04 Debian、FreeBSDカーネル採用 - ユニバーサルOS目指す
- 2009-04-07(火)#p02 Preparing for GTK 3.0 and GNOME 3
- 2009-04-08(水)#p03 GNOME 2.24
- 2009-04-08(水)#p05 VirtualBox 2.2.0
- 2009-04-09(木)#p04 VirtualBox 2.2.0*その2
- 2009-04-12(日)#p05 nvidia-kernel-source 180.44-1
- 2009-04-13(月)#p02 nvidia-kernel-source 180.44-2
- 2009-04-15(水)#p02 GNOME 2.24
- 2009-04-16(木)#p05 GNOME起動時のミュートの問題
- 2009-04-17(金)#p04 googleearth-package 0.5.6
- 2009-04-18(土)#p02 GDMでCtrl+Alt+Fxが効かない問題
- 2009-04-19(日)#p04 Songbird 1.1.2
- 2009-04-20(月)#p02 XStrike Force/Input Hotplug Guide
- 2009-04-21(火)#p02 GNOMEからログアウトするときの効果音
- 2009-04-22(水)#p05 Compiz 0.8.2-1
- 2009-04-24(金)#p02 Adobe Air 1.5.1*その2
- 2009-04-24(金)#p04 compiz-core 0.8.2-5
- 2009-04-25(土)#p01 compiz 0.8.2-6 / libcompizconfig 0.8.2-2
- 2009-04-26(日)#p02 Bug #525572 : pulseaudio: volume muted after every boot
- 2009-04-27(月)#p04 x.orgでのキーボードの設定
- 2009-04-28(火)#p05 VirtualBox 2.2.2
- 2009-04-30(木)#p03 gvfs 1.0.3-4
- 2009-05-01(金)#p04 GNOMEでサウンドが鳴らなくなった
- 2009-05-06(水)#p03 linux-source-2.6.29 2.6.29-4
- 2009-05-08(金)#p05 openoffice.org 1:3.1.0-1
- 2009-05-10(日)#p01 ttf-ipafont 00203-4
- 2009-05-10(日)#p05 kernel-package 12.013
- 2009-05-13(水)#p03 acroread 9.1.1-0.0
- 2009-05-17(日)#p03 shutter 0.70.2-1
- 2009-05-18(月)#p01 linux-source 2.6.29-5
- 2009-05-18(月)#p05 mozilla-acroread 9.1.1-0.0
- 2009-05-19(火)#p04 Songbird 1.1.2でaddonの"Find Updates"がうまく動かない
- 2009-05-23(土)#p02 totem 2.26.2-1
- 2009-05-24(日)#p04 ooo-thumbnailer 0.1~alpha2-1
- 2009-05-25(月)#p02 libcanberra 0.12-1
- 2009-05-26(火)#p04 Debian GNU/Linuxのコードを検索できる「Debian Source Search」が公開される
- 2009-05-28(木)#p02 gnome-media 2.26.0-1
- 2009-05-31(日)#p02 gnome-control-center 1:2.26.0-1
- 2009-05-31(日)#p04 VirtualBox 2.2.4
- 2009-06-02(火)#p02 gnome-session 2.26.1-5
- 2009-06-03(水)#p03 gnome-session 2.26.1-6
- 2009-06-04(木)#p03 compizがうまく起動してくれない
- 2009-06-05(金)#p02 ATOK X3 for Linux Ubuntu 9.04(GTK+ 2.16) 対応モジュール
- 2009-06-05(金)#p04 compizがうまく起動してくれない*その2
- 2009-06-08(月)#p02 デスクトップのアイコンが表示されなくなった
- 2009-06-08(月)#p03 Bug #532033 : Iceweasel give some errors: "Eel-WARNING **: "nautilus-directory.c: directories" hash table still has 1 element at quit time"
- 2009-06-09(火)#p03 acroread-fonts-jpn 9.1.0-0.0
- 2009-06-10(水)#p02 totem-mozilla 2.26.2-2
- 2009-06-14(日)#p02 再び、デスクトップのアイコンが表示されなくなった
- 2009-06-16(火)#p03 linux-source-2.6.30 2.6.30-1
- 2009-06-19(金)#p03 acroread 9.1.2-0.0
- 2009-06-20(土)#p05 Songbird 1.2をインストールしてみた
- 2009-06-23(火)#p03 pulseaudio 0.9.15-4
- 2009-06-28(日)#p03 compizがうまく起動してくれない*その3
- 2009-06-30(火)#p03 VirtualBox 3.0.0
- 2009-07-01(水)#p04 VirtualBox 3.0.0*その2
- 2009-07-02(木)#p04 Software Design 2009年7月号
- 2009-07-06(月)#p04 DPMSが効いていない?
- 2009-07-07(火)#p02 brasero 2.26.2-1
- 2009-07-08(水)#p04 linux-source-2.6 2.6.30-2
- 2009-07-11(土)#p01 gnome-power-manager 2.24.4-3
- 2009-07-12(日)#p03 VirtualBox 3.0.2
- 2009-07-13(月)#p05 Bug#370692: gnome-power-manager: DPMS not working again
- 2009-07-14(火)#p02 meta-gnome2 1:2.26+0
- 2009-07-20(月)#p03 lennyのインストール
- 2009-07-20(月)#p05 VirtualBox 3.0.2 AMD64版
- 2009-07-23(木)#p04 fglrx-driver 1:9-6-1
- 2009-07-24(金)#p03 ATOK X3 for LinuxをDebian Sid AMD64へインストールする
- 2009-07-24(金)#p04 Songbird 1.2.0のdebパッケージ
- 2009-07-25(土)#p01 fglrx-driver 1:9-6-4
- 2009-07-25(土)#p02 GNOMEからログアウトできなくなった
- 2009-07-28(火)#p02 Bug #538889 : fglrx-glx and libgl1-mesa-glx: error when trying to install together
- 2009-07-29(水)#p04 Bug #538131 : compiz-core: [SIGSEGV] Compiz crash - Please rebuild for latest libraries
- 2009-08-01(土)#p02 linux-image-2.6.30-1-amd64 2.6.30-4
- 2009-08-01(土)#p04 icedtea6-plugin 6b16-4
- 2009-08-01(土)#p05 gnome-power-manager 2.26.3-1
- 2009-08-02(日)#p02 fglrx 1:9-7-2
- 2009-08-03(月)#p02 fglrx 1:9-7-2*その2
- 2009-08-04(火)#p05 linux-image-2.6.30-1-amd64 2.6.30-5
- 2009-08-05(水)#p02 ia32-libs 20090804
- 2009-08-06(木)#p04 VirtualBox 3.0.4
- 2009-08-06(木)#p05 gstreamerでAAC(.m4a)を使う
- 2009-08-07(金)#p03 acroread 9.1.3-0.0
- 2009-08-09(日)#p02 ia32-libs 20090808
- 2009-08-11(火)#p03 sun-java6 6-15-1
- 2009-08-16(日)#p04 acroread 9.1.3-0.2
- 2009-08-17(月)#p03 ia32-libs-gtk 20090804
- 2009-08-18(火)#p03 sound-juicer 2.26.1-1
- 2009-08-19(水)#p04 Bug #541774 : Failed to load slide: /usr/share/gdm/themes/Human/ubuntu.png
- 2009-08-22(土)#p03 fglrx-driver 1:9-8-1
- 2009-08-23(日)#p02 otf-ipafont 00301-2
- 2009-08-25(火)#p03 Bug #541774 : compiz: Failed to load slide: /usr/share/gdm/themes/Human/ubuntu.png
- 2009-08-27(木)#p02 rhythmbox 0.12.4-1
- 2009-08-30(日)#p04 fglrx 1:9-8-2
- 2009-09-01(火)#p02 gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad 0.10.14-1
- 2009-09-03(木)#p02 gstreamer0.10-plugins-really-bad 0.10.14-0.0
- 2009-09-04(金)#p03 Google Earth 5.0 on AMD64
- 2009-09-04(金)#p05 ia32-libs-gtk 20090804
- 2009-09-06(日)#p02 grub 0.97-58
- 2009-09-07(月)#p03 grub 0.97-58*その2
- 2009-09-08(火)#p02 MP3 MESA
- 2009-09-09(水)#p05 gnome-screensaverが変
- 2009-09-10(木)#p03 VirtualBox 3.0.6
- 2009-09-11(金)#p03 サウンドでトラブル
- 2009-09-12(土)#p03 「ファイルの管理」が起動できない。
- 2009-09-15(火)#p02 gnome-terminal-data
- 2009-09-15(火)#p04 fglrx-driver 1:9-9-1
- 2009-09-16(水)#p03 libcanberra 0.17
- 2009-09-17(木)#p04 Bug #546933 : fglrx-source: module fails to load on vanilla 2.6.31 kernel
- 2009-09-20(日)#p02 linux-image-2.6.30-2-amd64 2.6.30-7
- 2009-09-20(日)#p03 BIOSのアップグレード
- 2009-09-21(月)#p02 icedtea6-plugin 6b16-1.6.1-1
- 2009-09-22(火)#p04 Bug #547583 : rhythmbox - find only about half tracks of CD audio
- 2009-09-23(水)#p01 sound-theme-freedesktop 0.6
- 2009-09-23(水)#p04 GNOME 2.28
- 2009-09-24(木)#p03 nautilus 2.28.0-1
- 2009-09-25(金)#p03 gnash 0.8.6-1
- 2009-09-26(土)#p03 linux-image-2.6 2.6.30-8
- 2009-09-28(月)#p03 pulseaudio 0.9.18-1
- 2009-09-29(火)#p02 Bug #548716 : xserver-xorg-core: X server crashes upon startup with SEGV
- 2009-09-29(火)#p04 Bug #548848 : Perl fails to upgrade "Could not perform immediate configuration"
- 2009-09-30(水)#p02 Bug #548848 : Perl fails to upgrade "Could not perform immediate configuration"
- 2009-09-30(水)#p04 GNOME 2.28でメニューにアイコンを表示させる
- 2009-10-02(金)#p01 xserver-xorg-core 2:1.6.4-2
- 2009-10-03(土)#p02 再ログインするとgnome-volume-controlがおかしくなる
- 2009-10-05(月)#p04 icedtea6-plugin 6b16-1.6.1-1
- 2009-10-06(火)#p02 sound-theme-freedesktop 0.7
- 2009-10-07(水)#p03 電源ボタンが有効に戻った
- 2009-10-07(水)#p04 VirtualBox 3.0.8
- 2009-10-09(金)#p03 Is it time to remove sun-java6?
- 2009-10-10(土)#p04 VirtualBox 3.0.8でUSBプリンタが接続できない
- 2009-10-11(日)#p03 iceweasel 3.5.3-2
- 2009-10-15(木)#p04 sound-juicer 2.28.0-1
- 2009-10-16(金)#p02 iPod nanoがMass Storage Driveとして認識されてしまう
- 2009-10-17(土)#p02 mozilla-acroread 9.2-0.1
- 2009-10-17(土)#p04 iPod nanoがMass Storage Driveとして認識されてしまう*その2
- 2009-10-18(日)#p02 GNOMEのメインメニューから「シャットダウン」が消えた
- 2009-10-18(日)#p05 VirtualBoxでUSBプリンタが接続できない*その2
- 2009-10-21(水)#p02 GNOMEのメインメニューから「シャットダウン」が消えた*その2
- 2009-10-22(木)#p03 iPod nanoがMass Storage Driveとして認識されてしまう*その3
- 2009-10-25(日)#p01 fglrx 1:9-10-1
- 2009-10-25(日)#p02 解決 : GNOMEのメインメニューから「シャットダウン」が消えた*その3
- 2009-10-25(日)#p05 解決? : iPod nanoがMass Storage Driveとして認識されてしまう*その4
- 2009-10-26(月)#p02 linux-image-2.6.31-1-amd64 2.6.31-1
- 2009-10-26(月)#p04 Start compiz (or any non-default WM) automatically with GNOME
- 2009-10-28(水)#p02 No archive update in the next days, volatile rsync and misc news
- 2009-10-29(木)#p02 ハードディスクは買ったけど
- 2009-10-30(金)#p03 VirtualBox 3.0.10 & VirtualBoxでUSBプリンタが接続できない*その3
- 2009-10-30(金)#p05 Bug #542753 : Recovery fsck fails due to last mount in the future
- 2009-10-31(土)#p03 テーマの変更
- 2009-11-01(日)#p03 VirtualBoxでUSBプリンタが接続できない*その4
- 2009-11-03(火)#p04 マウスが不調
- 2009-11-04(水)#p02 aptitude updateでsegfault
- 2009-11-04(水)#p03 VirtualBoxでUSBプリンタが接続できない*その5
- 2009-11-04(水)#p05 esound 0.2.41-6
- 2009-11-05(木)#p04 aptitude updateでsegfault*その2
- 2009-11-05(木)#p04 aptitude updateでsegfault*その2
- 2009-11-06(金)#p03 gtkpod
- 2009-11-07(土)#p03 cups 1.4.1-5
- 2009-11-08(日)#p04 cups 1.4.1-5*その2
- 2009-11-08(日)#p05 apt-ftparchiveでAPTのローカルリポジトリを作成する
- 2009-11-09(月)#p04 ibus-anthy
- 2009-11-10(火)#p03 ia32-libs-gtk 20090804
- 2009-11-14(土)#p01 poppler 0.12.0-2.1
- 2009-11-15(日)#p02 bash-completion 1:1.1-2
- 2009-11-17(火)#p02 linux-image-2.6.31-1-amd64 2.6.31-2
- 2009-11-17(火)#p05 VirtualBox 3.0.12
- 2009-11-18(水)#p03 cups 1.4.2-2
- 2009-11-20(金)#p03 uim 1:1.5.6-2
- 2009-11-21(土)#p03 GNOMEのサウンドテーマ
- 2009-11-22(日)#p04 Bug #557341 : uim: cannot close some applications (e.g. evince) from window manager
- 2009-11-22(日)#p05 gstreamerでmidiを
- 2009-11-23(月)#p03 timidity-daemon 2.13.2-36
- 2009-11-24(火)#p02 timidity-daemon 2.13.2-36*その2
- 2009-11-25(水)#p04 timidity-daemon 2.13.2-36*その3
- 2009-11-25(水)#p05 alsa-utilsをインストールすると、起動時にサウンドがミュートになってしまう
- 2009-11-26(木)#p02 fglrx 1:9-11-2
- 2009-11-26(木)#p03 uim 1:1.5.7-1
- 2009-11-29(日)#p02 nautilus 2.28.1-1
- 2009-11-29(日)#p04 再び、iPod nanoがMass Storage Driveとして認識されてしまう
- 2009-11-30(月)#p04 再び、iPod nanoがMass Storage Driveとして認識されてしまう*その2
- 2009-11-30(月)#p05 timidity-daemon 2.13.2-36*その4
- 2009-12-01(火)#p02 VirtualBox 3.1.0
- 2009-12-03(木)#p02 udev 148-1
- 2009-12-05(土)#p03 udev 148-2
- 2009-12-08(火)#p03 googleearth-package 0.5.7
- 2009-12-09(水)#p03 gcc 4:4.4.2-2
- 2009-12-12(土)#p02 linux-image-2.6.32-trunk-amd64 2.6.32-1
- 2009-12-13(日)#p01 オープンソースのRadeonドライバで3Dを有効にする
- 2009-12-14(月)#p05 オープンソースのRadeonドライバで3Dを有効にする*その2
- 2009-12-15(火)#p02 gvfs 1.4.3-1
- 2009-12-17(木)#p04 freedesktop-sound-theme 0.7.dfsg-1
- 2009-12-18(金)#p03 firmware-linux-nonfree 0.22
- 2009-12-18(金)#p04 VirtualBox 3.1.2
- 2009-12-19(土)#p01 fglrx 1:9-12-1
- 2009-12-19(土)#p04 icedtea6-plugin 6b17~pre3-1
- 2009-12-20(日)#p04 再び、iPod nanoがMass Storage Driveとして認識されてしまう*その3
- 2009-12-27(日)#p03 Songbird 1.4.1
- 2009-12-29(火)#p03 Bug #558590 : gvfs: iPod is detected as Mass Storage Drive not as iPod
- 2010-01-04(月)#p03 linux-image-2.6.32-trunk-amd64 2.6.32-3
- 2010-01-05(火)#p05 Bug #562729 : nfs-common: Failed to start statd in version 1.2.1-1
- 2010-01-06(水)#p03 console-tools 1:0.2.3dbs-67
- 2010-01-06(水)#p06 Moonlight 2.0
- 2010-01-07(木)#p02 rpcbind 0.2.0-3
- 2010-01-07(木)#p06 console-tools 1:0.2.3dbs-67*その2
- 2010-01-08(金)#p02 Bug #562729 : nfs-common: Failed to start statd in version 1.2.1-1*その2
- 2010-01-08(金)#p03 linux-image-2.6.32-trunk-amd64 2.6.32-4
- 2010-01-08(金)#p05 fglrx-driver 1:9-12-1
- 2010-01-10(日)#p04 Bug #564444 : fglrx-driver conflicts with xserver-xorg-core
- 2010-01-11(月)#p03 linux-image-2.6.32-trunk-amd64 2.6.32-5
- 2010-01-13(水)#p03 xserver-xorg-input-evdev 1:2.3.2-3
- 2010-01-16(土)#p02 acroread 9.3-0.0
- 2010-01-17(日)#p05 再び、iPod nanoがMass Storage Driveとして認識されてしまう*その4
- 2010-01-18(月)#p03 fontconfig の tips / FAQs
- 2010-01-24(日)#p04 micropolis 0.0.20071228-5
- 2010-01-25(月)#p04 Bug #566624 : rhythmbox: can't edit metadata on AAC files
- 2010-01-27(水)#p03 Python 2.6
- 2010-01-30(土)#p02 openjdk-6 6b17-1.7-1
- 2010-02-01(月)#p02 gnome-session 2.28.0-5
- 2010-02-02(火)#p03 libdrm 2.4.17-1
- 2010-02-04(木)#p05 Linux向けSilverlight実装「Moonlight 3.0」、プレビュー版が登場
- 2010-02-05(金)#p02 linux-image-2.6.32-2-amd64 2.6.32-7
- 2010-02-05(金)#p05 マウスが不調、と思ったら
- 2010-02-07(日)#p03 k10temp
- 2010-02-07(日)#p03 k10temp
- 2010-02-11(木)#p03 ooo-thumbnailer 0.2-5
- 2010-02-13(土)#p02 linux-image-2.6.32-2-amd64 2.6.32-8
- 2010-02-13(土)#p05 VirtualBox 3.1.4
- 2010-02-14(日)#p03 Moonlight 3.0 Preview 2
- 2010-02-14(日)#p05 LinuxクライアントでVirtualBoxのリモートディスプレイを使う
- 2010-02-15(月)#p04 再び、iPod nanoがMass Storage Driveとして認識されてしまう*その5
- 2010-02-17(水)#p04 GNOMEのサウンドテーマ
- 2010-02-17(水)#p05 epiphany-browser
- 2010-02-18(木)#p04 fglrx-driver 1:10-2-1
- 2010-02-18(木)#p05 openoffice.org 1:3.2.0-1
- 2010-02-19(金)#p02 acroread 9.3.1-0.0
- 2010-02-19(金)#p04 sylpheed 3.0.0~beta8-2でのspamの振り分け
- 2010-02-20(土)#p02 gnash 0.8.7-1
- 2010-02-20(土)#p04 オープンソースのRadeonドライバで3Dを有効にする*その2
- 2010-02-21(日)#p04 Nautilusでのフォントプレビュー
- 2010-02-22(月)#p04 brasero
- 2010-02-24(水)#p02 GNOME関連のあれこれ
- 2010-02-27(土)#p02 linux-image-2.6.32-3-amd64 2.6.32-9
- 2010-02-28(日)#p04 linux-image-2.6 2.6.33-1~experimental.1
- 2010-03-02(火)#p03 linux-image-2.6 2.6.33-1~experimental.1*その2
- 2010-03-02(火)#p03 linux-image-2.6 2.6.33-1~experimental.1*その2
- 2010-03-04(木)#p03 xserver-xorg-video-ati 1:6.12.5-1
- 2010-03-06(土)#p02 otf-ipafont 00302-1
- 2010-03-07(日)#p02 また、マウスを交換
- 2010-03-08(月)#p01 Bug #572911 : xserver-xorg-video-radeon: Slow glxgears with KMS/DRI2
- 2010-03-09(火)#p05 openoffice.org 1:3.2.0-4
- 2010-03-12(金)#p03 cups 1.4.2-9.1
- 2010-03-13(土)#p02 EPSON EP-802A
- 2010-03-14(日)#p05 EPSON EP-802A*その2
- 2010-03-16(火)#p05 EPSON EP-802A*その3
- 2010-03-17(水)#p02 gnome-disk-utility 2.30.0-1
- 2010-03-18(木)#p04 linux-image-2.6.32-4-amd64 2.6.32-10
- 2010-03-20(土)#p03 iPod nanoにカバーアートを追加する
- 2010-03-22(月)#p03 ibus-anthy
- 2010-03-22(月)#p05 gtkpod-aac 0.99.16-0.0
- 2010-03-23(火)#p04 banshee 1.5.6-1
- 2010-03-25(木)#p04 fglrx-driver 1:10-3~prerelease-1
- 2010-03-26(金)#p04 VirtualBox 3.1.6
- 2010-03-27(土)#p04 Hardware trouble ries.debian.org - ftpmaster.debian.org / release.d.o services disabled
- 2010-03-29(月)#p03 Bug #575681 : xserver-xorg-video-radeon: shows severe artifacts since switching to KMS
- 2010-04-03(土)#p03 Epson Inkjet Printer Driver (ESC/P-R) for Linux
- 2010-04-04(日)#p04 今日のunstable
- 2010-04-04(日)#p05 pulseaudio 0.9.21-1.1
- 2010-04-05(月)#p04 fglrx 1:10-3~prerelease-3
- 2010-04-06(火)#p02 linux-image-2.6.32-4-amd64 2.6.32-11
- 2010-04-07(水)#p03 libao4 1.0.0-2
- 2010-04-08(木)#p02 libao4 1.0.0-3
- 2010-04-08(木)#p04 GNOME 2.30
- 2010-04-09(金)#p03 pulseaudio 0.9.21-1.2+b1
- 2010-04-09(金)#p05 linux-base 2.6.32-11
- 2010-04-15(木)#p03 acroread 9.3.2-0.0
- 2010-04-16(金)#p02 acroread 9.3.2-0.0*その2
- 2010-04-16(金)#p04 linux-kbuild-2.6.33
- 2010-04-17(土)#p02 Moonlight 3.0 Preview 6
- 2010-04-18(日)#p04 sylpheed 3.0.2-1
- 2010-04-19(月)#p02 fglrx-driver 1:10-4~prerelease-1
- 2010-04-22(木)#p05 Bug #578743 : gdm-themes: incompatible with gdm3?
- 2010-04-24(土)#p03 nautilus 2.30.0-1
- 2010-04-25(日)#p04 gdm3 2.30.0-3
- 2010-04-28(水)#p03 libgnome-desktop-2-17 2.30.0-2
- 2010-05-01(土)#p02 fglrx 1:10-4-1
- 2010-05-06(木)#p02 GNOME 2.30*その2
- 2010-05-07(金)#p02 linux-image-2.6.33-2-amd64 2.6.33-1~experimental.5
- 2010-05-08(土)#p03 sound-juicer 2.28.2-1
- 2010-05-09(日)#p02 ibus 1.3.3-1 + ibus-anthy 1.2.1-1
- 2010-05-10(月)#p02 VirtualBox 3.1.8
- 2010-05-11(火)#p04 Google日本語入力がオープンソース化 プロジェクト名は「Mozc」
- 2010-05-12(水)#p02 CDリッピング中のエラー?
- 2010-05-16(日)#p04 Pioneer DVR-S17J-W
- 2010-05-17(月)#p04 スキャナでhot-plugのときの動作不良
- 2010-05-18(火)#p04 mozc 0.11.354.100
- 2010-05-19(水)#p03 VirtualBox 3.2.0
- 2010-05-20(木)#p04 gst-plugins-base0.10 0.10.29-3
- 2010-05-22(土)#p04 linux-image-2.6.34-1-amd64 2.6.32-1~experimental.1
- 2010-05-23(日)#p03 Bug #582453 : gstreamer0.10-plugins-good: "Bad plugins" deserved to remove have reverse dependencies
- 2010-05-24(月)#p02 chromium-browser 5.0.375.38~r46659-2
- 2010-05-25(火)#p03 Issue 5 - mozc - Highlighted region is unreadable when using dark color themes
- 2010-05-27(木)#p02 gst-plugins-really-bad
- 2010-05-27(木)#p05 mozc 0.11.365.102
- 2010-05-29(土)#p03 fglrx 1:10-5-1
- 2010-05-29(土)#p05 qt4でフォントにアンチエイリアスを
- 2010-05-30(日)#p03 Metacityのテーマ
- 2010-06-01(火)#p02 fbtermで文字欠け
- 2010-06-03(木)#p03 VirtualBox 3.2.2
- 2010-06-05(土)#p02 DVD-RAMを使う
- 2010-06-05(土)#p03 スキャナでhot-plugのときの動作不良*その2
- 2010-06-07(月)#p05 linux-image-2.6.34-1-amd64 2.6.34-1~experimental.2
- 2010-06-08(火)#p04 VirtualBox 3.2.4
- 2010-06-09(水)#p04 VirtualBox 3.2.4 build 62467
- 2010-06-10(木)#p02 file-roller
- 2010-06-11(金)#p02 initscripts 2.88dsf-8
- 2010-06-12(土)#p01 initscripts 2.88dsf-9
- 2010-06-12(土)#p02 世界標準が期待される数式用フォント「STIX Fonts」
- 2010-06-16(水)#p02 EP-802A(pipslite)の印刷に関するトラブル
- 2010-06-16(水)#p03 mozc 0.11.383.102
- 2010-06-17(木)#p04 flashplayer-mozilla 2:
- 2010-06-19(土)#p02 initramfs-tools 0.97
- 2010-06-19(土)#p03 fglrx-driver 1:10-6-1
- 2010-06-19(土)#p05 flashplayer-mozilla 2:*その2
- 2010-06-20(日)#p04 Moonlight 3.0 Preview 7
- 2010-06-22(火)#p05 initramfs-tools 0.97*その2
- 2010-06-25(金)#p05 fglrx-driver 1:10-6-1*その2
- 2010-06-25(金)#p06 flashplayer-mozilla 2:*その3
- 2010-06-26(土)#p03 VirtualBox 3.2.6
- 2010-06-30(水)#p02 acroread 9.3.3-0.0
- 2010-07-01(木)#p02 Moonlight 3.0 Preview 7*その2
- 2010-07-01(木)#p04 mozc 0.12.402.102
- 2010-07-05(月)#p03 gthumb 3:2.1.3-2
- 2010-07-05(月)#p05 Bug #576361 : Please don't link the plugin against libxpcom, libxul, etc.
- 2010-07-06(火)#p03 apt-listchanges 2.85
- 2010-07-08(木)#p03 xserver-xorg-video-radeon 1:6.13.1-1
- 2010-07-09(金)#p04 iscan 2.25.0-1.ltdl7
- 2010-07-12(月)#p03 mozc 0.12.410.102
- 2010-07-13(火)#p03 mozc 0.11~svn13-1
- 2010-07-14(水)#p02 また、マウスが故障
- 2010-07-15(木)#p02 mozc 0.12.410.102-1
- 2010-07-19(月)#p04 rhythmbox 0.12.8-2
- 2010-07-21(水)#p04 mozc 0.12.410.102-1*その2
- 2010-07-22(木)#p02 Lightspark 0.4.2
- 2010-07-23(金)#p05 Bug #576361 : Please don't link the plugin against libxpcom, libxul, etc.*その2
- 2010-07-23(金)#p06 Moonlight 3.0 Preview 8
- 2010-07-25(日)#p05 EP-802Aでトラブル
- 2010-07-27(火)#p04 mozc 0.12.410.102-2
- 2010-07-28(水)#p05 Bug #590584 : mozc-utils-gui: Can't activate ibus on mozc dictionary tool
- 2010-07-30(金)#p02 dpkg 1.15.8
- 2010-08-01(日)#p05 mozc 0.12.422.102
- 2010-08-03(火)#p03 Epson Inkjet Printer Driver (ESC/P) for Linux
- 2010-08-04(水)#p03 DVDドライブのファームウェアアップデート
- 2010-08-05(木)#p04 linux-image-2.6.35-trunk-amd64 2.6.35-1~experimental.1
- 2010-08-06(金)#p04 linux-image-2.6.35-trunk-amd64 2.6.35-1~experimental.1*その2
- 2010-08-06(金)#p05 mesa 7.8.2-2
- 2010-08-07(土)#p02 VirtualBox 3.2.8
- 2010-08-10(火)#p03 Bug #590443 : libgl1-mesa-dri: s3tc texture compression not supported on r600
- 2010-08-11(水)#p02 gtkpod-aac 1.0.0-0.0
- 2010-08-11(水)#p04 lm_sensorsでCPUファン制御
- 2010-08-15(日)#p02 flash-player-amd64 2:
- 2010-08-15(日)#p05 mozc 0.12.434.102
- 2010-08-17(火)#p04 Bug #590584 : mozc-utils-gui: Can't activate ibus on mozc dictionary tool*その2
- 2010-08-19(木)#p05 linux-image-2.6.35-trunk-amd64 2.6.35-1~experimental.2
- 2010-08-20(金)#p03 linux-image-2.6.35-trunk-amd64 2.6.35-1~experimental.2*その2
- 2010-08-21(土)#p04 Bug #593746 : pulseaudio doesn't support that $XAUTHORITY may have changed after logout/login
- 2010-08-22(日)#p02 adobereader 9.3.4-0.0
- 2010-08-23(月)#p02 Bug #594001 : PA doesn't stop running after X-session has ended, although it is started as a session daemon
- 2010-08-24(火)#p02 system-config-printer 1.2.3-0.3
- 2010-08-26(木)#p02 mozcがunstableから削除された
- 2010-08-28(土)#p03 gnash 0.8.8-1
- 2010-08-29(日)#p02 Ubuntu 10.04
- 2010-08-30(月)#p04 Ubuntu 10.04*その2
- 2010-09-02(木)#p03 uvesafb
- 2010-09-03(金)#p02 mozc 0.12.434.102-1
- 2010-09-03(金)#p05 Squeezeの次は、'Wheezy'
- 2010-09-06(月)#p01 Backports service becoming official
- 2010-09-06(月)#p05 Bug #595691 : apt-get updates stalls forever if some files on mirror have 0 bytes
- 2010-09-07(火)#p02 linux-image-2.6.35-trunk-amd64 2.6.35-1~experimental.3
- 2010-09-08(水)#p05 ia32-libs 20100905
- 2010-09-09(木)#p04 ia32-libs 20100908
- 2010-09-12(日)#p03 Bug #596426 | Latests Upload breaks ia32-libs-gtk and thus nspluginwrapper
- 2010-09-15(水)#p05 ia32-libs 20100914 / ia32-libs-gtk 20100914
- 2010-09-16(木)#p04 iscan 2.26.0-3
- 2010-09-16(木)#p05 Adobe Flash Player "Square"
- 2010-09-17(金)#p04 fglrx 1:10-9-1
- 2010-09-19(日)#p03 flashplugin-nonfree 1:2.8.2
- 2010-09-20(月)#p02 gnome-games 1:2.30.2-2
- 2010-09-23(木)#p03 fglrx 1:10-9-2
- 2010-09-23(木)#p05 mozc 0.13.481.102
- 2010-09-26(日)#p03 Re:Accepted linux-2.6 2.6.36~rc5-1~experimental.1 (source all amd64)
- 2010-09-26(日)#p04 fglrx 1:10-9-3
- 2010-09-27(月)#p04 mozc 0.13.481.102*その2
- 2010-09-29(水)#p02 python-apt 0.7.98
- 2010-09-29(水)#p03 Flash Player "Square" Preview Release 2
- 2010-09-30(木)#p02 python-apt
- 2010-10-01(金)#p04 mozc 0.13.492.102
- 2010-10-03(日)#p04 gnome-utilsが削除された
- 2010-10-05(火)#p04 gcc-defaults 1.97exp1
- 2010-10-06(水)#p03 今日のunstable
- 2010-10-07(木)#p02 gdm3 2.30.5-4
- 2010-10-07(木)#p05 adobereader 9.4-0.0
- 2010-10-09(土)#p02 EP-802Aをネットワーク経由で使う
- 2010-10-09(土)#p03 mozc 0.13.499.102
- 2010-10-10(日)#p05 Mozc辞書ツールでiBusがONにできない問題の続き
- 2010-10-12(火)#p04 VirtualBox 3.2.10
- 2010-10-13(水)#p03 FirefoxとChromeの間の子? ブラウザMidori
- 2010-10-16(土)#p04 flashplayer-mozilla 3:20.2.d161-0.0
- 2010-10-18(月)#p02 Bug #590584 : mozc-utils-gui: Can't activate ibus on mozc dictionary tool
- 2010-10-19(火)#p05 gnome-power-manager 2.32.0-1
- 2010-10-26(火)#p04 sylpheed 3.0.2-1*その2
- 2010-10-26(火)#p05 lightspark
- 2010-10-28(木)#p03 GDM3 greeterの顔写真の設定
- 2010-10-28(木)#p05 moonlight 3 Preview 9
- 2010-10-29(金)#p02 linux-image-2.6.36-trunk-amd64 2.6.36-1~experimental.1
- 2010-10-30(土)#p03 sound-juicer 2.28.2-3
- 2010-10-31(日)#p05 Debian Installer 6.0 Beta1 release
- 2010-11-02(火)#p04 fglrx-driver 1:10-10-1
- 2010-11-04(木)#p02 mozc 0.13.499.102-1
- 2010-11-04(木)#p04 mozc 0.13.523.102
- 2010-11-07(日)#p05 gnome-screensaver 2.30.0-2
- 2010-11-08(月)#p05 ~/.config/font-manager/local.conf
- 2010-11-09(火)#p04 libreoffice 1:3.3.0~beta2-2
- 2010-11-14(日)#p02 Squeezeのデスクトップテーマ
- 2010-11-14(日)#p04 lightspark*その2
- 2010-11-15(月)#p04 Wheezy Artwork Contest
- 2010-11-16(火)#p02 desktop-base 6.0.0
- 2010-11-16(火)#p03 sudo: unable to resolve hostの対処法
- 2010-11-17(水)#p05 iscan-2.26.1-3
- 2010-11-18(木)#p03 Building 32bit binaries on x86_64 debian
- 2010-11-20(土)#p01 libreoffice 1:3.3.0~beta3-2
- 2010-11-20(土)#p03 splashy 0.3.13-5.1+b1
- 2010-11-20(土)#p05 plymouth 0.8.3-17
- 2010-11-21(日)#p03 fglrx 1:10-11-1
- 2010-11-23(火)#p03 Spacefun Plymouth theme
- 2010-11-23(火)#p04 Debian Mozilla team APT archive
- 2010-11-24(水)#p05 Theme: SpaceMachine
- 2010-11-26(金)#p02 GDM3 greeterの顔写真がおかしくなる
- 2010-11-26(金)#p03 Google Earth 5.0 on AMD64 再び
- 2010-11-27(土)#p03 banshee 1.9.0-1
- 2010-11-28(日)#p02 desktop-base 6.0.2
- 2010-11-28(日)#p05 sound-juicer 2.28.2-3*その2
- 2010-11-29(月)#p02 EP-802Aをネットワーク経由で使う*その2
- 2010-11-30(火)#p05 Google Earth 6
- 2010-12-02(木)#p04 VirtualBox 3.2.12
- 2010-12-02(木)#p06 Google Earth 6*その2
- 2010-12-03(金)#p04 Flash Player 10,3,162,29
- 2010-12-03(金)#p05 system-config-printer 1.2.3-3
- 2010-12-05(日)#p03 Bug #605742 : pulseaudio: Please package new upstream release 0.9.22
- 2010-12-06(月)#p03 pulseaudio 0.9.22-1
- 2010-12-08(水)#p05 libreoffice 1:3.3.0~rc1-1
- 2010-12-13(月)#p02 desktop-base 6.0.3
- 2010-12-14(火)#p04 gtk+3.0
- 2010-12-15(水)#p05 fglrx 1:10-12-1
- 2010-12-16(木)#p04 mozc 1.0.558.102
- 2010-12-20(月)#p01 lightspark
- 2010-12-23(木)#p05 VirtualBox 4.0
- 2010-12-26(日)#p02 Flash Player "Square"のページ
- 2010-12-26(日)#p03 VirtualBox 4.0*その2
- 2010-12-27(月)#p04 VirtualBox 4.0*その3
- 2010-12-29(水)#p03 mozc 1.0.558.102-1
- 2010-12-29(水)#p04 font-manager 0.5.7-1
- 2011-01-05(水)#p03 libreoffice 1:3.3.0~rc2-3
- 2011-01-08(土)#p02 Bug #609278 | ITP: Unity -- Interface for Ubuntu Desktop Edition
- 2011-01-09(日)#p02 Bug #609206 : fglrx-modules-dkms 2.6.37 support
- 2011-01-09(日)#p05 VirtualBoxでSATA HDにWindows XPをインストール*その2
- 2011-01-12(水)#p05 VirtualBox 4.0*その4
- 2011-01-13(木)#p03 linux-image-2.6.37-trunk-amd64 2.6.37-1~experimental.1
- 2011-01-14(金)#p04 libreoffice 1:3.3.0~rc3-1
- 2011-01-16(日)#p04 banshee 1.9.2-1
- 2011-01-18(火)#p05 banshee 1.9.2-1*その2
- 2011-01-19(水)#p02 virtualbox-4.0 4.0.2-69518~Debian~squeeze
- 2011-01-20(木)#p04 virtualbox-4.0 4.0.2-69518~Debian~squeeze*その2
- 2011-01-22(土)#p05 libreoffice 1:3.3.0~rc4-1
- 2011-01-23(日)#p02 Squeezeのリリースは、2月5日か6日
- 2011-01-24(月)#p04 VirtualBox 4.0.2上でのFirefox/trunk
- 2011-01-26(水)#p04 audacious 2.4.3-1
- 2011-01-27(木)#p02 fglrx 1:11-1-1
- 2011-01-27(木)#p04 libreoffice 1:3.3.0-1
- 2011-01-29(土)#p05 Bug #611400 - ITP: wayland -- new generation compositor
- 2011-01-31(月)#p03 jd 1:2.8.0~rc110129-1
- 2011-02-01(火)#p05 VirtualBox 4.0.2上でのFirefox/trunk*その2
- 2011-02-03(木)#p04 mplayer 2:1.0~rc4-0.0
- 2011-02-05(土)#p04 People behind Debian: Mike Hommey, Firefox/Iceweasel maintainer
- 2011-02-06(日)#p02 Debian 6.0 "Squeeze" released
- 2011-02-06(日)#p05 xorg 1:7.6+1 / xorg-server 2:1.9.4-1
- 2011-02-07(月)#p03 sylpheed 3.1.0-1
- 2011-02-07(月)#p05 fglrx-driver 1:11-1-2
- 2011-02-08(火)#p03 libreoffice 1:3.3.0-2
- 2011-02-09(水)#p05 Bug #612137 : lintian: Please adjust missing-build-dependency stuff
- 2011-02-11(金)#p02 cairo 1.10.2-2
- 2011-02-12(土)#p02 plymouth 0.8.3-18+b1
- 2011-02-12(土)#p04 libreoffice 1:3.3.1~rc1-1
- 2011-02-12(土)#p05 lightspark
- 2011-02-13(日)#p04 gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg 0.10.11-4
- 2011-02-14(月)#p03 gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg 1:0.10.11-4.1
- 2011-02-15(火)#p03 .odpファイルを開くアプリケーション
- 2011-02-17(木)#p04 linux-2.6 2.6.37-1
- 2011-02-17(木)#p05 Moonlight 4 Preview
- 2011-02-19(土)#p02 linux-2.6 2.6.37-1*その2
- 2011-02-19(土)#p03 VirtualBox 4.0.4-70112~Debian~squeeze
- 2011-02-20(日)#p05 VirtualBox 4.0.4-70112~Debian~squeeze*その2
- 2011-02-21(月)#p04 libreoffice 1:3.3.1~rc2-1
- 2011-02-22(火)#p04 gnash 0.8.9~git20110220-1
- 2011-02-24(木)#p04 ibreoffice 1:3.3.1-1
- 2011-02-25(金)#p03 lightspark
- 2011-02-26(土)#p03 xserver-xorg-video-radeon 1:6.14.0-1
- 2011-02-26(土)#p04 lm-sensors 1:3.2.0-1
- 2011-02-27(日)#p04 xserver-xorg-video-radeon 1:6.14.0-1*その2
- 2011-02-28(月)#p04 GNOMEからログアウトするときの効果音*その2
- 2011-03-01(火)#p04 GNOMEからログアウトするときの効果音*その3
- 2011-03-01(火)#p06 mozc 1.1.626.102
- 2011-03-01(火)#p07 linux-2.6 2.6.37-2
- 2011-03-02(水)#p05 mozc 1.1.626.102*その2
- 2011-03-05(土)#p03 Moonlight
- 2011-03-06(日)#p04 gcc-defaults 1.98
- 2011-03-08(火)#p03 mozc 1.1.626.102*その3
- 2011-03-08(火)#p04 Moonlight*その2
- 2011-03-09(水)#p05 Bug #617505 : linux-image-2.6.37-2-amd64: Radeon R600 driver fails to control fan (i2c)
- 2011-03-12(土)#p02 xserver-xorg-video-radeon 1:6.14.0-1*その3
- 2011-03-14(月)#p03 GNOMEからシャットダウンするときのスプラッシュスクリーン
- 2011-03-14(月)#p06 #586923 : arc-colors: does not install with gdm3
- 2011-03-15(火)#p02 EPSONスキャナーを利用する為にインストールが必要なImage Scan! for Linuxのパッケージについて
- 2011-03-17(木)#p03 mozc 1.1.626.102-1
- 2011-03-19(土)#p02 linux-2.6 2.6.38-1
- 2011-03-20(日)#p02 Updated Debian 6.0: 6.0.1 released
- 2011-03-20(日)#p04 libreoffice 1:3.3.2~rc2-1
- 2011-03-21(月)#p04 vlc 1.1.7-4
- 2011-03-22(火)#p02 gtk+2.0 2.20.1-2
- 2011-03-24(木)#p02 gstreamer0.10-plugins-good 0.10.28-2
- 2011-03-24(木)#p05 libreoffice 1:3.3.2-1
- 2011-03-26(土)#p02 gstreamer0.10-plugins-really-bad 0.10.21-0.0
- 2011-03-27(日)#p02 gnome-icon-theme-extras 2.90.7-1
- 2011-03-27(日)#p04 Moonlight*その3
- 2011-03-28(月)#p04 gcc-4.6 4.6.0-1
- 2011-03-29(火)#p03 Bug-org 55964 : switch to gcc-4.5 and enable PGO for linux builds
- 2011-03-30(水)#p03 linux-2.6 2.6.38-2
- 2011-03-30(水)#p05 fglrx 1:11-3-1
- 2011-04-02(土)#p04 vlc 1.1.8-2
- 2011-04-03(日)#p03 Bug #620623 : banshee-extension-radiostationfetcher: Cannot get stations
- 2011-04-06(水)#p03 apt-get installでの警告
- 2011-04-07(木)#p02 udev 167-1
- 2011-04-07(木)#p05 apt-get installでの警告*その2
- 2011-04-08(金)#p02 udev 167-1*その2
- 2011-04-09(土)#p04 banshee 2.0.0-1
- 2011-04-12(火)#p03 audacious-plugins 2.4.4-1
- 2011-04-14(木)#p04 GNOME 3.0
- 2011-04-16(土)#p03 mozc 1.1.690.102
- 2011-04-16(土)#p04 Moonlight
- 2011-04-17(日)#p02 esound 0.2.41-9
- 2011-04-17(日)#p04 GNOME 3.0*その2
- 2011-04-19(火)#p03 今日のunstable
- 2011-04-20(水)#p02 今日のUnstable
- 2011-04-21(木)#p04 icedtea-plugin 1.1~20110420-1
- 2011-04-22(金)#p03 virtualbox 4.0.6-71344~Debian~squeeze
- 2011-04-24(日)#p02 linux-2.6 2.6.38-4
- 2011-04-24(日)#p04 mozc 1.1.690.102-1
- 2011-04-24(日)#p06 GNOME 3.0へ移行
- 2011-04-25(月)#p03 オーディオCDがマウントできない
- 2011-04-28(木)#p02 オーディオCDがマウントできない*その2
- 2011-04-29(金)#p05 GNOME 3.0へ移行*その2
- 2011-04-30(土)#p03 GNOME 3.0へ移行*その3
- 2011-05-01(日)#p04 Bug #624145 : udev:get warnings and errors with udev 168-1
- 2011-05-02(月)#p02 libimobiledevice2 1.1.1-1
- 2011-05-05(木)#p02 libimobiledevice1 1.0.6-3
- 2011-05-05(木)#p04 GNOME 3.0へ移行*その4(自前ビルドのFirefox/trunkをデフォルトブラウザに設定する)
- 2011-05-07(土)#p05 GNOME 3.0へ移行*その5(Nautilusでのサムネール表示)
- 2011-05-08(日)#p04 GNOMEカレンダー
- 2011-05-09(月)#p03 linux-2.6 2.6.38-5
- 2011-05-10(火)#p04 GNOMEカレンダー*その2
- 2011-05-10(火)#p05 Bug #622405 : gnome-shell: Crashes when notification icons clicked
- 2011-05-11(水)#p03 udev 168-2
- 2011-05-12(木)#p03 eglibc 2.13-3
- 2011-05-13(金)#p02 xorg-server 2:
- 2011-05-14(土)#p02 how to install gnome3 in debian
- 2011-05-14(土)#p04 Bug #622405 : gnome-shell: Crashes when notification icons clicked*その2
- 2011-05-15(日)#p02 GNOME 3.0へ移行*その6(gnome-shellとgnome-backgroundの更新)
- 2011-05-16(月)#p02 gnome-disk-utility 3.0.0-1
- 2011-05-16(月)#p05 GNOME 3.0へ移行*その7(ここまでのまとめ)
- 2011-05-17(火)#p03 virtualbox 4.0.8-71778~Debian~squeeze
- 2011-05-17(火)#p04 Bug #626955 : libgl1-mesa-dri: Version 7.10.2 does not work with gnome-shell, 7.10-4 works ok
- 2011-05-18(水)#p04 banshee 2.1.0-1
- 2011-05-20(金)#p06 gnome-disk-utility 3.0.0-2
- 2011-05-21(土)#p03 linux-2.6 2.6.39-1
- 2011-05-24(火)#p03 GNOME 3.0へ移行*その8(gnome-screensaverがおかしい)
- 2011-05-25(水)#p03 lightspark 0.4.8~rc1-1
- 2011-05-26(木)#p04 gnome-desktop3-data 3.0.2-1
- 2011-05-27(金)#p04 xserver-xorg-video-radeon 1:6.14.2-1
- 2011-05-28(土)#p02 ibus 1.3.9-2
- 2011-05-29(日)#p02 mozc 1.1.717.102
- 2011-05-29(日)#p03 lightspark
- 2011-05-30(月)#p04 gnome-tweak-tool 3.0.4
- 2011-05-31(火)#p02 GNOME 3.0へ移行*その9(マウスカーソルのテーマ)
- 2011-06-01(水)#p02 mesa 7.10.2-3
- 2011-06-02(木)#p02 mozc 1.1.717.102-1
- 2011-06-05(日)#p03 gnome-menus 3.0.1-1
- 2011-06-06(月)#p02 d-conf 0.7.5-2
- 2011-06-07(火)#p04 virtualbox 4.0.8-dfsg-2
- 2011-06-08(水)#p04 gnash 0.8.9-1+b1
- 2011-06-09(木)#p04 linux-2.6 2.6.39-2
- 2011-06-11(土)#p02 dbus 1.5.1-2
- 2011-06-12(日)#p02 dbus 1.5.4-1
- 2011-06-14(火)#p02 .odpファイルを開くアプリケーション*その2
- 2011-06-15(水)#p04 Bug #620623 : banshee-extension-radiostationfetcher: Cannot get stations
- 2011-06-17(金)#p04 gdebi 0.8~exp1
- 2011-06-17(金)#p05 Bug #630810 : ITP: epson-inkjet-printer-escpr -- Epson Inkjet Printer Driver (ESC/P-R)
- 2011-06-18(土)#p04 libreoffice 1:3.3.3-1
- 2011-06-22(水)#p02 gnome-system-monitor 3.0.1-1
- 2011-06-22(水)#p04 flashplayer-mozilla 2:
- 2011-06-23(木)#p06 GNOME 3.0へ移行*その10
- 2011-06-25(土)#p02 mesa 7.11~0-2
- 2011-06-28(火)#p02 libcairo-ruby1.8 1.10.0-1
- 2011-06-30(木)#p03 Bug #632098 : [gnome-shell] Interface corruption with FGLRX driver
- 2011-07-02(土)#p02 libcairo-ruby1.8 1.10.0-2
- 2011-07-03(日)#p03 virtualbox-4.0 4.0.10-72479~Debian~squeeze
- 2011-07-05(火)#p03 sylpheed 3.2.0~beta1-1
- 2011-07-05(火)#p04 linux-2.6 2.6.39-3
- 2011-07-10(日)#p04 libreoffice 1:3.4.1-1
- 2011-07-12(火)#p03 mozc 1.1.758.102-1
- 2011-07-14(木)#p02 mikutter 0.425-0ubuntu4.ppa1
- 2011-07-14(木)#p03 Adobe Flash Player 11 Beta 1
- 2011-07-14(木)#p04 USBデバイス(WalkMan)を抜いた時の問題
- 2011-07-16(土)#p02 iceweasel 5.0-3
- 2011-07-16(土)#p04 Adobe Flash Player 11 Beta 1*その2
- 2011-07-18(月)#p04 openclipart-libreoffice 0.18+dfsg-11
- 2011-07-19(火)#p04 USBデバイス(WalkMan)を抜いた時の問題*その2
- 2011-07-21(木)#p03 virtualbox-4.1 4.1.0-73009~Debian~squeeze
- 2011-07-22(金)#p05 GNOME 3.0へ移行*その11
- 2011-07-23(土)#p02 gjs 1.29.0-1
- 2011-07-24(日)#p02 Bug #635174 : gjs: Version 1.29.0-1 breaks gnome-shell startup
- 2011-07-25(月)#p02 linux-2.6 3.0.0-1
- 2011-07-25(月)#p04 virtualbox-4.1 4.1.0-73009~Debian~squeeze*その2
- 2011-07-26(火)#p02 ibus
- 2011-07-27(水)#p02 lightspark 0.5.0-1
- 2011-07-27(水)#p04 virtualbox-4.1 4.1.0-73009~Debian~squeeze*その3
- 2011-07-27(水)#p05 gnome-shell 3.0.2-1+b1
- 2011-07-29(金)#p02 fonts-ipafont 00303-2
- 2011-07-30(土)#p02 pango1.0 1.28.4-2
- 2011-07-31(日)#p02 plymouth 0.8.3-19
- 2011-07-31(日)#p04 fonts-ipafont 00303-3
- 2011-08-01(月)#p02 gst-plugins-ugly0.10 0.10.18-3
- 2011-08-04(木)#p02 fonts-ipafont 00303-4
- 2011-08-08(月)#p03 xorg-server 2:1.10.3-1
- 2011-08-09(火)#p04 virtualbox 4.1.0-dfsg-1
- 2011-08-10(水)#p02 hotot 1:0.9.6~hg959-0ubuntu0ppa1~oneiric1
- 2011-08-10(水)#p04 Adobe Flash Player 11 beta 2
- 2011-08-11(木)#p03 Adobe Flash Player 11 beta 2*その2
- 2011-08-12(金)#p04 libreoffice 1:3.4.2-1
- 2011-08-15(月)#p03 hotot 1:0.9.6~hg975-0ubuntu0ppa1~oneiric1
- 2011-08-16(火)#p02 nautilus-filename-repairer 0.1.1-1
- 2011-08-16(火)#p05 virtualbox 4.1.2-73507~Debian~squeeze
- 2011-08-17(水)#p04 linux-2.6 3.0.0-2
- 2011-08-18(木)#p03 flash-player-x86-64 3:
- 2011-08-19(金)#p03 Bug #637993 : Uninstallable: Please depend on libnautilus-extension1a instead of libnautilus-extension1
- 2011-08-20(土)#p02 hotot 1:0.9.6~hg978-0ubuntu0ppa1~oneiric1
- 2011-08-21(日)#p02 hotot 1:0.9.6~hg986-0ubuntu0ppa1~oneiric1
- 2011-08-23(火)#p04 eglibc 2.13-17
- 2011-08-27(土)#p02 lsb 3.2-28
- 2011-08-28(日)#p02 linux-2.6 3.0.0-3
- 2011-08-29(月)#p02 hotot 1:0.9.6~hg992-0ubuntu0ppa1~oneiric1
- 2011-09-01(木)#p04 libreoffice 1:3.4.3-1
- 2011-09-01(木)#p05 openclipart 0.18+dfsg-12
- 2011-09-02(金)#p03 Xの描画がおかしい
- 2011-09-03(土)#p03 Xの描画がおかしい*その2
- 2011-09-05(月)#p02 gnome-bluetooth 3.0.0-1
- 2011-09-06(火)#p03 gnome-bluetooth 3.0.0-1*その2
- 2011-09-08(木)#p04 Flash 11 Release Candidate
- 2011-09-10(土)#p02 mozc 1.2.831.102-1
- 2011-09-10(土)#p04 xserver-xorg-input-evdev 1:2.6.0-3+b1
- 2011-09-12(月)#p03 gnome-tweak-tool 3.0.4-1
- 2011-09-12(月)#p05 Bug #641072 : gnome control center hangs when clicking on bluetooth icon
- 2011-09-14(水)#p03 Bug #641038 : icedtea-plugin: uninstallable on amd64/sid due to openjdk update
- 2011-09-14(水)#p04 Bug #622664 : gnome-bluetooth: bluetooth control panel crashes
- 2011-09-15(木)#p02 Bug #632098 : [gnome-shell] Interface corruption with FGLRX driver
- 2011-09-18(日)#p03 network-manager-gnome 0.9.0-2
- 2011-09-19(月)#p04 virtualbox 4.1.2-73507~Debian~squeeze*その2
- 2011-09-21(水)#p02 linux-2.6 3.0.0-4
- 2011-09-24(土)#p02 icedtea-plugin 1.1.2-1
- 2011-09-25(日)#p03 sound-juicer 2.32.1+20110330-1
- 2011-09-27(火)#p05 meta-gnome3 1:3.0+1
- 2011-09-29(木)#p03 Bug #643687 : After upgrade to 0.9, the "Auto eth0" connection went away
- 2011-10-01(土)#p02 pulseaudio 1.0-3
- 2011-10-02(日)#p03 Bug #644026 : gnome-tweak-tool: Doesn't start: ImportError
- 2011-10-03(月)#p02 Bug #640467 : Insufficient requirement on gobject-introspection
- 2011-10-03(月)#p03 gnome-bluetooth 3.0.0-1*その2
- 2011-10-04(火)#p02 「Flash Player 11」「AIR 3」正式版リリース、64bit版OSやiOSもサポート
- 2011-10-04(火)#p05 virtualbox-4.1 4.1.4-74291~Debian~squeeze
- 2011-10-05(水)#p04 mozc 1.2.855.102-1
- 2011-10-06(木)#p02 gtk+2.0 2.24.6-2
- 2011-10-06(木)#p03 gnome-icon-theme-symbolic 3.2.0-1
- 2011-10-07(金)#p02 gnome-icon-theme-symbolic 3.2.0-2
- 2011-10-07(金)#p03 gtk+2.0 2.24.6-2*その2
- 2011-10-08(土)#p04 Bug #644640 : mutter: Mutter often fails to redraw (fixed upstream)
- 2011-10-09(日)#p02 linux-2.6 3.0.0-5
- 2011-10-10(月)#p02 Bug #644640 : mutter: Mutter often fails to redraw (fixed upstream)*その2
- 2011-10-11(火)#p04 desktop artwork for wheezy
- 2011-10-14(金)#p03 LibreOffice 3.4.3の描画の問題
- 2011-10-14(金)#p04 network-manager-applet 0.9.0-3
- 2011-10-15(土)#p02 mutter
- 2011-10-16(日)#p05 Bug #645463 : gnome-session: [upgrade to gnome3] preferences lost - all fonts reset wrongly
- 2011-10-17(月)#p02 hotot 2:0.9.7~git-1078-gd79c206-0ubuntu0ppa1~natty1
- 2011-10-17(月)#p06 mutter
- 2011-10-19(水)#p03 hotot 2:0.9.7~git-1080-g2f55df3-0ubuntu0ppa1~natty1
- 2011-10-20(木)#p02 GNOME 3 transition happening in Debian unstable
- 2011-10-20(木)#p04 flashplayer-mozilla 3:
- 2011-10-23(日)#p02 glib2.0 2.30.1-2
- 2011-10-23(日)#p04 Bug #639210 : [packagekit] Missing packagekit-gtk-module package in sid/testing
- 2011-10-24(月)#p03 python-gobject 3.0.2-1
- 2011-10-25(火)#p02 glib2.0 2.30.1-2*その2
- 2011-10-29(土)#p04 Bug #646999 : Crashes without strict gir1.2-mutter-3.0 dependency
- 2011-10-30(日)#p02 gnome-themes-standard 3.2.1-1
- 2011-10-31(月)#p02 最近のGNOME 3
- 2011-11-01(火)#p04 Status of GNOME 3.2 in Debian
- 2011-11-01(火)#p05 gnome-tweak-tool 3.0.4-2
- 2011-11-02(水)#p03 Bug #647083 : gnome-shell: dependency against libgnome-desktop-3-0 instead of libgnome-desktop-3-2 breaking upgrade path
- 2011-11-03(木)#p02 gnome-tweak-tool 3.2.0
- 2011-11-03(木)#p04 linux-2.6 3.0.0-6
- 2011-11-04(金)#p04 gnome-color-manager 3.2.1-1
- 2011-11-05(土)#p03 virtualbox 4.1.6-74713~Debian~squeeze
- 2011-11-06(日)#p03 gnome-control-center 1:3.2.1-1
- 2011-11-08(火)#p04 nautilus 3.2.1-1
- 2011-11-09(水)#p04 gnome-tweak-tool 3.2.1-1
- 2011-11-10(木)#p04 libreoffice 1:3.4.4-1
- 2011-11-11(金)#p02 mozc 1.2.855.102-2
- 2011-11-12(土)#p02 meta-gnome3 1:3.0+5
- 2011-11-12(土)#p04 flashplayer-mozilla 3:
- 2011-11-14(月)#p02 gnome-shell-extensions 3.2.0-1
- 2011-11-14(月)#p05 linux-2.6 3.1.1-1
- 2011-11-15(火)#p04 evolution 3.2.1-1
- 2011-11-16(水)#p03 perl 5.14.2-3
- 2011-11-20(日)#p02 GNOME 3.2
- 2011-11-21(月)#p02 gnome-shell 3.2.1-4
- 2011-11-21(月)#p04 ibgjs0b 1.30.0-1
- 2011-11-22(火)#p02 gnome-shell 3.2.1-5
- 2011-11-22(火)#p04 argyll 1.3.5-1
- 2011-11-23(水)#p03 GNOME 3.2のパネルからアクセシビリティ・アイコンを消す
- 2011-11-23(水)#p04 Bug #649648 : transition: gnome-desktop3
- 2011-11-24(木)#p02 hotot 2:0.9.7~git-1219-gc8b510a-0ubuntu0ppa1~natty1
- 2011-11-26(土)#p03 Bug #649728 : argyll: FTBFS: no rules to make target `distclean'
- 2011-11-27(日)#p05 gnome-session 3.2.1-1
- 2011-11-27(日)#p06 Bug #649728 : argyll: FTBFS: no rules to make target `distclean'*その2
- 2011-11-29(火)#p03 argyll 1.3.5-3
- 2011-11-30(水)#p03 linux-2.6 3.1.4-1
- 2011-12-01(木)#p05 GNOME Shell "classic systray"
- 2011-12-05(月)#p04 "Gnome Shell Integration" plugin
- 2011-12-05(月)#p05 console-common 0.7.86
- 2011-12-06(火)#p02 console-common 0.7.87
- 2011-12-07(水)#p05 gnome-desktop3 3.2.1-3
- 2011-12-09(金)#p03 gnome-desktop3-data 3.2.1-3
- 2011-12-10(土)#p04 Ubuntu 11.10とかLinux Mint 12とか
- 2011-12-12(月)#p04 lightspark 0.5.3-1
- 2011-12-13(火)#p04 linux-2.6 3.1.5-1
- 2011-12-14(水)#p03 gnome-activity-journal 0.8.0-1
- 2011-12-16(金)#p03 最近、お気に入りのGNOME Shell Extension
- 2011-12-17(土)#p02 Bug #652387 : system-config-printer: Missing dependency on python-pycurl
- 2011-12-18(日)#p02 system-config-printer 1.3.7-2
- 2011-12-18(日)#p03 totem-plugin-cohehence
- 2011-12-20(火)#p03 virtualbox-4.1 4.1.8-75467~Debian~squeeze
- 2011-12-21(水)#p03 mozc-server 1.3.911.102-1
- 2011-12-23(金)#p02 mozc 1.3.931.102-1
- 2011-12-24(土)#p02 linux-2.6 3.1.6-1
- 2011-12-25(日)#p04 VirtualBoxでWindows 8 Developer Previewをインストール
- 2011-12-28(水)#p05 libreoffice 1:3.5.0~beta2-1
- 2012-01-05(木)#p03 hotot 2:0.9.7~git-1301-g830ffe8-0ubuntu0ppa1~natty1
- 2012-01-08(日)#p05 GNOME Shell Extensions
- 2012-01-09(月)#p03 gnome-activity-journal 0.8.0-1*その2
- 2012-01-10(火)#p05 gnome-color-manager 3.2.2-1
- 2012-01-10(火)#p06 linux-2.6 3.1.8-1
- 2012-01-11(水)#p05 Bug #655218 : gnome-activity-journal: cannot start with error
- 2012-01-12(木)#p02 bash-completion 1:1.99-3
- 2012-01-14(土)#p04 INFOBAR A01からBluetooth経由でPCへデータを転送する
- 2012-01-16(月)#p03 rhythmbox 2.95-1
- 2012-01-17(火)#p02 mono 2.10.5-2
- 2012-01-18(水)#p03 libreoffice 1:3.4.5-2
- 2012-01-20(金)#p04 linux-2.6 3.2.1-1
- 2012-01-21(土)#p04 GNOME 3のテーマ
- 2012-01-23(月)#p02 gjs 1.30.0-3
- 2012-01-24(火)#p03 linux-2.6 3.2.1-2
- 2012-01-25(水)#p04 mozjs 1.8.5-1.0.0+dfsg-2
- 2012-01-28(土)#p03 mozc 1.3.975.102-1
- 2012-01-29(日)#p05 hotot 2:0.9.7~git-1362-g5b2ba9b-0ubuntu0ppa1~oneiric1
- 2012-01-30(月)#p02 gnome-desktop 2.32.1-1
- 2012-01-31(火)#p02 cups 1.5.0-16
- 2012-01-31(火)#p05 hotot 2:0.9.7~git-1374-g70df9a6-0ubuntu0ppa1~oneiric1
- 2012-02-01(水)#p05 libfreerdp-plugins-standard 1.0.0-1
- 2012-02-02(木)#p03 linux-2.6 3.2.2-1
- 2012-02-03(金)#p03 meta-gnome3 1:3.0+7
- 2012-02-03(金)#p04 lightspark
- 2012-02-04(土)#p02 lightspark
- 2012-02-05(日)#p04 今日の気になるパッケージ
- 2012-02-06(月)#p02 linux-2.6 3.2.4-1
- 2012-02-08(水)#p04 gnash 0.8.10-1
- 2012-02-08(水)#p05 cups 1.5.2-2
- 2012-02-11(土)#p03 Mozilla - Debian Wiki
- 2012-02-12(日)#p03 gnome-activity-journal 0.8.0-2
- 2012-02-12(日)#p05 サンワサプライ ADR-SDU2L
- 2012-02-13(月)#p02 gnome-shell-extensions 3.2.3-1
- 2012-02-13(月)#p04 Bug #659665 : libasound2-plugins: latest version depends on libavutil-extra-51 without alternative for libavutil51
- 2012-02-15(水)#p02 alsa-plugins 1.0.25-1+b1
- 2012-02-16(木)#p03 libreoffice 1:3.5.0-1
- 2012-02-17(金)#p04 linux-2.6 3.2.6-1
- 2012-02-18(土)#p04 Bluetoothアダプタ
- 2012-02-19(日)#p04 mozc 1.3.975.102-1*その2
- 2012-02-19(日)#p05 vlc 1:2.0.0-0.0
- 2012-02-21(火)#p05 udisks-glue 1.3.3-1
- 2012-02-22(水)#p02 flashplayer-mozilla 3:
- 2012-02-22(水)#p05 hotot 2:0.9.7~git-1489-gd7ab25e-0ubuntu0ppa1~oneiric1
- 2012-02-23(木)#p03 gtk+2.0 2.24.10-1
- 2012-02-23(木)#p04 Bug #656640 : system-config-printer: Error about unknown IPP tag when opening any printer properties
- 2012-02-27(月)#p03 Proposals for Debian GNU/Linux 7 ("Wheezy")
- 2012-02-29(水)#p04 linux-2.6 3.2.7-1
- 2012-03-01(木)#p04 audacious 3.2.1-2
- 2012-03-02(金)#p04 VirtualBoxにWindows 8 Consumer Previewをインストール
- 2012-03-04(日)#p02 icedtea-7-plugin 1.2~pre3-1
- 2012-03-04(日)#p04 mercurial 2.1.1-1
- 2012-03-05(月)#p02 icedtea-web 1.2~pre3-3
- 2012-03-05(月)#p05 linux-2.6 3.2.9-1
- 2012-03-07(水)#p02 flashplayer-mozilla 3:
- 2012-03-09(金)#p04 GNOME 3.4
- 2012-03-10(土)#p02 mozc 1.4.1003.102-1
- 2012-03-12(月)#p04 mozc 1.4.1003.102-1*その2
- 2012-03-13(火)#p03 Advanced Volume Mixer
- 2012-03-14(水)#p05 VirtualBox 4.1.10 released
- 2012-03-14(水)#p06 linux-2.6 3.2.10-1
- 2012-03-16(金)#p03 libreoffice 1:3.5.1-1
- 2012-03-18(日)#p03 system-config-printer 1.3.7-3
- 2012-03-20(火)#p03 Panel-Docklet S
- 2012-03-20(火)#p05 hotot 2:0.9.7~git-1562-g6e5a49a-0ubuntu0ppa1~oneiric1
- 2012-03-21(水)#p03 linux-2.6 3.2.12-1
- 2012-03-22(木)#p02 libpcre3 8.30-1
- 2012-03-22(木)#p04 banshee 2.4.0-1
- 2012-03-24(土)#p02 pcre3 8.30..-3
- 2012-03-25(日)#p04 GNOMEでアプリケーションにコマンドラインオプションを指定してい起動する
- 2012-03-28(水)#p02 GNOME Shellがクラッシュ
- 2012-03-29(木)#p03 flashplayer-mozilla 3:
- 2012-03-29(木)#p04 linux-2.6 3.2.13-1
- 2012-03-30(金)#p02 mozc 1.4.1033.102-1
- 2012-03-30(金)#p03 GNOME 3.4
- 2012-03-31(土)#p02 libreoffice 1:3.5.2~rc2-1
- 2012-04-01(日)#p03 Bug #666468 : libcairo2:amd64: major text display problems in iceweasel
- 2012-04-02(月)#p02 GNOME 3.4
- 2012-04-03(火)#p03 VirtualBox 4.1.12
- 2012-04-03(火)#p04 Bug #666468 : libcairo2:amd64: major text display problems in iceweasel*その2
- 2012-04-04(水)#p02 VirualBox 4.1_4.1.12-77245
- 2012-04-06(金)#p03 libreoffice 1:3.5.2-1
- 2012-04-06(金)#p04 hotot 2:0.9.7~git-1640-g4059691-0ubuntu0ppa1~oneiric1
- 2012-04-07(土)#p02 linux-2.6 3.2.14-1
- 2012-04-08(日)#p03 Bluetoothアダプタ*その2
- 2012-04-08(日)#p04 mozc 1.4.1033.102-1*その2
- 2012-04-10(火)#p02 banshee-community-extensions 2.4.0-1
- 2012-04-11(水)#p02 acroread 9.5.1-0.1
- 2012-04-12(木)#p02 今日のunstable
- 2012-04-13(金)#p04 lightspark 0.5.6-1
- 2012-04-15(日)#p04 sylpheed 3.2.0~beta7-1
- 2012-04-16(月)#p04 linux-2.6 3.2.15-1
- 2012-04-18(水)#p04 apt 0.9.1
- 2012-04-19(木)#p02 gtk+3.0 3.4.1-2
- 2012-04-20(金)#p02 libapt-pkg4.12 0.9.2
- 2012-04-21(土)#p02 Bug #666468 : xorg-server: major text display problems in several apps
- 2012-04-22(日)#p02 banshee 2.4.0-2
- 2012-04-23(月)#p02 Bug #666468 : xorg-server: major text display problems in several apps*その4
- 2012-04-23(月)#p04 GTK+ 3.4のスクロールバー
- 2012-04-25(水)#p04 gnome-session 3.4.1-1
- 2012-04-26(木)#p03 Bug #666468 : xorg-server: major text display problems in several apps*その5
- 2012-04-27(金)#p02 Bug #666468 : xorg-server: major text display problems in several apps*その6
- 2012-04-27(金)#p04 virtualbox-4.1 4.1.14-77440~Debian~squeeze
- 2012-04-28(土)#p02 mozc 1.4.1033.102-1*その3
- 2012-04-28(土)#p06 gnome-screenshot 3.4.1-1
- 2012-05-01(火)#p03 linux-2.6 3.2.16-1
- 2012-05-02(水)#p02 xorg-server 2:1.12.1-1 / mesa 8.0.2-2
- 2012-05-02(水)#p04 mozc 1.5.1053.102
- 2012-05-07(月)#p03 flashplayer-mozilla 3:
- 2012-05-08(火)#p05 今日のunstable
- 2012-05-09(水)#p04 gimp 2.8.0-1
- 2012-05-13(日)#p03 GNOME 3 時計表示の書式を変更する
- 2012-05-13(日)#p05 linux-2.6 3.2.17-1
- 2012-05-13(日)#p06 Debian Installer 7.0 Alpha1 release
- 2012-05-14(月)#p04 pulseaudio 2.0-1
- 2012-05-16(水)#p04 GNOME 3.4.2
- 2012-05-17(木)#p04 lightspark 0.5.7-1
- 2012-05-18(金)#p04 Bug #656640 : system-config-printer: Error about unknown IPP tag when opening any printer properties
- 2012-05-19(土)#p03 linux-2.6 3.3.6-1~experimental.1
- 2012-05-20(日)#p03 Bug #656640 : system-config-printer: Error about unknown IPP tag when opening any printer properties*その2
- 2012-05-20(日)#p04 gnome-shell 3.4.1-1
- 2012-05-21(月)#p04 GNOMEにログインした時のボリューム
- 2012-05-23(水)#p02 GNOMEにログインした時のボリューム*その2
- 2012-05-23(水)#p04 virtualbox-4.1 4.1.16-78094~Debian~squeeze
- 2012-05-24(木)#p03 poppler-data 0.4.5-5
- 2012-05-25(金)#p04 Media player indicator
- 2012-05-27(日)#p03 Bug #673847 : pulseaudio: Master channel always muted and set to 0 after boot
- 2012-05-29(火)#p06 gnome-bluetooth 3.4.0-2
- 2012-05-30(水)#p03 GNOME 3.4
- 2012-05-31(木)#p03 GNOMEにログインした時のボリューム*その3
- 2012-06-01(金)#p03 system-config-printer 1.3.7-3*その2
- 2012-06-02(土)#p04 Windows 8 Release Preview
- 2012-06-04(月)#p02 今日のunstable
- 2012-06-05(火)#p05 libreoffice 1:3.5.4-1
- 2012-06-07(木)#p04 linux-2.6 3.4.1-1~experimental.1
- 2012-06-09(土)#p02 fbtermで文字欠け*その2
- 2012-06-09(土)#p03 Bug #676425 : gnome-shell: Can't run gnome-shell-extension-prefs from http://extensions.gnome.org
- 2012-06-10(日)#p05 linux-2.6 3.4.1-1~experimental.1
- 2012-06-11(月)#p02 flashplayer-mozilla 3:
- 2012-06-11(月)#p05 Bug #676921 : ITP: amd64-microcode -- Processor microcode firmware for AMD CPUs
- 2012-06-12(火)#p04 lightspark
- 2012-06-15(金)#p03 lightspark
- 2012-06-15(金)#p04 SettingsCenter
- 2012-06-16(土)#p04 Bug #676425 : gnome-shell: Can't run gnome-shell-extension-prefs from http://extensions.gnome.org*その2
- 2012-06-16(土)#p05 Bug #677714 : wine-unstable: Incomplete upload of 1.5 for amd64
- 2012-06-17(日)#p04 VirtualBox上のWindows 8 RPにGuest Additionsをインストールする
- 2012-06-20(水)#p04 mozc 1.5.1090.102-1
- 2012-06-21(木)#p04 virtualbox-4.1 4.1.18-78361~Debian~squeeze
- 2012-06-22(金)#p03 gdm3 3.4.1-1
- 2012-06-25(月)#p04 The status of desktop-base in wheezy
- 2012-06-26(火)#p04 meta-gnome3 1:3.4+1
- 2012-06-26(火)#p05 desktop-base 7.0.0
- 2012-06-27(水)#p04 linux 3.4.4-1~experimental.1
- 2012-06-30(土)#p03 amd64-microcode 0.20120117-1
- 2012-07-01(日)#p02 plymouth
- 2012-07-01(日)#p04 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...
- 2012-07-03(火)#p04 plymouth*その2
- 2012-07-04(水)#p03 plymouth
- 2012-07-06(金)#p02 ia32-libs 20120701
- 2012-07-08(日)#p02 acroread 9.5.1-dmo6
- 2012-07-10(火)#p05 amd64-microcode 1.20120117-2
- 2012-07-12(木)#p02 Window Scale In
- 2012-07-16(月)#p02 Bug #667040 : libgtk-3-0: Broken text rendering
- 2012-07-19(木)#p03 iceweasel 14.0.1-1
- 2012-07-20(金)#p02 dbus 1.6.4-1
- 2012-07-24(火)#p05 All-in-one Places
- 2012-07-25(水)#p02 今日のunstable
- 2012-07-26(木)#p03 これは何だ?
- 2012-07-30(月)#p03 desktop-base 7.0.1
- 2012-07-31(火)#p03 Boss Mode
- 2012-08-01(水)#p03 Debian 8.0 Is Codenamed "Jessie"
- 2012-08-01(水)#p04 if the 3.4.1 Debian wheezy gnome-shell starts up slowly for you
- 2012-08-04(土)#p05 virtialbox-4.2 4.2.0~beta1-79756~Debian~wheezy
- 2012-08-05(日)#p04 linux 3.5-1~experimental.1
- 2012-08-08(水)#p04 Debian Now Defaults To Xfce Desktop
- 2012-08-09(木)#p04 Bug #573483 : linux-headers in unstable regularly uninstallable due to missing linux-kbuild
- 2012-08-12(日)#p02 Debian Wheezy status of fglrx-driver
- 2012-08-14(火)#p04 VirtualBox 4.2 Release Candidate 1 released
- 2012-08-15(水)#p02 flashplayer-mozilla 3:
- 2012-08-19(日)#p04 Windows 8 RTM
- 2012-08-20(月)#p04 linux 3.5.2-1~experimental.1
- 2012-08-22(水)#p04 Advanced Volume Mixer
- 2012-08-23(木)#p05 VirtualBox 4.2 Release Candidate 2 released
- 2012-08-26(日)#p02 linux-tools 3.5-1~experimental.1
- 2012-08-27(月)#p03 Winキーの設定で
- 2012-08-29(水)#p05 Advanced Volume Mixerが変?
- 2012-08-30(木)#p03 virtualbox-4.2 4.2.0~rc3-80444~Debian~wheezy
- 2012-08-31(金)#p04 libreoffice 1:3.6.1-1
- 2012-09-01(土)#p02 Advanced Volume Mixerが変?*その2
- 2012-09-03(月)#p03 amd64 most popular architecture according to popcon
- 2012-09-08(土)#p02 mozc 1.6.1187.102-1~exp1
- 2012-09-09(日)#p05 virtualbox-4.2 4.2.0~rc4-80667~Debian~wheezy
- 2012-09-11(火)#p04 GFeedLine
- 2012-09-13(木)#p04 virtualbox-4.2 4.2.0-80737~Debian~wheezy
- 2012-09-14(金)#p03 virtualbox-4.2 4.2.0-80737~Debian~wheezy*その2
- 2012-09-19(水)#p04 Hide Dash LinuxLexOS
- 2012-09-21(金)#p04 gcc-4.7-base 4.7.2-1
- 2012-09-22(土)#p02 gcc-4.7 4.7.2-2
- 2012-09-23(日)#p03 meta-gnome3 1:3.4+2
- 2012-09-25(火)#p04 GStreamer 1.0
- 2012-09-26(水)#p03 Bug #688834 : [experimental] linux: please update to 3.6-rc series
- 2012-09-28(金)#p03 Adwaita 15.1
- 2012-09-29(土)#p04 ffmepg 7:1.0-dmo1
- 2012-09-30(日)#p03 meta-gnome3 1:3.4+3
- 2012-09-30(日)#p04 Remove Accessibility
- 2012-10-03(水)#p04 お気に入りのGNOME Shell Extensions
- 2012-10-04(木)#p04 gnome-themes-standard
- 2012-10-05(金)#p03 linux 3.5.5-1~experimental.1
- 2012-10-06(土)#p03 Status of GNOME 3.6 in Debian
- 2012-10-07(日)#p04 Remove Accessibility
- 2012-10-09(火)#p03 Lots of updates today in Debian Wheezy, plus when I think it will go Stable and why I stick with Debian as my distro of choice
- 2012-10-10(水)#p03 flashplayer-mozilla 3:
- 2012-10-12(金)#p04 Bug #683428 : release-notes: security status of web browsers in wheezy
- 2012-10-15(月)#p04 GNOME 3.6
- 2012-10-18(木)#p03 Eye!
- 2012-10-19(金)#p05 virtualbox 4.2.2-81494~Debian~wheezy
- 2012-10-20(土)#p05 virtualbox 4.2.2-81494~Debian~wheezy*その2 (Ubuntu 12.10)
- 2012-10-21(日)#p02 Debian Installer 7.0 Beta3 release
- 2012-10-23(火)#p04 GNOME 3.6*その2
- 2012-10-28(日)#p04 virtualbox-4.2 4.2.4-81684~Debian~wheezy
- 2012-10-31(水)#p03 linux 3.6.4-1~experimental.1
- 2012-11-03(土)#p02 Audaciousでの文字化け回避
- 2012-11-04(日)#p02 meta-gnome3 1:3.4+6
- 2012-11-05(月)#p02 fonts-liberation 1.07.2-6
- 2012-11-06(火)#p03 Bug #692243 : lightspark-common: change dependency from ttf-liberation to fonts-liberation
- 2012-11-06(火)#p04 ANNOUNCEMENT: Intel/AMD x86 CPU microcode update system in non-free
- 2012-11-07(水)#p02 flashplayer-mozilla 3:
- 2012-11-11(日)#p03 radeonドライバーでHDMIオーディオ
- 2012-11-12(月)#p04 lightspark 0.7.0-1
- 2012-11-15(木)#p03 mikutter
- 2012-11-17(土)#p03 linux 3.6.4-1~experimental.1*その2
- 2012-11-18(日)#p03 再インストール
- 2012-11-19(月)#p02 再インストール*その2
- 2012-11-20(火)#p04 再インストール*その3
- 2012-11-21(水)#p04 再インストール*その4
- 2012-11-22(木)#p03 自前ビルドのFirefox/trunkをデフォルトブラウザに設定する vol.2
- 2012-11-23(金)#p02 GNOME MPlayerのデフォルトの音量
- 2012-11-24(土)#p02 GNOME MPlayerのデフォルトの音量*その2
- 2012-11-25(日)#p04 CDのリッピング
- 2012-11-26(月)#p03 banshee 2.6.0-3
- 2012-11-27(火)#p04 gnome-menus 3.4.2-5
- 2012-11-27(火)#p05 Linux Mint 14
- 2012-11-29(木)#p03 linux 3.6.8-1~experimental.1
- 2012-12-01(土)#p04 audaciousでmidiファイルを再生する
- 2012-12-02(日)#p04 Linux Mint 14*その2
- 2012-12-05(水)#p04 gnome-shell 3.4.2-3
- 2012-12-08(土)#p02 linux 3.6.9-1~experimental.1
- 2012-12-08(土)#p04 InsyncでGoogle Driveが快適に
- 2012-12-09(日)#p03 libreoffice 1:3.6.4-1
- 2012-12-11(火)#p04 audacious 3.3.2-1
- 2012-12-11(火)#p05 stellarium 0.11.3-1
- 2012-12-13(木)#p03 flashplayer-mozilla 3:
- 2012-12-14(金)#p04 base-files 7
- 2012-12-15(土)#p04 システムワイドなマウスポインタの設定を変更する
- 2012-12-19(水)#p02 insync-beta-gnome 0.9.30
- 2012-12-20(木)#p04 virutalbox-4.2 4.2.6-82870~Debian~wheezy
- 2012-12-23(日)#p04 EPSON EP-805A
- 2012-12-24(月)#p04 EPSON EP-805A*その2
- 2012-12-24(月)#p05 gnome-settings-daemon 3.4.2+git20121218.7c1322-1
- 2012-12-24(月)#p06 VirtualBoxのLinuxゲストで、共有フォルダを使う
- 2012-12-25(火)#p04 linux-kbuild-3.7のビルド、失敗
- 2012-12-26(水)#p03 linux-kbuild-3.7のビルド、再び失敗
- 2013-01-05(土)#p04 Bug #696664 : uapi/asm-generic missing from linux-headers-3.7
- 2013-01-07(月)#p02 linux 3.7.1-1~experimental.2
- 2013-01-08(火)#p04 mozc 1.6.1187.102-1~exp2
- 2013-01-09(水)#p03 flashplayer-mozilla 3:
- 2013-01-11(金)#p04 gnome-shell 3.4.2-5
- 2013-01-13(日)#p02 Bug #656719 : Please provide xvmc and vdpau Gallium3D video acceleration drivers (libg3dvl-mesa package)
- 2013-01-13(日)#p04 firmware-nonfree 0.37
- 2013-01-16(水)#p04 mikutter
- 2013-01-18(金)#p04 linux 3.7.3-1~experimental.1
- 2013-01-22(火)#p03 gnome-settings-daemon 3.4.2+git20121218.7c1322-2
- 2013-01-23(水)#p03 GNOME in Debian after wheezy
- 2013-01-24(木)#p03 galculator 2.0.1-1
- 2013-01-26(土)#p02 python-cups 1.9.62-1
- 2013-01-27(日)#p04 Windows 8 Pro アップグレード版
- 2013-01-29(火)#p03 Windows 8 Pro アップグレード版*その2
- 2013-01-30(水)#p04 Windows 8 Pro アップグレード版*その3
- 2013-01-31(木)#p05 libreoffice 1:3.6.5-1
- 2013-02-01(金)#p02 Bug #699269 : IPv6 slow and hangs over failed bonding link
- 2013-02-03(日)#p03 trash-cli 0.12.7-1
- 2013-02-04(月)#p03 Windows 8 Pro アップグレード版*その4
- 2013-02-06(水)#p02 mikutter
- 2013-02-08(金)#p02 flashplayer-mozilla 3:
- 2013-02-08(金)#p04 ibus 1.5.1-1
- 2013-02-09(土)#p02 Sylpheedの印刷設定
- 2013-02-09(土)#p04 ibus 1.5.1-1*その2
- 2013-02-10(日)#p02 Windows 8 Pro アップグレード版*その5
- 2013-02-10(日)#p04 ibus 1.5.1-1*その3
- 2013-02-10(日)#p05 libreoffice 1:4.0.0-1
- 2013-02-12(火)#p03 ibus 1.5.1-1*その4
- 2013-02-12(火)#p05 easytag-aac 2.1.8-dmo1
- 2013-02-13(水)#p02 flash-player 3:
- 2013-02-14(木)#p02 ibus 1.5.1.is.1.4.2-1
- 2013-02-14(木)#p05 Debian Family Tree
- 2013-02-16(土)#p02 linux 3.7.8-1~experimental.1
- 2013-02-18(月)#p02 sylpheed 3.4.0~beta2-1
- 2013-02-21(木)#p03 gcc-defaults 1.120exp2
- 2013-02-22(金)#p02 activity-log-manager 0.8.0-1
- 2013-02-24(日)#p03 Bug #701154 : evince: crash with printing certain PDF file
- 2013-02-28(木)#p02 flashplayer-mozilla 3:
- 2013-02-28(木)#p04 virtualbox-4.2 4.2.8-83876~Debian~wheezy
- 2013-03-02(土)#p03 GnoMenuの謎な動き
- 2013-03-04(月)#p04 gecko-mediaplayer 1.0.8-1
- 2013-03-06(水)#p04 pulseaudio 3.0-1
- 2013-03-07(木)#p04 linux 3.8.2-1~experimental.1
- 2013-03-09(土)#p02 linux 3.8.2-1~experimental.1*その2
- 2013-03-11(月)#p03 gvfsd-metadata
- 2013-03-12(火)#p03 GNOME Shellから謎のメッセージ
- 2013-03-12(火)#p04 Gno-Menu
- 2013-03-13(水)#p02 flashplayer-mozilla 3:
- 2013-03-14(木)#p03 Deadbeef
- 2013-03-15(金)#p03 virtualbox-4.2 4.2.10-84104~Debian~wheezy
- 2013-03-18(月)#p04 lightspark 0.7.2-1
- 2013-03-20(水)#p02 Bug #677886 : mesa: please compile with --enable-gallium-g3dvl to provide `libvdpau_r600`
- 2013-03-21(木)#p04 linux 3.8.3-1~experimental.1
- 2013-03-23(土)#p02 gcc-4.8 4.8.0-1
- 2013-03-24(日)#p02 linux-headers-3.8-trunk-common 3.8.3-1~experimental.1
- 2013-03-26(火)#p03 ffmpeg-dmo 8:1.0.6-dmo2
- 2013-03-26(火)#p04 Bug #703800 : linux-headers-3.2.0-4-common-rt: files missing [3.2.39-2 -> 3.2.41-1 regression]
- 2013-04-02(火)#p04 linux 3.8.5-1~experimental.1
- 2013-04-05(金)#p04 Bug #701154 : evince: crash with printing certain PDF file
- 2013-04-06(土)#p02 mozc 1.10.1390.102の状況
- 2013-04-10(水)#p02 flashplayer-mozilla 3:
- 2013-04-13(土)#p03 virtualbox-4.2 4.2.12-84980~Debian~wheezy
- 2013-04-15(月)#p04 Debian Wiki / Icedove
- 2013-04-18(木)#p04 padevchooser 0.9.4-1
- 2013-04-20(土)#p02 padevchooser 0.9.4-1*その2
- 2013-04-21(日)#p04 Debian 7.0のリリースは、5月4日か5日の予定
- 2013-04-23(火)#p04 openjdk-7 7u21-2.3.9-1
- 2013-04-28(日)#p03 パーツの入れ替え
- 2013-04-29(月)#p04 ASRock 990FX Extreme 9でlm_sensors
- 2013-05-01(水)#p03 powernow-k8 or acpi-cpufreq?
- 2013-05-06(月)#p02 Debian 7.0 Wheezy リリース
- 2013-05-07(火)#p03 audacious 3.3.4-2
- 2013-05-07(火)#p04 linux 3.8.11-1
- 2013-05-08(水)#p03 network-manager
- 2013-05-09(木)#p03 GNOME起動時の音量調節
- 2013-05-09(木)#p04 libreoffice 1:4.0.3-1
- 2013-05-10(金)#p05 Nautilusのサムネール表示
- 2013-05-11(土)#p02 Nautilusのサムネール表示*その2
- 2013-05-11(土)#p03 ASRock 990FX Extreme 9でlm_sensors*その2
- 2013-05-11(土)#p05 linux 3.8.12-1
- 2013-05-13(月)#p02 ASRock 990FX Extreme 9でlm_sensors*その3
- 2013-05-14(火)#p05 Bug #708219 : libwine-bin-unstable: Package is empty
- 2013-05-15(水)#p03 flashplayer-mozilla 3:
- 2013-05-15(水)#p04 mozc 1.6.1187.102-1~exp3
- 2013-05-18(土)#p02 linux 3.8.13-1
- 2013-05-19(日)#p03 rygel 0.18.1-3
- 2013-05-19(日)#p04 システムの時刻設定をUTCからJSTに変更する
- 2013-05-20(月)#p04 ppdev
- 2013-05-21(火)#p03 ASRock 990FX Extreme 9のPCI構成
- 2013-05-24(金)#p04 GNOME 3.8
- 2013-05-25(土)#p04 gvfs 1.16.2-1
- 2013-05-26(日)#p04 gnome-menus 3.8.0-1
- 2013-05-27(月)#p04 meta-gnome3 1:3.8+1
- 2013-05-28(火)#p03 Bug #705387 : alacarte: cannot import GError from gi._glib
- 2013-05-30(木)#p04 Bug #710142 : FTBFS "Assembler messages: Error: expecting string instruction after `rep'"
- 2013-05-31(金)#p02 マウスカーソルの動きが悪い、の顛末
- 2013-06-01(土)#p02 mesa 9.1.3-1
- 2013-06-08(土)#p02 linux 3.9.4-1
- 2013-06-09(日)#p03 GNOME Control Centerが起動しない
- 2013-06-11(火)#p02 Bug #711584 : gnome-control-center: *** Error in `gnome-control-center': free(): invalid pointer: 0x00007f6e3619c000 ***
- 2013-06-11(火)#p05 linux 3.9.5-1
- 2013-06-12(水)#p03 Bug #711584 : gnome-control-center: *** Error in `gnome-control-center': free(): invalid pointer: 0x00007f6e3619c000 ***
- 2013-06-14(金)#p03 webkit 1.8.1-4
- 2013-06-15(土)#p02 Bug #705387 : alacarte: cannot import GError from gi._glib
- 2013-06-16(日)#p02 linux 3.9.6-1
- 2013-06-16(日)#p05 USBメモリ
- 2013-06-17(月)#p03 gnome-icon-theme 3.8.2-2
- 2013-06-17(月)#p04 pulseaudio 4.0-3
- 2013-06-20(木)#p04 gnome-bluetooth 3.8.1-1
- 2013-06-21(金)#p02 gnome-bluetooth 3.8.1-1*その2
- 2013-06-22(土)#p02 virtualbox-4.2 4.2.14-86644~Debian~wheezy
- 2013-06-25(火)#p03 gdmが起動しなくなった件の顛末
- 2013-06-26(水)#p03 fontconfig 2.10.2-1
- 2013-06-27(木)#p03 fontconfig 2.10.2-2
- 2013-06-29(土)#p02 Bug #714163 : fontconfig-config: 10-autohint.conf broken
- 2013-06-29(土)#p04 Bug #714321 : fontconfig spams the console on every program start
- 2013-06-30(日)#p02 system-config-printer 1.4.1-3
- 2013-06-30(日)#p04 ビデオカード
- 2013-07-01(月)#p04 linux 3.9.8-1
- 2013-07-03(水)#p04 openjdk-7-jre-headless 7u25-2.3.10-1
- 2013-07-04(木)#p04 Bug #714464 : icedtea-7-plugin: Uninstallable
- 2013-07-05(金)#p02 virtualbox-4.2 4.2.16-86992~Debian~wheezy
- 2013-07-06(土)#p02 fglrxで仮想コンソールを
- 2013-07-06(土)#p04 Affected by gnome-shell lockups on wheezy?
- 2013-07-08(月)#p04 Bug #714279 : fontconfig-config: Not correct view anti-aliasing fonts and incorrect visualization.
- 2013-07-09(火)#p03 OpenArena
- 2013-07-10(水)#p03 flashplayer-mozilla 3:
- 2013-07-15(月)#p02 fglrxで仮想コンソールを*その2
- 2013-07-16(火)#p04 python3-defaults 3.3.2-1
- 2013-07-17(水)#p04 linux 3.10.1-1
- 2013-07-19(金)#p03 Bug #717224 : [fglrx-modules-dkms] Unable to build modules with kernel 3.10-1
- 2013-07-20(土)#p02 soundconverter
- 2013-07-21(日)#p05 Xperia ULに音楽を転送する
- 2013-07-23(火)#p03 Failed to open VDPAU backend libvdpau_nvidia.so
- 2013-07-24(水)#p03 cups-pdf_2.6.1-9
- 2013-07-26(金)#p02 libreoffice 1:4.1.0-1
- 2013-07-26(金)#p04 linux 3.10.1-1
- 2013-07-28(日)#p02 dpkg-debの標準圧縮形式がxzになった
- 2013-07-29(月)#p03 linux 3.10.3-1
- 2013-08-02(金)#p02 libgjs0c 1.36.1-2
- 2013-08-03(土)#p02 gnome-shell 3.4.2-12
- 2013-08-04(日)#p03 fglrx-driver 1:13.8~beta1-1
- 2013-08-05(月)#p02 micro SDXCカード
- 2013-08-05(月)#p04 Bug #718791 : ITP: mikutter -- Simple, powerful and moeful twitter client
- 2013-08-05(月)#p05 fglrx-driver 1:13.8~beta1-2
- 2013-08-06(火)#p04 stellarium 0.12.2-1
- 2013-08-09(金)#p03 Windows 8 on VirtualBox 4.2.16-86992~Debian~wheezy
- 2013-08-09(金)#p05 linux 3.10.5-1
- 2013-08-12(月)#p04 mesa 9.1.6-1
- 2013-08-18(日)#p02 xserver-xorg-video-radeon 1:7.2.0-1
- 2013-08-19(月)#p02 linux 3.10.7-1
- 2013-08-20(火)#p03 gnome-shell 3.4.2-12+b1
- 2013-08-21(水)#p03 gnome-shell 3.4.2-13
- 2013-08-22(木)#p03 PulseAudioでアプリケーションごとに保存された音量をリセットする
- 2013-08-23(金)#p03 gnome-shell 3.4.2-15
- 2013-08-24(土)#p02 totem 3.8.2-2
- 2013-08-25(日)#p04 libmtp 1.1.6-20-g1b9f164-1
- 2013-08-27(火)#p03 perl 5.18.1-2
- 2013-09-02(月)#p02 libreoffice 1:4.1.1-1
- 2013-09-03(火)#p04 Bug #721574 : ruby-gettext: undefined method force_encoding... during apt-listbugs
- 2013-09-07(土)#p02 virtualbox-4.2 4.2.18-88780~Debian~wheezy
- 2013-09-11(水)#p02 flashplayer-mozilla 3:
- 2013-09-12(木)#p03 linux 3.10.11-1
- 2013-09-13(金)#p02 banshee 2.6.1-2
- 2013-09-19(木)#p03 mozc 1.11.1522.102-1
- 2013-09-21(土)#p04 CDが自動マウントされない
- 2013-09-22(日)#p03 banshee 2.6.1-3
- 2013-09-23(月)#p03 mikutter
- 2013-09-25(水)#p03 GStreamer 1.2 Feature Release Is Now Available
- 2013-09-29(日)#p02 mikutter
- 2013-10-03(木)#p03 xorg-server 2:1.14.3-3
- 2013-10-05(土)#p04 fglrx-control 1:13.8~beta1-2
- 2013-10-06(日)#p04 電源のプロパティ
- 2013-10-08(火)#p04 NetSpeed
- 2013-10-11(金)#p03 Bug #720933 : pulseaudio-4.0-6: noise while using any audio application
- 2013-10-11(金)#p04 Bug #726032 : transition: GNOME 3.8: gnome-desktop (and all the rest)
- 2013-10-13(日)#p03 Dropbox
- 2013-10-14(月)#p03 GNOME 3.8
- 2013-10-15(火)#p02 systemd 204-5
- 2013-10-15(火)#p04 gnome-disk-utility 3.10.0-1
- 2013-10-16(水)#p02 virtualbox-4.3 4.3.0-89960~Debian~wheezy
- 2013-10-17(木)#p03 VirtualBoxで、Windows 8から8.1へのアップグレード
- 2013-10-20(日)#p02 linux 3.11.5-1
- 2013-10-22(火)#p04 ~/.xsession-errorsが作成されない?
- 2013-10-23(水)#p02 Bug #727089 : zeitgeist-daemon.bash_completion: No such file or directory
- 2013-10-25(金)#p02 fcitx 1:
- 2013-10-26(土)#p02 mozc 1.11.1522.102-2
- 2013-10-27(日)#p02 zeitgeist 0.9.14-2
- 2013-10-28(月)#p02 Debian To Switch To Systemd Or Upstart
- 2013-10-28(月)#p04 linux 3.11.6-1
- 2013-11-01(金)#p03 mikutterの通知音のボリューム設定
- 2013-11-02(土)#p03 virtualbox-4.3 4.3.2-90405~Debian~wheezy
- 2013-11-03(日)#p02 bansheeが起動直後にクラッシュする
- 2013-11-05(火)#p04 mikutter
- 2013-11-07(木)#p03 mozc 1.12.1599.102-1
- 2013-11-10(日)#p02 Bug #717386 : systemd-journal group does not exist
- 2013-11-12(火)#p04 fglrx-driver 1:13.11~betav6-1
- 2013-11-13(水)#p02 flashplayer-mozilla 3:
- 2013-11-13(水)#p04 linux 3.11.7-1
- 2013-11-14(木)#p03 仮想コンソールのスクロールが遅い
- 2013-11-15(金)#p04 linux 3.11.8-1
- 2013-11-18(月)#p03 ukiOpenDevice?
- 2013-11-20(水)#p03 midori 0.5.5-1
- 2013-11-23(土)#p03 fglrx-control 1:13.11~betav6-1
- 2013-11-23(土)#p04 .cache/gdm/session.log
- 2013-11-24(日)#p02 gnome-shell 3.8.4-5
- 2013-11-25(月)#p03 mikutter
- 2013-11-28(木)#p03 freetype 2.5.1-1
- 2013-11-29(金)#p02 freetype 2.5.1-1*その2
- 2013-12-01(日)#p03 virtualbox-4.3 4.3.4-91027~Debian~wheezy
- 2013-12-02(月)#p03 fglrx-driver 1:13.11~betav9.4-1
- 2013-12-05(木)#p04 linux 3.11.10-1
- 2013-12-07(土)#p02 Bug #731556 : Packagekit sets apt post-invoke hooks to start an non existent service
- 2013-12-07(土)#p04 GNOMEにログイン後にNum LockをONにする
- 2013-12-09(月)#p03 packagekit 0.8.14-2
- 2013-12-10(火)#p03 banshee 2.6.1-4
- 2013-12-11(水)#p02 flashplayer-mozilla 3:
- 2013-12-14(土)#p03 VirtualBoxのゲストOSでLinux Mint 16を使った場合のサウンド
- 2013-12-16(月)#p03 banshee 2.6.1-5
- 2013-12-19(木)#p02 virtualbox-4.3 4.3.6-91406~Debian~wheezy
- 2013-12-23(月)#p02 linux 3.12.6-1
- 2013-12-27(金)#p03 apt-listbugsのアップグレードでエラー
- 2013-12-28(土)#p02 apt-listbugsのアップグレードでエラー*その2
- 2014-01-04(土)#p04 fglrx-driver 1:13.12-1
- 2014-01-05(日)#p02 Bug #733416 : fglrx-control: amdcccle doesn't work with gnome update
- 2014-01-08(水)#p03 ruby 1.8
- 2014-01-09(木)#p05 mikutter
- 2014-01-11(土)#p02 vdpau-va-driver0.7.4-dmo1
- 2014-01-13(月)#p02 vdpau-va-driver0.7.4-dmo1*その2
- 2014-01-15(水)#p02 flashplayer-mozilla 3:
- 2014-01-17(金)#p04 mozc 1.13.1651.102-1
- 2014-01-22(水)#p03 linux 3.12.8-1
- 2014-01-26(日)#p04 apt 0.9.15
- 2014-01-27(月)#p03 Building Debian Linux bootable SD card with hardware accelerated video decoding and Kernel 3.4 for A13-OLinuXino
- 2014-01-29(水)#p03 xserver-xorg-video-ati 1:7.3.0-1
- 2014-01-30(木)#p02 protobuf 2.5.0-7
- 2014-01-31(金)#p02 protobuf 2.5.0-7*その2
- 2014-02-01(土)#p02 protobuf 2.5.0-7*その3
- 2014-02-02(日)#p04 Bug #733416 : fglrx-control: amdcccle doesn't work with gnome update
- 2014-02-03(月)#p03 linux 3.12.9-1
- 2014-02-05(水)#p02 flashplayer-mozilla 3:
- 2014-02-06(木)#p03 protobuf 2.5.0-9
- 2014-02-09(日)#p02 systemdの設定
- 2014-02-10(月)#p04 systemdの設定*その2
- 2014-02-11(火)#p04 EGLIBC 2.19 set up (last release branch), EGLIBC trunk now closed
- 2014-02-14(金)#p02 fglrx-driver 1:14.1~beta1.3-1
- 2014-02-15(土)#p03 xserver-xorg-video-radeon 1:7.3.0-1+b1
- 2014-02-16(日)#p05 Bug #739054 : fglrx-driver: fglrx segfault
- 2014-02-17(月)#p03 GNOME 3.10
- 2014-02-19(水)#p04 Bug #739054 : fglrx-driver: fglrx segfault
- 2014-02-21(金)#p02 flashplayer-mozilla 3:
- 2014-02-21(金)#p03 ruby-gnome2 2.1.0-1
- 2014-02-22(土)#p02 Bug #739443 : video player crashes xorg
- 2014-02-23(日)#p02 mikutter
- 2014-02-24(月)#p04 linux 3.13.4-1
- 2014-02-26(水)#p02 virtualbox-4.3 4.3.8-92456~Debian~wheezy
- 2014-02-28(金)#p03 gnome-tweak-tool 3.10.1-1
- 2014-03-02(日)#p04 fglrx-driver 1:14.2~beta1.3-1
- 2014-03-03(月)#p04 Bug #739206 : [gnome-control-center] gnome-control-center segfaults when entering background chooser
- 2014-03-06(木)#p03 linux 3.13.5-1
- 2014-03-07(金)#p04 winetricks 0.0+20140115+svn1086-1
- 2014-03-09(日)#p02 Bug #738113 : linux-image-3.12-1-amd64: regression in xhci_hcd: USB3 doesn't work anymore
- 2014-03-09(日)#p03 Pioneer BDR-209JBK
- 2014-03-10(月)#p03 Debian unstableとWindows 8.1のデュアルブート
- 2014-03-12(水)#p02 flashplayer-mozilla 3:
- 2014-03-14(金)#p04 Bug #739443 : video player crashes xorg
- 2014-03-20(木)#p03 linux 3.13.6-1
- 2014-03-21(金)#p03 fglrx-driver 1:14.3~beta1.0-1
- 2014-03-22(土)#p03 Bug #738113 : linux-image-3.12-1-amd64: regression in xhci_hcd: USB3 doesn't work anymore
- 2014-03-23(日)#p03 fglrx-driver 1:14.3~beta1.0-1*その2
- 2014-03-23(日)#p04 Bug #739054 : fglrx-driver: fglrx segfault
- 2014-03-25(火)#p02 GNOME 3.12
- 2014-03-26(水)#p02 virtualbox-4.3 4.3.10-92957~Debian~wheezy
- 2014-03-27(木)#p03 linux 3.13.7-1
- 2014-03-29(土)#p02 network-manager
- 2014-03-30(日)#p03 Bug #742971 : network-manager: network manager upgrade fails
- 2014-03-30(日)#p04 Bug #742423 : wine-unstable: wine-wrapper (aka everything) tries to call /usr/bin/wine (which is missing)
- 2014-03-31(月)#p02 Bug #730437 : network-manager: fails to start
- 2014-04-04(金)#p03 gdmでログイン画面が表示されない
- 2014-04-04(金)#p05 network-manager
- 2014-04-05(土)#p04 Bug #743543 : gnome-shell fails to start : Unable to initialize Clutter
- 2014-04-06(日)#p02 Radeonドライバとglamorで2Dアクセラレーション
- 2014-04-07(月)#p03 wine-unstable 1.7.16-1
- 2014-04-07(月)#p04 Input Method Panel
- 2014-04-10(木)#p02 flashplayer-mozilla 3:
- 2014-04-11(金)#p02 apt 1.0.1
- 2014-04-14(月)#p03 Bug #743786 : wine-unstable: missing wineapploader, breaking wine{boot, cfg, dbg, file, path} symlinks
- 2014-04-14(月)#p04 Bug #744002 : needrestart: gdm3 blacklisting is incomplete
- 2014-04-15(火)#p04 needrestart 0.7-1
- 2014-04-17(木)#p02 needrestart 0.7-1*その2
- 2014-04-17(木)#p04 linux 3.13.10-1
- 2014-04-20(日)#p03 LinuxでSilverlightコンテンツを再生する
- 2014-04-21(月)#p04 TaskBar
- 2014-04-24(木)#p04 gcc-4.9 4.9.0-1
- 2014-04-28(月)#p02 gnome-terminal 3.12.0-2
- 2014-04-30(水)#p04 linux 3.14.2-1
- 2014-05-10(土)#p03 gnome-backgrounds 3.12.1-1
- 2014-05-11(日)#p03 llvm3.4 1:3.4.1-1
- 2014-05-12(月)#p04 llvm-toolchain-3.4 1:3.4.1-2
- 2014-05-14(水)#p02 flashplayer-mozilla 3:
- 2014-05-15(木)#p04 linux 3.14.4-1
- 2014-05-17(土)#p02 virtualbox-4.3 4.3.12-93733~Debian~wheezy
- 2014-05-17(土)#p04 mikutter 3.0.0~alpha2+dfsg-1
- 2014-05-21(水)#p04 gdm3 3.8.4-9
- 2014-05-23(金)#p04 Transitions for Debian Jessie
- 2014-05-24(土)#p03 mikutterの通知音のボリューム設定*その2
- 2014-05-25(日)#p03 mikutterの通知音のボリューム設定*その3
- 2014-05-26(月)#p04 mikutter 3.0.0~alpha4+dfsg-1
- 2014-05-29(木)#p03 python3-defaults 3.4.1~rc1-1
- 2014-05-30(金)#p02 python3-defaults 3.4.1~rc1-1*その2
- 2014-06-04(水)#p03 soundconverter 2.1.3-1
- 2014-06-05(木)#p03 libva 1.3.1-2
- 2014-06-06(金)#p03 linux 3.14.5-1
- 2014-06-07(土)#p02 Linux Mint 17
- 2014-06-08(日)#p03 VirtualBoxのゲストOSで3Dアクセラレーションが効かない問題
- 2014-06-09(月)#p03 mikutter 3.0.0+dfsg-1
- 2014-06-11(水)#p03 flashplayer-mozilla 3:
- 2014-06-11(水)#p05 gcc-defaults 1.128
- 2014-06-12(木)#p03 pipelight-multi 0.2.7
- 2014-06-15(日)#p02 gnome-mplayer 1.0.9-1
- 2014-06-15(日)#p03 sound-juicer 3.12.0-1
- 2014-06-17(火)#p03 linux 3.14.7-1
- 2014-06-22(日)#p03 我が家のGOME Shell Extensions
- 2014-06-25(水)#p02 systemd 204-11
- 2014-06-26(木)#p03 xserver-xorg-video-radeon 1:7.4.0-1
- 2014-06-28(土)#p03 gdbm 1.8.3-12+b1
- 2014-06-30(月)#p03 gdbm 1.8.3-12+b1*その2
- 2014-07-01(火)#p04 linux 3.14.9-1
- 2014-07-03(木)#p02 Bug #752465 : Multi-Arch:same file conflict for any pair of architectures
- 2014-07-04(金)#p03 Bug #753291 : libgdbm3: fails to upgrade: trying to overwrite changelog.Debian.gz which is different
- 2014-07-07(月)#p04 mikutter 3.0.3+dfsg-1
- 2014-07-08(火)#p04 linux 3.14.10-1
- 2014-07-09(水)#p02 flashplayer-mozilla 3:
- 2014-07-09(水)#p03 xserver-xorg-core 2: + xserver-xorg-video-radeon 1:7.4.0-2
- 2014-07-11(金)#p04 Flash動画の字幕の文字化けを治す
- 2014-07-13(日)#p02 linux 3.14.12-1
- 2014-07-14(月)#p03 IPv6で接続できないようになっていた
- 2014-07-15(火)#p04 upower 0.99.0-3
- 2014-07-16(水)#p02 virtualbox-4.3 4.3.14-95030~Debian~wheezy
- 2014-07-16(水)#p04 gnome-shell 3.12.2-3
- 2014-07-18(金)#p02 Bug #754879 : FTBFS on i386
- 2014-07-18(金)#p04 xorg-server 2:1.16.0-1
- 2014-07-19(土)#p04 gnome-shell 3.12.2-3*その2
- 2014-07-22(火)#p05 gstreamer1.0 1.4.0-1
- 2014-07-23(水)#p04 linux 3.14.13-1
- 2014-07-27(日)#p02 libopenal1 1:1.15.1-2
- 2014-07-28(月)#p03 Bug #756066 : [libopenal1] Unable to install amd64 next to i386 library
- 2014-07-29(火)#p04 openal-soft 1:1.15.1-3
- 2014-07-31(木)#p03 Bug #756582 : new syntax error when invoking "udevadm test" breaks installing/ upgrading
- 2014-08-01(金)#p04 fuse 2.9.3-15
- 2014-08-03(日)#p03 asunder 2.5-3
- 2014-08-06(水)#p03 mozc 1.15.1857.102-1
- 2014-08-09(土)#p04 libreoffice 1:4.3.0-2
- 2014-08-17(日)#p03 flashplayer-mozilla 3:
- 2014-08-18(月)#p04 mikutter 3.0.5+dfsg-1
- 2014-08-19(火)#p03 Bug #758543 : libdvdnav4: libdvdnavmini.so.4 is missing as of libdvdnav4-5.0.0-1
- 2014-08-23(土)#p03 PulseAudio
- 2014-08-24(日)#p02 今日のunstable
- 2014-08-25(月)#p04 Bug #759200 : evolution: uninstallable in sid/amd64: needs libgtkhtml-4.0-0 < 4.8
- 2014-08-27(水)#p03 gtkhtml4.0 4.8.4-3
- 2014-08-28(木)#p02 playonlinux 4.2.4-1
- 2014-08-31(日)#p03 Bug #758543 : libdvdnav4: libdvdnavmini.so.4 is missing as of libdvdnav4-5.0.0-1
- 2014-09-01(月)#p03 Bug #758543 : libdvdnav4: libdvdnavmini.so.4 is missing as of libdvdnav4-5.0.0-1*その2
- 2014-09-03(水)#p04 mplayer2 1:2.0~git20130903-dmo1
- 2014-09-06(土)#p02 gnome-mplayer
- 2014-09-08(月)#p04 今日のunstable
- 2014-09-09(火)#p02 linux 3.16.2-2
- 2014-09-10(水)#p02 flashplayer-mozilla 3:
- 2014-09-10(水)#p03 virtualbox-4.3 4.3.16-95972~Debian~wheezy
- 2014-09-14(日)#p02 pepperflashplugin-nonfree
- 2014-09-16(火)#p04 ffmpeg 7:2.4-1
- 2014-09-20(土)#p02 linux 3.16.3-1
- 2014-09-23(火)#p02 GNOME 3.14
- 2014-09-24(水)#p04 gnome-shell-extensions 3.14.0-1
- 2014-09-25(木)#p03 GNOME Shell Extension
- 2014-09-30(火)#p04 Volume Mixer
- 2014-10-04(土)#p02 Bug #762453 : brasero: doesn't even start (segfault)
- 2014-10-05(日)#p02 Bug #763865 : The needrestart package needs to depend on the libterm-readkey-perl package.
- 2014-10-05(日)#p03 initramfs-tools 0.118
- 2014-10-05(日)#p06 brasero 3.11.4-1
- 2014-10-06(月)#p03 xserver-xorg-video-radeon 1:7.5.0-1
- 2014-10-11(土)#p02 linux 3.16.5-1
- 2014-10-12(日)#p02 virtualbox-4.3 4.3.18-96516~Debian~wheezy
- 2014-10-12(日)#p04 TaskBar
- 2014-10-16(木)#p03 flashplayer-mozilla 3:
- 2014-10-17(金)#p03 SettingsCenter
- 2014-10-19(日)#p02 Sylpeedの外部ブラウザの設定
- 2014-10-24(金)#p03 Dynamic Top Bar
- 2014-10-28(火)#p04 今日のUnstable
- 2014-11-01(土)#p02 Bug #766420 : chromium: /usr/share/pixmaps/chromium.png is a directory, not a png image
- 2014-11-01(土)#p03 vdpauを有効にした時のwmvファイルの再生
- 2014-11-03(月)#p04 pipelight
- 2014-11-05(水)#p03 inux 3.16.7-1
- 2014-11-08(土)#p02 meta-gnome3 1:3.14+1
- 2014-11-09(日)#p02 libgdbm3_1.8.3-13+b1:i386
- 2014-11-09(日)#p04 Debian 9のコードネームは、"Stretch"
- 2014-11-11(火)#p03 Bug #752465 : Multi-Arch:same file conflict for any pair of architectures
- 2014-11-12(水)#p02 flashplayer-mozilla 3:
- 2014-11-16(日)#p03 pipelightでFlash Player plugin
- 2014-11-17(月)#p03 gdbm 1.8.3-13.1
- 2014-11-18(火)#p02 mikutter 3.1.0+dfsg-1
- 2014-11-22(土)#p02 virtualbox-4.3 4.3.20-96996~Debian~wheezy
- 2014-11-25(火)#p03 linux 3.17.4-1~exp1
- 2014-11-26(水)#p02 pipelightで導入したpluginのアップデート
- 2014-12-10(水)#p03 linux 3.16.7-ckt2-1
- 2014-12-12(金)#p03 linux 3.18-1~exp1
- 2014-12-13(土)#p02 plymouth 0.9.0-9
- 2014-12-14(日)#p03 NewInJessie
- 2014-12-15(月)#p04 gdm3の設定ファイル
- 2014-12-19(金)#p03 amd64-microcode 2.20141028.1
- 2014-12-21(日)#p03 gdmの背景画像
- 2014-12-26(金)#p04 mikutter 3.2.0+dfsg-1
- 2015-01-03(土)#p02 mikutter 3.2.1+dfsg-1
- 2015-01-11(日)#p02 pipelight-multi
- 2015-01-16(金)#p03 linux 3.16.7-ckt4-1
- 2015-01-19(月)#p03 soundconverter 2.1.4-2
- 2015-01-24(土)#p02 VirtualBoxにWindows 10 Technical Previewをインストール
- 2015-02-02(月)#p04 linux 3.18.5-1~exp1
- 2015-02-05(木)#p04 pipelight flashの日本語フォント表示
- 2015-02-09(月)#p04 linux 3.18.6-1~exp1
- 2015-02-10(火)#p03 カーネルのアップグレード後に、VMware PlayerのゲストOS起動時にエラーになった
- 2015-02-13(金)#p03 virtualbox-4.3 4.3.22-98236~Debian~wheezy
- 2015-02-15(日)#p04 スキャナのトラブル
- 2015-02-22(日)#p03 trash-cli
- 2015-02-27(金)#p02 trash-cli*その2
- 2015-03-04(水)#p03 virtualbox-4.3 4.3.24-98716~Debian~wheezy
- 2015-03-05(木)#p03 TaskBar
- 2015-03-09(月)#p03 Vivaldi Technical Preview 2
- 2015-03-10(火)#p03 Vivaldi Technical Preview 2*その2
- 2015-03-18(水)#p04 virtualbox-4.3 4.3.26-98988~Debian~wheezy
- 2015-03-22(日)#p03 linux-tools
- 2015-04-01(水)#p03 Bug #781603 : libssh2-1: changelog.gz is different between i386 and amd64 packages
- 2015-04-03(金)#p02 libssh2 1.5.0-2+b1
- 2015-04-26(日)#p03 Debian 8 "Jessie" released
- 2015-04-30(木)#p02 Bug #783777 - python-minimal: fails to upgrade with "ImportError: No module named _sysconfigdata_nd"
- 2015-05-01(金)#p02 python3.4 3.4.3-5
- 2015-05-02(土)#p02 solaar 0.9.2+dfsg-5
- 2015-05-09(土)#p02 Nautilusのサムネール表示
- 2015-05-10(日)#p03 Bug #784009 - [experimental] Lack of versioned symbols in nettle causes segfault
- 2015-05-11(月)#p03 xserver-xorg-core 2:1.17.1-2
- 2015-05-12(火)#p04 linux 4.0.2-1
- 2015-05-13(水)#p04 mesa 10.5.5-1
- 2015-05-14(木)#p04 virtualbox-4.3 4.3.28-100309~Debian~wheezy
- 2015-05-20(水)#p02 GNOME 3.16
- 2015-05-22(金)#p02 Bug #781657 - needrestart: prefers wrong kernel version (3.16 > 4.0)
- 2015-05-24(日)#p03 needrestart 2.1-1
- 2015-05-28(木)#p03 Bug #787004 - FTBFS on amd64
- 2015-05-29(金)#p03 pipelight
- 2015-05-31(日)#p02 Bug #787263 - [udev] Bad net.agent invocation: is not set: breaks networking for allow-hotplug interfaces
- 2015-06-01(月)#p02 pipelight*その2
- 2015-06-02(火)#p03 systemd 220-3
- 2015-06-03(水)#p03 libreoffice 1:4.4.4~rc1-1
- 2015-06-05(金)#p03 stellarium 0.13.3-2
- 2015-06-07(日)#p02 pipelight flashの日本語フォント表示*その2
- 2015-06-14(日)#p02 openssl 1.0.2c-1
- 2015-06-15(月)#p02 GNOME 3.16
- 2015-06-18(木)#p02 linux 4.0.5-1
- 2015-06-20(土)#p03 chromium 43.0.2357.124-2
- 2015-06-21(日)#p03 chromium 43.0.2357.124-3
- 2015-06-22(月)#p02 gnome-panel 3.16.1-3
- 2015-06-23(火)#p03 gnome-applets 3.16.1-3
- 2015-06-29(月)#p03 systemd 221-1
- 2015-07-02(木)#p03 gdebi
- 2015-07-06(月)#p03 GNOME 3.16
- 2015-07-07(火)#p03 linux 4.0.7-1
- 2015-07-09(木)#p02 Oracle VM VirtualBox 5.0 Officialy Released!
- 2015-07-12(日)#p02 linux 4.0.8-1
- 2015-07-14(火)#p02 gnome-screensaver 3.6.1-6
- 2015-07-16(木)#p02 Vivaldi browser Technical Preview 4 is here!
- 2015-07-23(木)#p02 libasound2-plugins 1.0.29-1
- 2015-07-26(日)#p02 libasound2-plugins 1.0.29-1*その2
- 2015-07-27(月)#p03 libasound2-plugins 1.0.29-1*その3
- 2015-07-31(金)#p02 mikutter 3.2.5+dfsg-1
- 2015-08-02(日)#p03 JessieのインストールとSidへのアップグレード
- 2015-08-04(火)#p03 Debian Lands GCC 5 In Unstable Repo
- 2015-08-05(水)#p04 linux 4.1.3-1
- 2015-08-06(木)#p03 Bug #794638 - FTBFS: no same version dependencies for 'sameVersionDep:libtag1-dev' found
- 2015-08-08(土)#p03 VirtualBoxのWindows 8.1をWindows 10にアップグレード
- 2015-08-09(日)#p02 Bug #794638 - FTBFS: no same version dependencies for 'sameVersionDep:libtag1-dev' found*その2
- 2015-08-17(月)#p04 linux 4.1.5-1
- 2015-08-25(火)#p02 software-properties-common
- 2015-08-26(水)#p03 linux 4.1.6-1
- 2015-08-29(土)#p02 Windows 8.1とのマルチブート
- 2015-08-31(月)#p02 gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad
- 2015-09-04(金)#p02 gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad*その2
- 2015-09-09(水)#p02 virtualbox-5.0 5.0.4-102546~Debian~wheezy
- 2015-09-09(水)#p03 gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad*その3
- 2015-09-12(土)#p02 cups 2.1.0-2
- 2015-09-12(土)#p03 virtualbox-5.0 5.0.4-102546~Debian~wheezy*その2
- 2015-09-23(水)#p02 GNOME 3.18
- 2015-09-24(木)#p02 「Flash Player 19」リリース、23件の脆弱性を修正
- 2015-09-26(土)#p04 gstreamer1.0 1.6.0-1
- 2015-09-27(日)#p04 linux 4.2.1-1
- 2015-09-28(月)#p03 gedit-plugins 3.18.0-1
- 2015-10-03(土)#p03 virtualbox-5.0 5.0.6-103037~Debian~wheezy
- 2015-10-05(月)#p03 mplayer 3:1.2-dmo1
- 2015-10-07(水)#p04 linux 4.2.3-1
- 2015-10-11(日)#p03 Bug #801361 - [systemd] attempts to unmount filesystems at end of boot, INCLUDING ROOT
- 2015-10-13(火)#p03 gnome-shell 3.18.0-1
- 2015-10-14(水)#p02 TaskBar
- 2015-10-16(金)#p04 gnome-control-center 1:3.18.1-1
- 2015-10-18(日)#p03 Lollypop
- 2015-10-19(月)#p02 またまた「Flash Player」のセキュリティアップデート、ゼロデイ脆弱性を含む3件の脆弱性を修正
- 2015-10-20(火)#p03 gnome-calendar 3.18.1-1
- 2015-10-21(水)#p02 Bug #802471 - libopenraw1v5: Try to overwrite file in libopenraw1
- 2015-10-21(水)#p04 virtualbox-5.0 5.0.8-103449~Debian~wheezy
- 2015-10-25(日)#p03 Bug #802471 - libopenraw1v5: Try to overwrite file in libopenraw1
- 2015-10-27(火)#p04 Bug #803104 - yelp: FTBFS: Segmentation fault
- 2015-10-28(水)#p03 linux 4.2.5-1
- 2015-10-30(金)#p04 Bug #803104 - yelp: FTBFS: Segmentation fault
- 2015-11-02(月)#p03 stellarium 0.14.0-1
- 2015-11-03(火)#p03 vivaldi-beta 1.0.303.52-2
- 2015-11-11(水)#p03 virtualbox-5.0 5.0.10-104061~Debian~wheezy
- 2015-11-11(水)#p04 linux 4.2.6-1
- 2015-11-13(金)#p02 SettingsCenter
- 2015-11-15(日)#p03 speech-dispatcher
- 2015-11-16(月)#p03 ruby-gnome2 2.2.5-3
- 2015-11-17(火)#p02 speech-dispatcher*その2
- 2015-11-18(水)#p02 今日のFirefox 公式 - 2015111703-trunk/Linux
- 2015-11-20(金)#p03 LinuxでGPUの動画再生支援を用いる(主にDebian/Ubuntu向け)
- 2015-11-21(土)#p02 Gradient Top Bar
- 2015-11-27(金)#p04 apt 1.1
- 2015-11-28(土)#p02 apt 1.1*その2
- 2015-11-29(日)#p02 apt 1.1*その3
- 2015-12-02(水)#p03 ifupdown 0.8
- 2015-12-03(木)#p02 ifupdown 0.8*その2
- 2015-12-04(金)#p02 Bug #747094 - bash-completion: [patch] add support for the new "apt" command
- 2015-12-06(日)#p02 Bug #807131 - gcc-5-base amd64+i386 not coinstallable because of changelog.Debian.gz mismatch
- 2015-12-15(火)#p03 linux 4.3.1-1
- 2015-12-16(水)#p03 linux 4.3.3-1
- 2015-12-19(土)#p03 ロジクールMx Anywhere 2
- 2015-12-27(日)#p03 mikutter 3.3.0+dfsg-1
- 2015-12-27(日)#p04 Debian APT Performance Is Becoming Much Better For Incremental Updates
- 2016-01-04(月)#p02 virtualbox-5.0 5.0.12-104815~Debian~wheezy
- 2016-01-09(土)#p02 virtualbox-5.0 5.0.12-104815~Debian~wheezy*その2
- 2016-01-11(月)#p02 Planex BT-Micro4
- 2016-01-14(木)#p02 Planex BT-Micro4*その2
- 2016-01-15(金)#p03 virtualbox-5.0 5.0.12-104815~Debian~wheezy*その3
- 2016-01-16(土)#p02 apt 1.2
- 2016-01-20(水)#p02 Bug #811479 - boot fails in "run-init -n ..."
- 2016-01-20(水)#p03 virtualbox-5.0 5.0.14-105127~Debian~wheezy
- 2016-01-21(木)#p02 Bug #811479 - boot fails in "run-init -n ..."
- 2016-01-22(金)#p02 スマホをUSB経由でマウントできない
- 2016-01-23(土)#p03 Bug #747094 - bash-completion: [patch] add support for the new "apt" command
- 2016-02-01(月)#p02 スマホをUSB経由でマウントできない*その2
- 2016-02-02(火)#p02 Planex BT-Micro4*その3
- 2016-02-05(金)#p03 NetworkManagerでネットワークを管理する
- 2016-02-13(土)#p03 mikutter - subparts_image plugin
- 2016-02-18(木)#p03 glibc 2.21-8
- 2016-02-19(金)#p03 linux 4.4.2-1
- 2016-02-21(日)#p02 Bug #813949 - bluetooth: error causing service to be unusable: Not enough free handles to register service
- 2016-03-02(水)#p03 network-manager 1.1.91-1
- 2016-03-04(金)#p02 Bits from the Release Team: A Slightly Moveable Feast
- 2016-03-04(金)#p04 ruby-defaults 1:2.3.0+1
- 2016-03-06(日)#p02 virtualbox-5.0 5.0.16-105871~Debian~wheezy
- 2016-03-08(火)#p03 linux 4.4.4-1
- 2016-03-11(金)#p02 DebianにFirefoxが来る
- 2016-03-12(土)#p02 firefox 45.0-1
- 2016-03-18(金)#p03 linux 4.4.6-1
- 2016-03-26(土)#p02 GNOME 3.20
- 2016-03-28(月)#p02 It's Looking Like Debian 9.0 Stretch Won't Support OwnCloud
- 2016-04-03(日)#p03 apt-listchanges 2.87
- 2016-04-16(土)#p02 chromium 50.0.2661.75-1
- 2016-04-17(日)#p03 linux 4.5.1-1
- 2016-04-18(月)#p03 GNOME 3.20
- 2016-04-19(火)#p03 virtualbox-5.0 5.0.18-106667~Debian~wheezy
- 2016-04-20(水)#p03 GNOME 3.20*その2
- 2016-04-22(金)#p02 gnome-calendar 3.20.1-1
- 2016-04-23(土)#p02 Bug #821154 - chromium: crashes on video
- 2016-04-24(日)#p02 Bug #822317 - appstreamcli: double free or corruption
- 2016-04-26(火)#p04 gnome-online-accounts 3.20.1-1
- 2016-04-27(水)#p04 gnome-software 3.20.2-2
- 2016-04-29(金)#p02 virtualbox-5.0 5.0.20-106931~Debian~wheezy
- 2016-04-30(土)#p02 linux 4.5.2-1
- 2016-05-08(日)#p04 linux 4.5.3-1
- 2016-05-09(月)#p02 Firefox 46.0.1-1
- 2016-05-18(水)#p03 linux 4.5.4-1
- 2016-05-22(日)#p02 Bug #824835 - tex-common: Installation fails due to fmtutil failure
- 2016-05-24(火)#p03 Bug #824835 - tex-common: Installation fails due to fmtutil failure
- 2016-05-31(火)#p05 linux 4.5.5-1
- 2016-06-01(水)#p03 Bug #825394 - systemd kill background processes after user logs out
- 2016-06-05(日)#p03 Debian 8.5 Released, Debian 7.11 Is Out Too For Ending Wheezy
- 2016-06-06(月)#p03 meta-gnome3 1:3.14+5
- 2016-06-09(木)#p02 linux 4.6.1-1
- 2016-06-17(金)#p02 virtualbox-5.0 5.0.22-108108~Debian~wheezy
- 2016-06-29(水)#p02 virtualbox-5.0 5.0.24-108355~Debian~stretch
- 2016-07-01(金)#p02 GNOMEでGoogleフォトを使う
- 2016-07-07(木)#p03 linux 4.6.3-1
- 2016-07-13(水)#p03 virtualbox-5.1 5.1.0-108711~Debian~stretch
- 2016-07-16(土)#p03 virtualbox-5.1 5.1.0-108711~Debian~stretch*その2
- 2016-07-18(月)#p02 virtualbox-5.1 5.1.0-108711~Debian~stretch*その3
- 2016-07-20(水)#p03 linux 4.6.4-1
- 2016-07-22(金)#p02 virtualbox-5.1 5.1.2-108956~Debian~stretch
- 2016-07-27(水)#p02 virtualbox-5.1 5.1.2-108956~Debian~stretch*その2
- 2016-07-28(木)#p03 Bug #832390 - libgd2: FTBFS on *i386: FAIL: gdimagerotate/bug00067
- 2016-08-04(木)#p02 gcc-defaults 1.163
- 2016-08-06(土)#p03 libreoffice 1:5.2.0-1
- 2016-08-10(水)#p02 wine 1.8.3-3
- 2016-08-17(水)#p02 Bug #834455 - gnome-terminal: Window height decreases by 1 line with each typed character if multiple tabs are opened
- 2016-08-17(水)#p03 VirtualBox 5.1.4 released
- 2016-08-18(木)#p04 Bug #834455 - gnome-terminal: Window height decreases by 1 line with each typed character if multiple tabs are opened
- 2016-08-29(月)#p03 linux 4.7.2-1
- 2016-08-31(水)#p04 GNOME 3.22
- 2016-09-09(金)#p02 gedit 3.21.90-2
- 2016-09-11(日)#p02 gedit-plugins 3.20.0-2
- 2016-09-13(火)#p03 VirtualBox 5.1.6 released
- 2016-09-14(水)#p02 Bug #837738 - Fails to start, Invalid property: GtkScrolledWindow.propagate-natural-height
- 2016-09-15(木)#p03 nautilus 3.21.92-2
- 2016-09-21(水)#p03 gnome-shell 3.22.0-1
- 2016-09-27(火)#p03 linux 4.7.5-1
- 2016-09-30(金)#p02 Perl 5.24 transition underway
- 2016-10-07(金)#p02 perl 5.24.1~rc3-3
- 2016-10-08(土)#p02 Bug #840068 - gnome-session-flashback: installation fails
- 2016-10-10(月)#p03 linux 4.7.6-1
- 2016-10-11(火)#p02 gnome-flashback 3.22.0-2
- 2016-10-12(水)#p02 GNOME 3.22.1
- 2016-10-14(金)#p02 ハイブリッドクラウド機能にフォーカスした「Ubuntu 16.10」
- 2016-10-19(水)#p03 VirtualBox 5.1.8 released
- 2016-10-20(木)#p03 linux 4.7.8-1
- 2016-10-26(水)#p02 mikutte subparts_imageプラグイン
- 2016-10-31(月)#p04 linux 4.8.5-1
- 2016-11-07(月)#p02 Bug #843308 - linux-image-4.8.0-1-amd64: iommu page fault on usb controller
- 2016-11-08(火)#p02 desktop-base 9.0.0~exp1
- 2016-11-11(金)#p02 GNOME 3.22.2
- 2016-11-15(火)#p03 linux 4.8.7-1
- 2016-11-18(金)#p03 libreoffice 1:5.2.3-2
- 2016-11-23(水)#p05 virtualbox-5.1 5.1.10-112026~Debian~stretch
- 2016-12-03(土)#p02 linux 4.8.11-1
- 2016-12-07(水)#p02 今日のDebian unstable
- 2016-12-08(木)#p02 Bug #847343 - firmware-misc-nonfree: breaks update-initramfs (initramfs-tools <= 0.125) if plymouth installed
- 2016-12-10(土)#p02 Bug #847542 - libmozjs-24-0 24.2.0-4 breaks gnome-shell, preventing gdm3 from starting
- 2016-12-11(日)#p02 Bug #847542 - libmozjs-24-0 24.2.0-4 breaks gnome-shell, preventing gdm3 from starting
- 2016-12-12(月)#p02 mikutter-sub-parts-client
- 2016-12-15(木)#p04 firmware-nonfree 20161130-2
- 2016-12-16(金)#p03 2016年12月16日 寂寥感は漂えど…Adobe,「Flash Player 24 for Linux」を発表
- 2016-12-20(火)#p03 linux 4.8.15-1
- 2016-12-21(水)#p02 VirtualBox 5.1.12 released
- 2016-12-26(月)#p02 How to install GNOME Shell extensions with Firefox 52?
- 2017-01-04(水)#p03 desktop-base 9.0.0
- 2017-01-06(金)#p02 Bug #756988 - please provide background for gdm3 unlock/login/greeter
- 2017-01-07(土)#p02 Bug #849348 - chrome-gnome-shell: Install Firefox extension
- 2017-01-09(月)#p02 今日のDebian unstable
- 2017-01-11(水)#p02 flashplugin-nonfree 1:3.7
- 2017-01-11(水)#p03 chrome-gnome-shell 8-1
- 2017-01-12(木)#p02 今日のDebian unstable
- 2017-01-12(木)#p03 flashplugin-nonfree 1:3.7
- 2017-01-13(金)#p03 linux 4.9.2-1
- 2017-01-16(月)#p02 base-files 9.8
- 2017-01-18(水)#p02 virtualbox-5.1 5.1.14-112924~Debian~stretch
- 2017-01-20(金)#p02 Bug #851925 - libmutter-cogl.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
- 2017-01-21(土)#p02 gnome-shell 3.22.2-3
- 2017-01-23(月)#p02 Bug #851066 - flashplugin-nonfree: Mismatch between detected and available versions (Download file not available at people.debian.org)
- 2017-01-29(日)#p03 linux 4.9.6-2
- 2017-01-30(月)#p02 Dropbox
- 2017-01-31(火)#p02 Dropbox*その2
- 2017-02-07(火)#p03 Debian 9.0 Stretch Is Now Frozen
- 2017-02-14(火)#p03 Extension Update Notifier
- 2017-02-16(木)#p03 icedove 1:45.7.1-1
- 2017-02-17(金)#p02 Bug #851066 - flashplugin-nonfree: Mismatch between detected and available versions (Download file not available at people.debian.org)
- 2017-02-19(日)#p03 linux 4.9.10-1
- 2017-02-27(月)#p04 cups-pdf 3.0.1-1
- 2017-02-28(火)#p04 linux 4.9.13-1
- 2017-03-02(木)#p02 meta-gnome3 1:3.22+1
- 2017-03-09(木)#p02 virtualbox-5.1 5.1.16-113841~Debian~stretch
- 2017-03-12(日)#p02 mikutter 3.5.4+dfsg-1
- 2017-03-16(木)#p03 virtualbox-5.1 5.1.18-114002~Debian~stretch
- 2017-03-25(土)#p02 [debhelper-devel] Bug#795253: Add support for Meson build system
- 2017-03-28(火)#p03 eject 2.1.5+deb1+cvs20081104-13.2
- 2017-03-29(水)#p02 chrome-gnome-shell 8.2.1-1
- 2017-04-06(木)#p02 起動しなくなった
- 2017-04-08(土)#p02 linux 4.10.7-1~exp1
- 2017-04-11(火)#p02 起動しなくなったのその後
- 2017-04-16(日)#p02 fonts-noto-cjk
- 2017-04-25(火)#p02 virtualbox-5.1 5.1.20-114628~Debian~stretch
- 2017-04-29(土)#p02 virtualbox-5.1 5.1.22-115126~Debian~stretch
- 2017-04-30(日)#p02 virtualbox-5.1 5.1.22-115126~Debian~stretch
- 2017-05-29(月)#p02 Debian 9 "Stretch"のリリースは6月17日に
- 2017-06-07(水)#p03 linux 4.11.3-1~exp1
- 2017-06-12(月)#p02 mikutter 3.5.8+dfsg-1
- 2017-06-18(日)#p02 Debian 9 "Stretch" released
- 2017-06-19(月)#p03 今日のunstable
- 2017-06-21(水)#p03 linux 4.11.6-1
- 2017-06-23(金)#p03 Bug #865644 - [mikutter] Mikutter crashes if open anyone's profile
- 2017-06-25(日)#p02 linux 4.11.6-1*その2
- 2017-06-28(水)#p02 xserver-xorg-video-ati 1:7.9.0-1
- 2017-06-30(金)#p03 Bug #866598 - 1.10.0+dfsg-5+b2 uninstallable: conflicts with debconf
- 2017-07-04(火)#p02 apt 1.5~beta1
- 2017-07-07(金)#p02 adwaita-icon-theme 3.24.0-1
- 2017-07-07(金)#p03 mikutter 3.5.9+dfsg-1
- 2017-07-11(火)#p03 Media player indicator
- 2017-07-13(木)#p02 Media player indicator*その2
- 2017-07-19(水)#p02 linux 4.11.11-1
- 2017-07-19(水)#p03 virtualbox-5.1 5.1.24-117012~Debian~stretch
- 2017-08-02(水)#p03 virtualbox-5.1 5.1.26-117224~Debian~stretch
- 2017-08-08(火)#p03 gdm3 3.24.2-3
- 2017-08-15(火)#p02 linux 4.12.6-1
- 2017-08-28(月)#p02 fonts-noto-cjk 1:1.004+repack3-2
- 2017-08-29(火)#p02 gedit-plugins 3.22.0-2
- 2017-09-01(金)#p02 Bug #873765 - gnome-tweak-tool: Error on start: GLib-GIO-ERROR **: Settings schema 'org.gnome.shell' does not contain a key named 'disable-user-extensions'
- 2017-09-04(月)#p02 マウス
- 2017-09-13(水)#p02 linux 4.12.12-2
- 2017-09-16(土)#p02 virtualbox-5.1 5.1.28-117968~Debian~stretch
- 2017-09-19(火)#p04 linux 4.12.13-1
- 2017-09-25(月)#p02 solaar 0.9.2+dfsg-8
- 2017-10-01(日)#p03 VirtualBox 5.1.28のExtensionの問題。
- 2017-10-02(月)#p02 Bug #876257 - libwebkit2gtk-4.0-37: blocks upgrade path for libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-0 1.12.3
- 2017-10-04(水)#p02 linux 4.13.4-1
- 2017-10-14(土)#p03 gnome-shell 3.26.1-2
- 2017-10-17(火)#p03 virtualbox-5.1 5.1.30-118389~Debian~stretch
- 2017-10-18(水)#p02 virtualbox-5.1 5.1.30-118389~Debian~stretch
- 2017-10-20(金)#p03 virtualbox-5.2 5.2.0-118431~Debian~stretch
- 2017-10-23(月)#p02 apt 1.6~alpha1
- 2017-10-24(火)#p03 debconf 1.5.64
- 2017-10-31(火)#p02 linux 4.13.10-1
- 2017-11-10(金)#p02 ffmpeg 7:3.4-2
- 2017-11-11(土)#p02 debian-devel-changes ML
- 2017-11-12(日)#p03 debian-devel-changes ML
- 2017-11-17(金)#p03 linux 4.13.13-1
- 2017-11-24(金)#p02 VirtualBox 5.2.2
- 2017-12-03(日)#p02 linux 4.14.2-1
- 2017-12-19(火)#p02 セキュリティ研究者向けのLinuxディストリビューション「Parrot 3.10」公開
- 2017-12-20(水)#p03 virtualbox-5.2 5.2.4-119785~Debian~stretch
- 2017-12-23(土)#p02 linux 4.14.7-1
- 2017-12-27(水)#p02 mikutter 3.6.0+dfsg-1
- 2018-01-07(日)#p02 vlc 3.0.0~rc4-3
- 2018-01-14(日)#p02 EP-880A
- 2018-01-17(水)#p03 virtualbox-5.2 5.2.6-120293~Debian~stretch
- 2018-01-20(土)#p02 DebianでEP-880Aのスキャナを使う
- 2018-02-02(金)#p02 Bug #889028 - minissdpd: Fails to install on Debian unstable
- 2018-02-03(土)#p02 Bug #889028 - minissdpd: Fails to install on Debian unstable
- 2018-02-06(火)#p03 GNOME Shell integration
- 2018-02-17(土)#p02 linux 4.14.17-1
- 2018-02-19(月)#p02 linux 4.15.4-1
- 2018-02-22(木)#p02 linux 4.15.4-1*その2
- 2018-03-03(土)#p03 materia-gtk-theme 20180110-1
- 2018-03-07(水)#p02 「Debian GNU/Linux」が“ストア”に登場
- 2018-03-11(日)#p02 GNOME 3.27.9x
- 2018-03-19(月)#p02 Bug #892037 - materia-gtk-theme: Please depend on gnome-themes-extra instead of transitional package
- 2018-03-20(火)#p03 GNOME Shellユーザテーマ
- 2018-03-25(日)#p02 Bug #888939 - gnome-shell-extensions: needs a plan for what will happen to "icons on the desktop" in GNOME >= 3.28
- 2018-03-30(金)#p03 nautilus
- 2018-03-31(土)#p02 materia-gtk-theme 20180321-1
- 2018-04-04(水)#p03 mikutter 3.6.5+dfsg-1
- 2018-04-05(木)#p02 Bug #894816 - [ruby-gtk2] mikutter doesn't start with error
- 2018-04-06(金)#p02 Bug #894816 - [ruby-gtk2] mikutter doesn't start with error*その2
- 2018-04-09(月)#p02 Bug #894816 - [ruby-gtk2] mikutter doesn't start with error*その3
- 2018-04-13(金)#p02 gnome-terminal 3.28.0-1
- 2018-04-16(月)#p03 nautilus 3.28.1-1
- 2018-04-18(水)#p03 virtualbox-5.2 5.2.10-122088~Debian~stretch
- 2018-04-20(金)#p03 linux 4.15.17-1
- 2018-04-29(日)#p02 gimp 2.10.0-2
- 2018-04-30(月)#p02 gimp 2.10.0-3
- 2018-05-01(火)#p02 gimp 2.10.0-3*その2
- 2018-05-06(日)#p02 linux 4.16.5-1
- 2018-05-11(金)#p02 virtualbox-5.2 5.2.12-122591~Debian~stretch
- 2018-05-16(水)#p02 GNOME 3.28.2 on wayland
- 2018-05-23(水)#p02 Bug #899340 - bluez: Syntax error in bluez preinst script: 28: : "fi" unexpected (expecting "done")
- 2018-05-24(木)#p02 Bug #899340 - bluez: Syntax error in bluez preinst script: 28: : "fi" unexpected (expecting "done")*その2
- 2018-05-28(月)#p02 linux 4.16.12-1
- 2018-06-02(土)#p02 Debianの再インストール
- 2018-06-03(日)#p02 GNOME + wayland + ibus-mozc
- 2018-06-05(火)#p02 UEFI環境でのデュアルブート
- 2018-06-07(木)#p03 今日のDebian unstable
- 2018-06-09(土)#p02 UEFI環境でのデュアルブート*その2
- 2018-06-14(木)#p02 GNOME on Waylandでフリーズ
- 2018-06-15(金)#p02 GNOME on Waylandでフリーズ*その2
- 2018-06-20(水)#p03 linux 4.16.16-1
- 2018-07-01(日)#p02 Bug-org 635134 : Firefox Wayland port
- 2018-07-02(月)#p02 xorg-server 2:1.20.0-3
- 2018-07-03(火)#p02 virtualbox 5.2.14-dfsg-1
- 2018-07-05(木)#p02 Bug #902897 - virtualbox: fails to start vm (VERR_LDRELF_RELOCATION_NOT_SUPPORTED)
- 2018-07-07(土)#p02 linux 4.17.3-1
- 2018-07-08(日)#p02 Bug #902897 - virtualbox: fails to start vm (VERR_LDRELF_RELOCATION_NOT_SUPPORTED)
- 2018-07-12(木)#p03 linux 4.17.6-1
- 2018-07-13(金)#p02 virtualbox 5.2.14-dfsg-2
- 2018-07-14(土)#p02 virtualbox 5.2.14-dfsg-4
- 2018-07-16(月)#p03 virtualbox 5.2.14-dfsg-5
- 2018-07-17(火)#p03 virtualbox 5.2.14-dfsg-7
- 2018-07-19(木)#p03 virtualbox 5.2.16-dfsg-1
- 2018-08-03(金)#p02 im-config 0.37-1
- 2018-08-16(木)#p02 virtualbox 5.2.18-dfsg-1
- 2018-08-27(月)#p02 Bug #905913 - sane-backends: Don't install into testing
- 2018-09-02(日)#p02 Bug #907466 - Package doesn't ship xml files anymore
- 2018-09-02(日)#p04 virtualbox-dkms 5.2.18-dfsg-2
- 2018-09-03(月)#p02 気になるメッセージ
- 2018-09-05(水)#p04 iso-codes 4.1-1
- 2018-09-06(木)#p04 gnome-shell 3.30.0-1
- 2018-09-07(金)#p02 Panel Date Format
- 2018-09-07(金)#p03 linux 4.18.6-1
- 2018-09-08(土)#p02 TopIcons
- 2018-09-08(土)#p03 Bug #908248 - linux-image-amd64: udev hung due to CCP, long shutdown due to process stuck
- 2018-09-11(火)#p02 Dash to Panel
- 2018-09-17(月)#p02 Bug #908248 - linux-image-amd64: udev hung due to CCP, long shutdown due to process stuck
- 2018-09-19(水)#p02 linux 4.18.8-1
- 2018-09-20(木)#p02 virtualbox-dkms 5.2.18-dfsg-2*その2
- 2018-09-23(日)#p02 ESC/P-R Driver 2
- 2018-09-24(月)#p03 新マシン調達からの進捗
- 2018-09-26(水)#p02 materia-gtk-theme 20180519-1
- 2018-09-27(木)#p03 gnome-mines 1:
- 2018-10-07(日)#p02 gnome-settings-daemon
- 2018-10-11(木)#p03 SimpleTray
- 2018-10-15(月)#p02 Bug #911067 - chromium: Conflict with chrome-gnome-shell /etc/chromium
- 2018-10-18(木)#p02 virtualbox 5.2.20-dfsg-1
- 2018-10-21(日)#p02 materia-gtk-theme 20180928-1
- 2018-10-21(日)#p04 cpufreq
- 2018-10-28(日)#p03 lm-sensors 1:3.4.0-4
- 2018-10-31(水)#p02 TopIcons Redux
- 2018-11-01(木)#p03 Bug #912315 - audacious-plugins >= 3.10 missed
- 2018-11-04(日)#p02 Bug #912721 - libasound2-plugins: Sound no longer works after latest update
- 2018-11-05(月)#p03 fstrim.timerでおかしな動作
- 2018-11-10(土)#p02 VirtualBox 5.2.22
- 2018-11-18(日)#p02 systemd-cron
- 2018-11-19(月)#p02 Bug #914074 - ln: failed to create symbolic link '/sbin/iptables': File exists
- 2018-11-23(金)#p02 linux 4.18.20-1
- 2018-11-26(月)#p02 Bug #913069 - transition: python3.7 as default
- 2018-11-29(木)#p02 fstrim.timerでおかしな動作*その2
- 2018-12-03(月)#p02 解決:fstrim.timerでおかしな動作*その3
- 2018-12-07(金)#p02 lm-sensors 1:3.5.0-1
- 2018-12-11(火)#p03 起動が遅い問題
- 2018-12-13(木)#p03 streamtuner2 2.2.1+dfsg-1
- 2018-12-14(金)#p02 streamtuner2 2.2.1+dfsg-1*その2
- 2018-12-15(土)#p02 streamtuner2 2.2.1+dfsg-1*その3
- 2018-12-18(火)#p02 linux-image-4.19.0-1-amd64-unsigned 4.19.9-1
- 2018-12-20(木)#p02 linux-image-4.19.0-1-amd64-unsigned 4.19.9-1*その2
- 2018-12-22(土)#p02 lm-sensors 1:3.5.0-3
- 2018-12-23(日)#p02 linux 4.19.12-1
- 2019-01-10(木)#p03 virtualbox-6.0 6.0.0-127566~Ubuntu~bionic
- 2019-01-13(日)#p02 virtualbox-6.0 6.0.0-127566~Ubuntu~bionic*その2
- 2019-01-16(水)#p02 firmware-nonfree 20190114-1
- 2019-01-17(木)#p02 virtualbox-6.0 6.0.2-128162~Ubuntu~bionic
- 2019-01-18(金)#p04 linux 4.19.16-1
- 2019-01-22(火)#p02 Applications Menu
- 2019-01-24(木)#p02 Updated Debian 9: 9.7 released
- 2019-01-25(金)#p02 Applications Menu*その2
- 2019-01-29(火)#p03 virtualbox-6.0 6.0.4-128413~Ubuntu~bionic
- 2019-02-05(火)#p04 desktop-base 10.0.0
- 2019-02-13(水)#p02 linux 4.19.20-1
- 2019-02-23(土)#p02 GNOME 3.31.91
- 2019-03-12(火)#p03 GNOME 3.22
- 2019-03-14(木)#p03 linux-signed-arm64 4.19.28+1
- 2019-03-22(金)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 5.0.2+1~exp1
- 2019-03-22(金)#p03 libreoffice 1:6.2.2-1
- 2019-03-25(月)#p02 im-config 0.41-1
- 2019-03-30(土)#p02 Volume Mixer
- 2019-04-01(月)#p02 Volume Mixer
- 2019-04-05(金)#p02 Animation Tweaks
- 2019-04-08(月)#p02 materia-gtk-theme 20190315-1
- 2019-04-10(水)#p02 Tweaks in System Menu
- 2019-04-16(火)#p02 Debian 10 Buster's Installer Reaches RC Phase - Finally Offers Secure Boot Support
- 2019-04-16(火)#p03 desktop-base 10.0.1
- 2019-04-17(水)#p02 VirtualBox 6.0.6
- 2019-04-20(土)#p03 base-files 10.2
- 2019-04-22(月)#p03 snd_hda_codec_realtek
- 2019-05-07(火)#p03 firmware-nonfree 20190502-1
- 2019-05-10(金)#p02 GNOME on Wayland
- 2019-05-13(月)#p02 TopIcons Redux
- 2019-05-15(水)#p02 VirtualBox 6.0.8
- 2019-06-12(水)#p04 Planned release of buster on 2019-07-06 and the last weeks up to the release
- 2019-07-01(月)#p03 Testing release images - Call for help
- 2019-07-07(日)#p02 Debian 10 "buster" has been released!
- 2019-07-08(月)#p02 今日のunstable
- 2019-07-12(金)#p02 Suite name for security updates changing with Debian 11 "bullseye"
- 2019-07-17(水)#p02 VirtualBox 6.0.10
- 2019-07-22(月)#p03 wayland 1.17.0-1
- 2019-08-09(金)#p02 linux 5.2.7-1
- 2019-08-21(水)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 5.2.9+1
- 2019-09-04(水)#p03 VirtualBox 6.0.12
- 2019-09-08(日)#p02 Suspend周りがおかしい?
- 2019-09-15(日)#p02 Status of GNOME 3.34 in Debian
- 2019-09-28(土)#p03 linux 5.2.17-1
- 2019-10-02(水)#p02 GNOME 3.34
- 2019-10-06(日)#p04 GNOME 3.34でのNumLockの動作がおかしい
- 2019-10-07(月)#p02 GNOME 3.34でのNumLockの動作がおかしい*その2
- 2019-10-10(木)#p03 mutter 3.34.1-1
- 2019-10-17(木)#p02 VirtualBox 6.0.12
- 2019-10-17(木)#p03 sudo 1.8.27-1.1
- 2019-10-21(月)#p02 Mpris Indicator Button
- 2019-10-22(火)#p03 linux-signed-amd64 5.3.7+1
- 2019-10-29(火)#p02 gvfs 1.42.1-2
- 2019-11-10(日)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 5.3.9+1
- 2019-11-14(木)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 5.3.9+2
- 2019-11-21(木)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 5.3.9+3
- 2019-12-09(月)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 5.3.15+1
- 2019-12-12(木)#p02 VirtualBox 6.1
- 2020-01-12(日)#p02 NVMe SSD
- 2020-01-13(月)#p02 Firefoxで英語配列キーボードになってしまう
- 2020-01-13(月)#p03 パッケージでインストールしてないアップリケーションをGNOMEのお気に入りに登録する
- 2020-01-15(水)#p02 Firefoxを起動するたびに音量がmaxになってしまう問題
- 2020-01-16(木)#p03 virtualbox 6.1.2-dfsg-1
- 2020-01-17(金)#p02 インターネットへの接続が切れることがある
- 2020-01-18(土)#p02 Driverless Printing
- 2020-01-19(日)#p02 イメージスキャナ
- 2020-01-20(月)#p03 linux-signed-amd64 5.4.13+1
- 2020-01-25(土)#p02 Piper
- 2020-01-27(月)#p02 インターネット接続が度々切断される
- 2020-02-03(月)#p02 libreoffice 1:6.4.0-1
- 2020-02-05(水)#p02 pulseeffects 4.7.1-1
- 2020-02-09(日)#p02 cups 2.3.1-5
- 2020-02-14(金)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 5.4.19+1
- 2020-02-18(火)#p02 Bug #891858 - offset negative related ( i think )
- 2020-02-22(土)#p02 virtualbox 6.1.4-dfsg-1
- 2020-03-03(火)#p02 インターネット接続が度々切断される*その2
- 2020-03-08(日)#p03 apt 2.0 release notes
- 2020-03-10(火)#p04 GNOME 3.36
- 2020-03-16(月)#p02 GNOME 3.36への対応状況
- 2020-03-22(日)#p03 Debian Testing Is Enabling WireGuard Within Their Linux Kernel Build
- 2020-03-23(月)#p02 Bug #954422 - transition: GNOME 3.36
- 2020-04-04(土)#p02 linux-image-5.5.0-1-amd64-unsigned 5.4.13-1
- 2020-04-09(木)#p03 linux-signed-amd64 5.5.13+2
- 2020-04-11(土)#p02 gnome-desktop3 3.36.1-2
- 2020-04-14(火)#p02 Bring Out Submenu Of Power OffLogout Button
- 2020-04-16(木)#p02 virtualbox 6.1.6-dfsg-1
- 2020-04-18(土)#p03 linux-signed-amd64 5.5.17+1
- 2020-04-19(日)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 5.5.17+1*その2
- 2020-04-22(水)#p02 How to identify window by clicking in Wayland
- 2020-04-28(火)#p03 linux-signed-amd64 5.5.17+1*その3
- 2020-04-30(木)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 5.6.7+1
- 2020-05-02(土)#p02 GNOME Shellがクラッシュ
- 2020-05-03(日)#p02 GNOME Shellがクラッシュ*その2
- 2020-05-05(火)#p02 GNOME Shellがクラッシュ*その3
- 2020-05-07(木)#p02 GNOME Shellがクラッシュ*その4
- 2020-05-07(木)#p03 linux-signed-amd64 5.6.7+1*その2
- 2020-05-08(金)#p02 GNOME Shellがクラッシュ*その5
- 2020-05-10(日)#p03 linux-signed-amd64 5.6.7+1*その3
- 2020-05-11(月)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 5.6.7+1*その4
- 2020-05-12(火)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 5.6.7+1*その5
- 2020-05-13(水)#p02 Bring Out Submenu Of Power OffLogout Button
- 2020-05-17(日)#p02 virtualbox 6.1.8-dfsg-1
- 2020-05-18(月)#p02 virtualbox 6.1.8-dfsg-1*その2
- 2020-05-26(火)#p03 linux-signed-amd64 5.6.14+1
- 2020-05-28(木)#p02 GNOME Shellがクラッシュ*その6
- 2020-06-04(木)#p03 gnome-shell 3.36.3-1
- 2020-06-07(日)#p03 virtualbox 6.1.10-dfsg-1
- 2020-06-08(月)#p02 virtualbox 6.1.10-dfsg-1*その2
- 2020-06-10(水)#p02 virtualbox 6.1.10-dfsg-1*その3
- 2020-06-11(木)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 5.6.14+2
- 2020-06-19(金)#p02 virtualbox 6.1.10-dfsg-1*そ4
- 2020-06-22(月)#p02 nautilus 3.36.3-1
- 2020-06-26(金)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 5.7.6+1
- 2020-06-29(月)#p02 Bug #963963 - chromium 83.0.4103.116-1 fails to install
- 2020-06-30(火)#p03 Bug #963963 - chromium 83.0.4103.116-1 fails to install*その2
- 2020-07-07(火)#p02 libreoffice 1:7.0.0~rc1-3
- 2020-07-16(木)#p02 VirtualBox 6.1.12
- 2020-07-17(金)#p02 Bug #965164 - policykit-1: fails to install
- 2020-07-27(月)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 5.7.10+1
- 2020-07-29(水)#p03 linux-signed-amd64 5.7.10+1
- 2020-07-31(金)#p03 ROG STRIX B550-F GAMINGのSuper I/O
- 2020-08-13(木)#p02 Asunderでfreedb.orgの代替サイトを設定する
- 2020-08-26(水)#p03 linux-signed-amd64 5.7.17+1
- 2020-09-07(月)#p02 solaar 1.0.3+dfsg-2
- 2020-09-08(火)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 5.8.7+1
- 2020-09-12(土)#p02 mutter 3.36.6-1
- 2020-09-15(火)#p02 GNOME 3.38
- 2020-09-20(日)#p02 GNOMEでウィンドウのクラスを知る方法
- 2020-09-21(月)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 5.8.10+1
- 2020-09-23(水)#p02 Bug #970722 - linux: Igc driver has /proc/net/dev stats issue
- 2020-09-27(日)#p02 nome-shell 3.38.0-2
- 2020-09-29(火)#p02 Simple Task Bar
- 2020-10-02(金)#p03 Dash to Panel
- 2020-10-10(土)#p02 cpufreq
- 2020-10-13(火)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 5.8.14+1
- 2020-10-15(木)#p02 Simpler Off Menu
- 2020-10-18(日)#p03 linux-signed-amd64 5.9.1+1
- 2020-10-28(水)#p03 Bug #973286 - fonts-noto: file conflict between fonts-noto-core and fonts-noto-mono
- 2020-11-01(日)#p02 RadeonでのHDMIオーディオ出力
- 2020-11-02(月)#p02 Bug #970722 - linux: Igc driver has /proc/net/dev stats issue
- 2020-11-04(水)#p02 RadeonでのHDMIオーディオ出力*その2
- 2020-11-06(金)#p02 RadeonでのHDMIオーディオ出力*その3
- 2020-11-07(土)#p02 RadeonでのHDMIオーディオ出力*その4
- 2020-11-08(日)#p04 RadeonでのHDMIオーディオ出力*その5
- 2020-11-09(月)#p02 bits from the release team: winter^Wfreeze is coming
- 2020-11-11(水)#p02 Bug #970722 - linux: Igc driver has /proc/net/dev stats issue
- 2020-11-11(水)#p03 linux-signed-amd64 5.9.6+1
- 2020-11-16(月)#p02 Bug #970722 - linux: Igc driver has /proc/net/dev stats issue
- 2020-11-20(金)#p02 linux 5.9.9-1
- 2020-11-23(月)#p02 CPUの動作周波数が正しく読めない?
- 2020-11-24(火)#p03 CPUの動作周波数が正しく読めない?*2
- 2020-11-28(土)#p02 cups 2.3.3op1-1
- 2020-11-29(日)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 5.9.11+1
- 2020-12-09(水)#p02 gedit 3.38.1-1
- 2020-12-18(金)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 5.9.15+1
- 2021-01-01(金)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 5.10.4+1
- 2021-01-02(土)#p02 gdm3の起動が遅い?
- 2021-01-06(水)#p03 fctix5-mozc
- 2021-01-07(木)#p03 fctix5-mozc*その2
- 2021-01-08(金)#p03 fctix5-mozc*その3
- 2021-01-11(月)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 5.10.5+1
- 2021-01-19(火)#p02 fcitx5 5.0.4-1
- 2021-01-20(水)#p02 fcitx5 5.0.4-2
- 2021-01-21(木)#p02 virtualbox 6.1.18-dfsg-1
- 2021-01-23(土)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 5.10.9+1
- 2021-02-03(水)#p03 linux-signed-amd64 5.10.12+1
- 2021-02-08(月)#p02 materia-gtk-theme 20200916-0.1
- 2021-02-08(月)#p03 linux-signed-amd64 5.10.13+1
- 2021-02-12(金)#p02 libreoffice 1:7.1.1~rc1-1
- 2021-02-17(水)#p02 Personalize
- 2021-02-21(日)#p02 desktop-base 11.0.1
- 2021-02-27(土)#p02 Plymouth
- 2021-03-03(水)#p02 Goodvibes
- 2021-03-04(木)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 5.10.19+1
- 2021-03-10(水)#p02 fish 3.1.2-3
- 2021-03-11(木)#p02 GNOME on Waylandでfcitx5が動かない
- 2021-03-12(金)#p03 GNOME on Waylandでfcitx5が動かない*その2
- 2021-03-22(月)#p02 Debian 11.0 Is Now Under A Hard Freeze
- 2021-03-22(月)#p03 linux-signed-amd64 5.10.24+1
- 2021-03-28(日)#p02 GNOME on Waylandでfcitx5が動かない*その3
- 2021-03-31(水)#p02 Status of GNOME 40 in Debian
- 2021-03-31(水)#p03 linux-signed-amd64 5.10.26+1
- 2021-04-01(木)#p03 fishで環境変数を一時的に設定して、コマンドを実行する方法
- 2021-04-10(土)#p02 ROG STRIX B550-F GAMING BIOS 2006*その2
- 2021-04-13(火)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 5.10.28+1
- 2021-04-19(月)#p02 Finding a tentative bullseye release date
- 2021-04-21(水)#p03 VirtualBox 6.1.20
- 2021-04-25(日)#p02 Debian Installer 11 "Bullseye" RC1 Released
- 2021-05-12(水)#p03 virtualbox 6.1.22-dfsg-1
- 2021-05-22(土)#p03 linux-signed-amd64 5.10.38+1
- 2021-05-30(日)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 5.10.40+1
- 2021-06-14(月)#p02 Full Freeze starts on 2021-07-17
- 2021-06-15(火)#p02 Debian 11 "Bullseye" Installer RC2 Released
- 2021-06-20(日)#p02 Debian 10.10 Released With Many Security/Bug Fixes, Updated FWUPD
- 2021-06-26(土)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 5.10.46+1
- 2021-07-05(月)#p02 gnome-desktop3 3.38.5-3
- 2021-07-21(水)#p02 linux 5.10.46-2
- 2021-07-23(金)#p03 Debian 11のリリース日は8月14日
- 2021-07-29(木)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 5.10.46+3
- 2021-07-30(金)#p02 VirtualBox 6.1.26
- 2021-08-04(水)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 5.10.46+4
- 2021-08-15(日)#p02 Debian 11 "bullseye" released
- 2021-08-16(月)#p02 libreoffice 1:7.1.5-1
- 2021-08-18(水)#p04 firmware-nonfree 20210427-1
- 2021-08-20(金)#p02 GNOME 40
- 2021-08-22(日)#p02 gnome-tweaks 40.0-2
- 2021-08-23(月)#p02 GNOME 40*その2
- 2021-09-01(水)#p02 gnome-tweaks 40.0-3
- 2021-09-02(木)#p02 gnome-tweaks 40.0-3*その2
- 2021-09-05(日)#p02 GNOME 40*その3
- 2021-09-13(月)#p02 GNOME 40*その4
- 2021-09-14(火)#p03 GNOME 40*その5 - No overview at start-up
- 2021-09-14(火)#p04 materia-gtk-theme 20210322-1
- 2021-09-21(火)#p03 GNOME 40*その6
- 2021-09-22(水)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 5.14.6+2
- 2021-09-26(日)#p02 Bug #886548 - libreoffice-common: Try to ship all AppArmor profiles in enforce mode
- 2021-09-29(水)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 5.14.6+3
- 2021-10-04(月)#p02 GoodvibesでOrganlive.comを聞くときのトラブル
- 2021-10-05(火)#p03 linux-signed-amd64 5.14.9+2
- 2021-10-13(水)#p02 GNOME 41
- 2021-10-16(土)#p04 linux-signed-amd64 5.14.12+1
- 2021-10-17(日)#p02 GNOME 41*その2
- 2021-10-21(木)#p02 virtualbox 6.1.28-dfsg-1
- 2021-10-22(金)#p02 Bring Out Submenu Of Power Off/Logout Button
- 2021-10-22(金)#p03 pipewire 0.3.39-1
- 2021-10-23(土)#p02 Volume Mixer
- 2021-10-23(土)#p03 pipewire 0.3.39-1*その2
- 2021-10-24(日)#p02 Volume Mixer
- 2021-10-24(日)#p03 pipewire 0.3.39-1*その3 - flat-volumes
- 2021-10-25(月)#p02 pipewire 0.3.39-1*その4 -WirePlumber
- 2021-10-28(木)#p02 pipewire 0.3.39-3 - no HDMI sound
- 2021-10-29(金)#p03 pipewire 0.3.39-3 - no HDMI sound*その2
- 2021-11-03(水)#p03 microsoft-edge-stable 95.0.1020.40-1
- 2021-11-05(金)#p03 linux-signed-amd64 5.14.16+1
- 2021-11-06(土)#p02 celluloid 0.20-2
- 2021-11-07(日)#p02 Bug #993293 - xsane: No Xsane menu in GIMP
- 2021-11-11(木)#p02 pipewire 0.3.39-4 - 出力デバイスがおかしくなる
- 2021-11-12(金)#p02 solaar 1.0.7+dfsg-1
- 2021-11-14(日)#p02 pipewire 0.3.40-1 - 動画再生の不具合
- 2021-11-19(金)#p02 pipewire 0.3.40-1 - 動画再生の不具合*その2
- 2021-11-21(日)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 5.15.3+1
- 2021-11-22(月)#p02 pipewire 0.3.40-1 - 動画再生の不具合*その3
- 2021-11-24(水)#p03 fcitx5 5.0.10-1
- 2021-11-26(金)#p02 pipewire 0.3.40-1 - 動画再生の不具合*その4
- 2021-11-28(日)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 5.15.5+1
- 2021-11-29(月)#p02 grub2 2.06-1
- 2021-12-02(木)#p02 nss 2:3.73-1
- 2021-12-12(日)#p03 adapta-gtk-theme
- 2021-12-13(月)#p02 pipewire 0.3.40-1 - 動画再生の不具合*その5
- 2021-12-14(火)#p02 pipewire 0.3.40-1 - 動画再生の不具合*その6
- 2021-12-19(日)#p02 pipewire 0.3.40-1 - 動画再生の不具合*その7
- 2021-12-23(木)#p04 linux-signed-amd64 5.15.5+2
- 2021-12-26(日)#p02 pipewire 0.3.40-1 - 動画再生の不具合*その8
- 2022-01-03(月)#p02 pipewire 0.3.40-1 - 動画再生の不具合*その9
- 2022-01-04(火)#p02 Internet Radio
- 2022-01-09(日)#p03 Smart Auto Move
- 2022-01-14(金)#p02 Sylpheedでのキーボード設定
- 2022-01-18(火)#p02 Smart Auto Move
- 2022-01-21(金)#p03 linux-signed-amd64 5.15.15+1
- 2022-01-25(火)#p02 cpu-x
- 2022-02-01(火)#p03 linux-signed-amd64 5.15.15+2
- 2022-02-02(水)#p02 Bug #993293 - xsane: No Xsane menu in GIMP
- 2022-02-04(金)#p02 pipewire 0.3.45-1
- 2022-02-06(日)#p02 fwupd-amd64-signed 1:1.2+2
- 2022-02-09(水)#p03 linux-signed-amd64 5.16.7+1
- 2022-02-11(金)#p02 fwupd-amd64-signed 1:1.2+3
- 2022-02-20(日)#p02 gnome-desktop 42~beta-1
- 2022-02-22(火)#p02 bsfilter 1:1.0.19-2.1
- 2022-02-24(木)#p03 sane-backends 1.1.1-3
- 2022-02-25(金)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 5.16.10+1
- 2022-02-26(土)#p02 Bug #1006352 - bsfiltger: "Cannot load such file -- sdbm (LoadError)"
- 2022-03-02(水)#p02 bsfilter 1:1.0.19-3
- 2022-03-04(金)#p02 pipewire 0.3.48-1
- 2022-03-07(月)#p02 papirus-icon-theme 20220302-1
- 2022-03-10(木)#p03 linux-signed-amd64 5.16.12+1
- 2022-03-15(火)#p03 Bits from the Release Team: bookworm freeze dates (preliminary)
- 2022-03-17(木)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 5.16.14+1
- 2022-03-19(土)#p02 Bug #1007906 - transition: mutter
- 2022-03-23(水)#p02 gdm3 42.0-1
- 2022-03-24(木)#p03 gjs 1.72.0-2
- 2022-03-27(日)#p02 ゴミ箱を開こうとするとGNOMEがクラッシュ
- 2022-03-27(日)#p03 Bug #1008487 - Opening trash causes to crash GNOME
- 2022-03-29(火)#p02 gnome-shell 42.0-2
- 2022-03-30(水)#p02 gnome-shell 42.0-2*その2
- 2022-03-31(木)#p03 linux-signed-amd64 5.16.18+1
- 2022-04-04(月)#p02 Bug #1007245 - gnome-control-center: Update to 42
- 2022-04-11(月)#p03 initramfs-tools 0.141
- 2022-04-14(木)#p02 cpufreq
- 2022-04-14(木)#p03 gnome-control-center 1:42.0-2
- 2022-04-16(土)#p02 gnome-shell-extension-prefs 42.0-3
- 2022-04-18(月)#p02 Dash to Panel
- 2022-04-21(木)#p04 linux-signed-amd64 5.17.3+1
- 2022-05-12(木)#p02 wireplumber 0.4.10-1
- 2022-05-13(金)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 5.17.6+1
- 2022-05-18(水)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 5.17.6+1.b1
- 2022-05-28(土)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 5.17.11+1
- 2022-06-05(日)#p02 fcitx5-frontend-fbterm 0.0~git20220315.620980b-2
- 2022-06-08(水)#p03 linux-signed-amd64 5.18.2+1
- 2022-06-19(日)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 5.18.5+1
- 2022-06-25(土)#p02 easyeffects 6.2.6-1
- 2022-07-04(月)#p02 gnome-control-center 1:42.3-1
- 2022-07-08(金)#p02 pipewire 0.3.54-1
- 2022-07-19(火)#p02 pipewire-audio-client-libraries 0.3.55-2
- 2022-07-20(水)#p04 pipewire 0.3.56-1
- 2022-07-23(土)#p02 virtualbox 6.1.36-dfsg-1
- 2022-07-24(日)#p02 fcitx5-configtool 5.0.14-2
- 2022-07-26(火)#p03 linux-signed-amd64 5.18.14+1
- 2022-07-31(日)#p02 EasyEffectsのプリセット
- 2022-08-05(金)#p02 pipewire 0.3.54-1
- 2022-08-05(金)#p03 qpwgraph
- 2022-08-11(木)#p02 Bug #1016881 - Please update chrome-gnome-shell to version 42
- 2022-08-12(金)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 5.18.16+1
- 2022-08-22(月)#p02 Status of GNOME 43 in Debian
- 2022-08-28(日)#p02 easyeffects 6.2.8-1+b1
- 2022-09-03(土)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 5.19.6+1
- 2022-09-05(月)#p02 ghex 43~alpha-3
- 2022-09-08(木)#p03 ghex 43~alpha-4
- 2022-09-12(月)#p03 Bug #1019556 - sse3-support: version 14 fails to install where version 13 installs fine due to different binary capitalization: test-sse3 vs test-SSE3
- 2022-09-13(火)#p02 Big #1019556 - sse3-support: version 14 fails to install where version 13 installs fine due to different binary capitalization: test-sse3 vs test-SSE3*その2
- 2022-09-15(木)#p02 wireplumber 0.4.11-5
- 2022-09-17(土)#p02 pipewire 0.3.58-1
- 2022-09-17(土)#p03 Emoji Selector
- 2022-09-18(日)#p02 Status of GNOME 43 in Debian
- 2022-09-19(月)#p02 nautilus 43.0-1
- 2022-09-24(土)#p02 残存設定ファイルの削除
- 2022-09-26(月)#p03 linux-signed-amd64 5.19.11+1
- 2022-09-28(水)#p02 gnome-shell 43.0-2
- 2022-10-02(日)#p02 Volume Mixer
- 2022-10-03(月)#p02 Status of GNOME 43 in Debian
- 2022-10-06(木)#p03 Bug #1021336 - libpam-modules-bin: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/man/man5/namespace.conf.5.gz'
- 2022-10-07(金)#p02 Bug #1021336 - libpam-modules-bin: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/man/man5/namespace.conf.5.gz'
- 2022-10-09(日)#p02 EnvironmentVariables
- 2022-10-16(日)#p02 Bug #1020616 - RFP: gnome-browser-connector -- GNOME Shell extensions integration for web browsers
- 2022-10-18(火)#p03 linux-signed-amd64 6.0.2+1
- 2022-10-23(日)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 6.0.3+1
- 2022-10-25(火)#p02 今日のunstable
- 2022-10-29(土)#p02 Quick Settings Tweaker
- 2022-10-30(日)#p03 linux-signed-amd64 6.0.5+1
- 2022-11-04(金)#p03 orchis-theme
- 2022-11-09(水)#p03 linux-signed-amd64 6.0.7+1
- 2022-11-12(土)#p02 Quick Settings Tweaker*その2
- 2022-11-13(日)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 6.0.8+1
- 2022-11-20(日)#p02 Bug #1021034 - nautilus: Strange reaction of mouse wheel in directory with many files
- 2022-11-23(水)#p03 Custom Reboot
- 2022-11-25(金)#p02 fcitx5 5.0.20-1
- 2022-11-26(土)#p02 virtualbox 7.0.4-dfsg-3
- 2022-11-28(月)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 6.0.10+1
- 2022-12-01(木)#p04 virtualbox 7.0.4-dfsg-4
- 2022-12-02(金)#p02 virtualbox 7.0.4-dfsg-4*その2
- 2022-12-03(土)#p02 virtualbox 7.0.4-dfsg-4*その3
- 2022-12-11(日)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 6.0.12+1
- 2022-12-11(日)#p03 mpv 0.35.0-3
- 2022-12-16(金)#p02 mpv 0.35.0-3*その2
- 2022-12-25(日)#p02 gnome-browser-connector 42.1-1
- 2022-12-26(月)#p02 Bug 960696 - chrome-gnome-shell: /usr/share/applications/org.gnome.ChromeGnomeShell.desktop is misconfigured
- 2022-12-28(水)#p03 gnome-browser-connector 42.1-2
- 2022-12-30(金)#p02 Orchis-themeとDash to Panelの相性
- 2023-01-09(月)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 6.1.4+1
- 2023-01-10(火)#p02 Orchis theme installed in libadwaita does not follow Light/Dark switching #243
- 2023-01-12(木)#p03 nautilus 43.2-1
- 2023-01-15(日)#p02 CUPSNewArchitecture
- 2023-01-21(土)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 6.1.7+1
- 2023-01-25(水)#p03 Night Theme Switcher
- 2023-01-27(金)#p02 Night Theme Switcher*その2
- 2023-01-30(月)#p02 Trash Indicator
- 2023-01-30(月)#p03 virtualbox 7.0.6-dfsg-1
- 2023-01-31(火)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 6.1.8+1
- 2023-02-05(日)#p02 non-free-firmware is now autobuilt
- 2023-02-06(月)#p03 non-free-firmware
- 2023-02-10(金)#p02 かな漢字変換の候補ウィンドウの描画が変
- 2023-02-11(土)#p02 かな漢字変換の候補ウィンドウの描画が変*その2
- 2023-02-12(日)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 6.1.11+1
- 2023-02-14(火)#p03 Bug #1031247 - systemd-cron: trying to overwrite '/etc/cron.yearly/.placeholder', which is also in package systemd-cron
- 2023-02-15(水)#p03 systemd-cron 1.15.19-5
- 2023-02-16(木)#p03 Bug #993293 - xsane: No Xsane menu in GIMP
- 2023-02-17(金)#p03 linux-signed-amd64 6.1.12+1
- 2023-02-28(火)#p02 DebianArtThemesEmerald
- 2023-03-05(日)#p02 今日のUnstable
- 2023-03-07(火)#p03 Debian APT 2.6 Released With Updates For Non-Free Firmware Handling
- 2023-03-08(水)#p03 linux-signed-amd64 6.1.15+1
- 2023-03-15(水)#p03 AppIndicator and KStatusNotifierItem Support V53
- 2023-03-17(金)#p02 AppIndicator and KStatusNotifierItem Support V53*その2
- 2023-03-17(金)#p03 Bits from the Release Team: bookworm in hard freeze
- 2023-03-19(日)#p03 Orchis theme
- 2023-03-21(火)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 6.1.20+1
- 2023-03-28(火)#p03 GNOME 44
- 2023-04-04(火)#p02 Debian Installer Bookworm RC 1 release
- 2023-04-12(水)#p05 linux-signed-amd64 6.1.20+2
- 2023-04-20(木)#p02 virtualbox 7.0.8-dfsg-1
- 2023-04-24(月)#p03 linux-signed-amd64 6.1.25+1
- 2023-04-28(金)#p02 Debian 12 "Bookworm"のリリースは6月10日予定
- 2023-05-11(木)#p04 linux-signed-amd64 6.1.27+1
- 2023-06-05(月)#p02 Bits from the Release Team: bookworm nearly ready for release
- 2023-06-11(日)#p02 Debian 12 "bookworm" released
- 2023-06-12(月)#p02 今日のunstable
- 2023-06-14(水)#p02 gdm-settings 3.1-3
- 2023-06-15(木)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 6.3.7+1
- 2023-06-16(金)#p02 AppIndicator and KStatusNotifierItem Support V53*その2
- 2023-06-19(月)#p02 GrimRipper
- 2023-06-23(金)#p02 GNOME 44
- 2023-06-25(日)#p02 gnome-mahjongg 1:3.40.0-1
- 2023-07-04(火)#p04 linux-signed-amd64 6.3.11+1
- 2023-07-09(日)#p02 grimripper 3.0.2-1
- 2023-07-22(土)#p02 GNOME 44
- 2023-07-24(月)#p03 gdm-settings 3.1-3*その2
- 2023-07-24(月)#p04 linux-signed-amd64 6.4.4+1
- 2023-07-31(月)#p02 GNOME 44
- 2023-08-01(火)#p03 Debian、RISC-Vを正式なアーキテクチャとしてサポートへ
- 2023-08-02(水)#p03 linux-signed-amd64 6.4.4+2
- 2023-08-07(月)#p03 Bug #1043144 - transition: mutter/gnome-shell 44
- 2023-08-14(月)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 6.4.4+3
- 2023-08-17(木)#p02 Bug #1049458 - celluloid: fails to start due to failed assertion in stream.c
- 2023-08-19(土)#p02 Bug #1049458 - celluloid: fails to start due to failed assertion in stream.c
- 2023-08-20(日)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 6.4.11+1
- 2023-08-20(日)#p03 Bug #1049458 - celluloid: fails to start due to failed assertion in stream.c
- 2023-08-21(月)#p03 gnome-shell 44.3-4
- 2023-08-22(火)#p02 Bug #1050096 - virtualbox-dkms: Does not build on 6.4.0-3-amd64
- 2023-08-26(土)#p02 Bug #1050096 - virtualbox-dkms: Does not build on 6.4.0-3-amd64
- 2023-08-27(日)#p02 celluloid 0.25-2
- 2023-09-02(土)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 6.4.13+1
- 2023-09-06(水)#p02 grimripper 3.0.2-2
- 2023-09-07(木)#p02 virtualbox-ext-pack 7.0.10-2
- 2023-09-08(金)#p02 Emoji Copy
- 2023-09-15(金)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 6.5.3+1
- 2023-09-19(火)#p02 GNOME 45
- 2023-09-25(月)#p02 AMD P-State
- 2023-10-01(日)#p02 AMD P-State*その2
- 2023-10-02(月)#p02 AMD P-State*その3
- 2023-10-03(火)#p02 GNOMEでのキーボードレイアウト
- 2023-10-09(月)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 6.5.6+1
- 2023-10-09(月)#p03 Bug #1053703 - orca: Incorrect required dependency
- 2023-10-17(火)#p03 Bug #1051241 - headsup for gtk + pipewire update
- 2023-10-18(水)#p03 helvum 0.5.1-1
- 2023-10-19(木)#p02 network-manager 1.44.2-2
- 2023-10-23(月)#p02 libreoffice 4:7.5.8~rc1-2
- 2023-10-24(火)#p03 linux-signed-amd64 6.5.8+1
- 2023-10-28(土)#p02 transition: mutter/gnome-shell 45
- 2023-11-04(土)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 6.5.10
- 2023-11-21(火)#p03 network-manager 1.44.2-5
- 2023-11-25(土)#p02 Bug #1021950 - Please upgrade Bazel to version 5.0.0
- 2023-11-28(火)#p03 pipewire 1.0.0-1
- 2023-11-28(火)#p04 libreoffice 4:7.6.3-1
- 2023-12-01(金)#p03 linux-signed-amd64 6.5.13+1
- 2023-12-10(日)#p02 thunderbird 1:115.5.2-1
- 2023-12-21(木)#p02 Debian、近い将来i386サポートを終了へ
- 2023-12-24(日)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 6.6.8+1
- 2024-01-03(水)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 6.6.9+1
- 2024-01-14(日)#p02 Bug #967764 - sylpheed: depends on deprecated GTK 2
- 2024-01-16(火)#p03 linux-signed-amd64 6.6.11+1
- 2024-01-21(日)#p02 linux-headers-6.6.9-amd64
- 2024-01-24(水)#p04 linux-signed-amd64 6.6.13+1
- 2024-02-03(土)#p02 64-bit time_t transition in progress
- 2024-02-06(火)#p02 Debian、32ビットの「2038年問題」に対応へ
- 2024-02-13(火)#p02 Bug #1063804 - FTBFS: depmod: FATAL: could not search modules: No such file or directory
- 2024-02-14(水)#p02 Bug #1063804 - FTBFS: depmod: FATAL: could not search modules: No such file or directory
- 2024-02-18(日)#p02 GNOME 45
- 2024-02-23(金)#p02 Bug #1055694 - /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/klibc-utils: cp: warning: behavior of -n is non-portable and may change in future; use --update=none instead
- 2024-02-26(月)#p02 Bug #1064267 - fontconfig 2.15 breaks color emoji
- 2024-03-04(月)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 6.7.7+1
- 2024-03-11(月)#p03 fontconfig 2.15.0-1.1
- 2024-03-12(火)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 6.7.9+1
- 2024-03-16(土)#p02 time_t 64 transition
- 2024-03-17(日)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 6.7.9+2
- 2024-03-18(月)#p03 Bug #1067031 - apache2-bin: Probably wrong dependency.
- 2024-03-31(日)#p02 xz-utils 5.6.1+really5.4.5-1
- 2024-04-02(火)#p02 Linuxのwallコマンドにパスワード流出につながる脆弱性、更新を
- 2024-04-04(木)#p02 Bug #1067486 - Depends: grub-common (= 2.12-1) but it is not going to be installed
- 2024-04-05(金)#p03 grub-efi-amd64-signed 1+2.12+1.1
- 2024-04-10(水)#p02 apt changelog
- 2024-04-25(木)#p02 gnome-tweaks 46.0-2
- 2024-04-25(木)#p03 linux-signed-amd64 6.7.12+1
- 2024-05-17(金)#p03 linux-signed-amd64 6.8.9+1
- 2024-05-27(月)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 6.8.11+1
- 2024-06-03(月)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 6.8.12+1
- 2024-06-09(日)#p02 GrimRipper no longer works with GNUDB
- 2024-06-21(金)#p02 Bug #1050237 - transition: mutter/gnome-shell 45
- 2024-06-22(土)#p02 Bug #1050237 - transition: mutter/gnome-shell 45
- 2024-06-28(金)#p03 linux-signed-amd64 6.9.7+1
- 2024-07-11(木)#p02 transition: mutter/gnome-shell 46
- 2024-07-13(土)#p03 gnome-shell 46.3.1-2
- 2024-07-15(月)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 6.9.9+1
- 2024-07-21(日)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 6.9.10+1
- 2024-07-27(土)#p02 linux-signed-amd64 6.9.11+1
- 2024-07-29(月)#p03 linux-signed-amd64 6.9.12+1